MY DECLARATION ....Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal: Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent:
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal: Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent:
Notice is Law; ignorance of the law is no excuse; as it is written; it shall be done;
Acceptance of Oath of Office
Let it be known by these words that the Oaths and bonds of all public officers are hereby accepted and confirmed and I hereby bind them to it, who by fealty and homage bear faith in opposition to all men without any saving or exception, to protect the King and his property from belligerents. I bestow my sovereign immunity on them while administering my lawful orders. This public record under the seal of a competent court is guaranteed full faith and credit per Article 4 Section 1 of your Constitution;
i, a man/woman, (YOUR NAME): Declare,
i am, at peace with all mankind;
i, affirm the word of i, is the bond of i;
i, claim,
to all public servants, including but not limited to any Federal, State, or Local corporate government(s): i, a man, (YOUR NAME): accept your oath of office as your firm and binding contract between you and i, a man: one of the People, whereby you have promised to serve, protect, and defend i, a man: guarantee all of my unalienable rights, and defend the Constitution for the united States of America and the UK: any/all political, private, or public entities, International, Federal, State, or Local corporate government(s), private International Organisation(s), Municipality(ies), Corporate agent(s), informant(s), investigator(s) et. al., and/or third party(ies) working in collusion to deny i, a man: of my right to life, freedom and property will be held to account and fees paid in lawful monies by any and all acting officer (s), due to any and all orders, enforced, under colour of law; such as: Traffic revenue stops, Asserting and enforcing any false claims and false claims of Jurisdiction, Pillage, Barratry, Entrapment, Enslavement, Probate fraud, Fiduciary Trust Fraud, unilateral adhesion contracts, Identity theft, Piracy,Enfranchisement, press-ganging, Unlawful conscription and conversion of assets;
Through the grace of the Creator, and retroactively to my declared date of creation, (Your DOB), this declaration is an expression of my civil status as An UK/American National.
This statement supersedes all previous presumptions by any legitimate authorities or impostors impersonating legitimate authorities or who are currently impersonating lawful public servants in fraud and dishonour.
The flesh lives; the blood flows. We are sovereign and nothing stands between myself and the divine.
We are all born living breathing men and women, (wo)man) ....... divine spirits....
... light beings.... kings and queens owned by no one........ Our Creator given birthright that no one can take away....
Masters of our destiny, Masters of our castles, shared owners of the land, the water, and resources… There for all to live on and enjoy in peaceful harmony… Making sure to care for our beautiful Earth: i, a man, come in peace;
from the beginning, with Creator as my witness, i:(YOUR NAME), a true man of Creator, acknowledge all blessings given by Creator, repent all transgressions against Creator, and waive all claims without Creator.
i; say, all here to be true and will verify at common law open court;