The Hidden!: UK: Extinction Rebellion holds cycle-demo to 'reclaim our streets' amid ...


18 May 2020

UK: Extinction Rebellion holds cycle-demo to 'reclaim our streets' amid ...


#Bravo Extinction Rebellion activists cycled through London's Hackney on Sunday, as part of a nationwide series of physically-distanced actions, calling for the government to prioritise the population's health as the coronavirus lockdown begins to ease. Footage shows the activists riding in the middle of the streets, wearing vests and flags with the Extinction Rebellion symbol. "It's to reclaim the streets, to try and make sure that the world doesn't just go back to normal and cars and busyness and try and show that the streets could be used for more things than just business," said one activist. "And this group in particular, it was cycling around Hackney, but in the UK there are lots of other groups like this one. And, we cycled in the middle of the street, just to reclaim our streets because it's always full of cars now," said another activist.

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