πππππππ☮️#Adrian #vibrations #cymatics #magic We experience reality through our interpretation of vibrational frequencies. EVERYTHING is vibrating. Vibrations create reality which you could say is "sung" into being. Cymatics give a visible indication of what frequencies do to physical matter. It is worth looking into solfeggio frequencies. For example geneticists use 528hz to heal damaged DNA. The old hymns used to be sung at the solfeggio frequencies where people would heal themselves through song. The churches put paid to that. 2 videos on cymatics to watch (these are mentioned in Pao Chang's book Word Magic: Resonance Experiment! (Full Version - With Tones) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yaqU... CYMATICS: Science Vs. Music - Nigel Stanford (31 million views) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3oIt... With that in mind you might want to take a look at the work of Pao Chang. This video can get you started: The Power of Words and Why Words Can Manifest Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfWtO... His website Esoteric Knowledge is very interesting: https://esotericknowledge.me/ To read his really interesting book I was referring to Word Magic The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words: https://amzn.to/3ez8sAS Also the work of Dr Masaru Emoto is worth looking at: https://www.facebook.com/Dr.MasaruEmoto Royal Raymond rife is also worth a look. Dr Royal Raymond Rife-Rare Documentary.π¬Rife Research Laboratory https://youtu.be/aTlgCLkF-jc