
6 Jul 2020

DARPA's Insidious Eclectic Transformation of Humanity into Synthetic Entities

DARPA's Insidious Eclectic Transformation of Humanity into Synthetic


If your not already horrified by what your government does in public, behold some of the shadier things they get up to that will make you want to barf.

The program is about protecting you from biological, chemical and
viral threats. It is utilizing a completely new approach. The program
was initiated by DARPA on December 4, 2019, 8:00 AM EST. The
Personalized Protective Biosystem (PPB) program aims to reduce
protective equipment needs while increasing protection against
existing and future CB threats with:

1) reactive materials that prevent threat agent access to the body;
2) a configurable barrier countermeasure that neutralizes threat
agents at vulnerable points of entry (i.e., skin, airway, ocular).
The program will leverage molecular components or commensal
organisms at key points of vulnerability to remove protective
equipment burden from the user. Successful PPB technologies would
therefore change how the military and public health communities
perform in unpredictable threat environments.

Building reactive materials that you can wear. Skintight materials like
a snakeskin, less that a pound with no thermal ability. It must be
worn at the eyes, throat, and whole skin to be safe. It would be a
shroud that protects you from known and emerging chemical and
biological threats.

The second part of the program is using synthetic biology that would
live or in you to protect you at your tissue barriers. Barriers were
created by God to keep you safe but as these barriers are degraded
science is offering you a synthetic barrier. 

There is a wave of SynBio right now. SynBio is where scientists use
bacteria and other products to work for us. That usually happens in a
Bioreactor or fermenter in a factory or warehouse somewhere but
now it is coming to your microbiome. DARPA is going to use the
same bacteria and processes that are used in drug manufacturing and
other industrial processes. In other words, you literally become a
synthetic factory! Your body becomes the factory manufacturing the
compounds that they promise will protect you. In its primitive state
this is what GMO food does to your gastrointestinal system, turns it
into a living pesticide factory. We all know how well that worked out
for humanity with a surge in detrimental health problems.
Given DARPA’s proclivity for swarming these synthetic entities will
have swarming capability that can rapidly overtake a normal human.
There are companies actually doing clinical trials right now where you
can take in certain bacteria that can live in your body that make
product to protect you from toxins, treat irritable bowel disorder, and
even go so far is to replace your organ function such as your kidneys.
These bacteria in theory would process the toxic waste products from
your blood that the kidneys would typically accomplish. DARPA
believes that this is fantastic.

In essence, what this is doing is engineering your own synthetic
microbiome. You must understand that your microbiome controls
your whole body, everything from your organs, blood, brain,
hormones, and more. You are translated into a synthetic or artificial
being or entity.

DARPA wants to bring in other types of organisms that can live on
and in you. These are foreign invaders who have “evolved” over
millions of years and have potential to live within you in a proposed
symbiotic way (you scratch my back, I will scratch yours) known as
commensal relationship. Commensalism is a type of relationship
where one of the organisms benefits greatly from the symbiosis. The
other is not helped but is not harmed or damaged from the
relationship. In other words, this is a one-sided symbiotic

DARPA is going to engineer and gene-edit these ancient entities that
they plan to make ubiquitous to protect us. They can produce
antibodies, vaccines, compounds that interact with bacteria or
viruses or even chemical agents and enzymes. Once again,
supposedly breaking them down before they can hurt us.
A BCM that when inhaled or applied to the eyes or skin must
neutralize diverse chemical and biological agents before they can
impact the individual.

a. BCM solutions should be a ‘plug and play’ format; such that the
platform will accommodate reconfiguration against different agents.
b. Increasing the “catalog” of threats protected against by BCM
should not compromise breadth of CB threat protection.
c. Rapid (within minutes), and long-lasting (30 days) protection will be
d. Living organism-based BCM approaches should include multiple
safeguards such as “toggle switches” for activation and deactivation
in the body.
In essence, we have a constant circulating or “presence” within our
body. This presence enters us through the air, our eyes, absorbed
through our skin, or ingested. This commensal action will give a
person 30-day protection.
PPB is a physical solution and a biological “Solution” that will live on
us and in us to protect us thereby eliminating the need for God’s

At this time, it is a temporary alteration as they work the bugs out but
it could become permanent at any time. There is an “on and off
switch” or a kills witch as it is known. That may sound good but your
controllers can turn these switches on and off at will. The teams
designing this system have been given orders to demonstrate the
ability to turn off their system within 1 hour. You also have to be able
to turn this SynBio within an hour.

This is a 5-year program and all of humanity will merge with SynBio
by 2025. Proposing teams must be multidisciplinary with expertise in 
nanocomposite, smart textiles, smart molecular or nanoscale
sorbents, commensal organisms, gene and protein expression
systems, immunogenicity, metabolomics, and medical device
development. Proposing teams are strongly encouraged to include
expertise across fields, as well as with industry partners familiar with
FDA or equivalent regulatory approvals.

Personalized Protective Biosystem (PPB) Proposers Day (Archived)
Personalized Protective Biosystem (PPB)

Dr. Eric Van Gieson

The Proposers Day will include brief overview presentations by government
personnel as well as an information session to respond to questions from

The Biological Technologies Office is holding a Proposers Day
meeting and webinar covering the new Personalized Protective
Biosystem (PPB) program. PPB aims to develop technology that
reduces the need for burdensome protective equipment while
increasing individual protection against chemical and biological
threats. The program comprises two technical areas: 1) reactive
materials that prevent threat agent access to the body; 2) a
configurable barrier countermeasure that neutralizes threat agents at
vulnerable points of entry (i.e., skin, airway, ocular).

Additional details, including registration instructions, are available at The registration deadline is November 26,
2019, at 12:00 PM EST or when capacity is reached. We will continue
to accept webinar only registrations through December 2, 2019, or
until webinar capacity is reached.

Please address administrative questions to DARPA-SN-20- and refer to the PPB Proposers Day (DARPA-SN-20-10)
in all correspondence.

DARPA hosts Proposers Days to provide potential performers with
information on whether and how they might respond to the
Government’s research and development solicitations and to increase
efficiency in proposal preparation and evaluation. Therefore, the PPB
Proposers Day is open only to registered potential applicants, and not
to the media or general public.
DARPA anticipates sharing additional program details in a
forthcoming Broad Agency Announcement to be posted to the website.
Special Notice (SN) DARPA-SN-20-10: Personalized Protective
Biosystem (PPB) Proposers Day
Contract Opportunity
Notice ID
Related Notice
Department/Ind. Agency



General Information
 Contract Opportunity Type: Special Notice (Original)
 All Dates/Times are: (UTC-04:00) EASTERN STANDARD TIME,
 Original Published Date: Nov 18, 2019 01:16 pm EST
 Original Response Date: Nov 26, 2019 12:00 pm EST
 Inactive Policy: 15 days after response date
 Original Inactive Date: Dec 11, 2019
 Initiative:
o None
 Original Set Aside:
 Product Service Code:
 NAICS Code: 541714 - Research and Development in Biotechnology
(except Nanobiotechnology)
 Place of Performance:


The Biological Technologies Office (BTO) of the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is hosting a Proposers Day for the
potential proposer community in support of a planned Broad Agency
Announcement (BAA) for the PPB Program. The Proposers Day will be
held on December 4, 2019 from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM ET at the George
Mason University Auditorium. Advance registration is required. The event
will be webcast to provide limited interaction for those who would like to
participate remotely. Presentations and discussion will be broadcast via the
webcast; however, interaction with webcast attendees will limited. Webcast
attendees will have the chance to submit questions prior to close of the
meeting. It is strongly encouraged to attend the Proposers Day in person.
Advance registration is required for both the physical meeting and the
webcast. Note, all times listed in this announcement and on the registration
website are Eastern Time. Please see Special Notice attachment for more
detailed information.

PPB Program Overview: DARPA is soliciting innovative proposals that will
simultaneously reduce protective equipment needs, while increasing
protection for the individual against chemical and biological (CB) threats. 
The capability to provide unburdened CB protection will maximize time on
target for the stability operator, provide operational flexibility, and enable
prolonged military operations in remote and diverse threat environments
regardless of the threat. The program comprises two Technical Areas
(TAs): TA1 - reactive materials that prevent CB agent access to the body;
and TA2 - a configurable barrier countermeasure (BCM) that neutralizes
CB agents at vulnerable points of entry (i.e., skin, airway, ocular). TA1
Prevent contact: Performers will develop platforms that, when applied or
worn, instantly prevent the wearer from coming in contact with CB threats.
The design should also reduce the donning process to less than 10
minutes. Additionally, these platforms will be available to the warfighter or
stability operations operator with near-zero logistical burden. Further,
accidental crosscontamination should be eliminated by the platform’s ability
to inactivate, sequester, and/or eliminate attachment of agents. TA2
Configurable barrier countermeasure: This technical area will provide
neutralization at one or all of the vulnerable tissue barriers (airway, ocular,
or skin interfaces), as necessary, to protect against agent exposure from
DARPA-selected agents. This will supplement TA1’s protective barrier by
providing persistent, offsetting, and orthogonal protection against threats
that may penetrate the outer layer material or contact the wearer during
doffing procedures. Additionally, the BCM will be expected to function
independently of the TA1 system for certain Concept of Operations
(CONOPS) where a material-based platform is not possible. Newly adapted
BCM platforms will increase CB protection breadth and specificity without
sacrificing the protection against the original catalog of CB agents.
Proposals for the PPB program should include approaches to achieve the
following: 1. Biological, molecular, or nano composite smart textiles that
prevent multiple toxic chemical and biological agents from penetrating, and
coming in contact with the body. a. Material solutions should be lightweight,
breathable, and both weather and abrasion resistant. b. Deployability and
repeated use for up to 30 days in austere and low-infrastructure
environments should be considered. c. Near instantaneous protection will
be required. 2. A BCM that when inhaled or applied to the eyes or skin
must neutralize diverse chemical and biological agents before they can
impact the individual. a. BCM solutions should be a ‘plug and play’ format;
such that the platform will accommodate reconfiguration against different
agents. b. Increasing the “catalog” of threats protected against by BCM
should not compromise breadth of CB threat protection. c. Rapid (within
minutes), and long-lasting (30 days) protection will be required. d. Living
organism-based BCM approaches should include multiple safeguards such 
as “toggle switches” for activation and deactivation in the body. Specifically
excluded is research that involves: 1. Repurposing or elaboration of textiles
or material composites that burden the operator with thermal, mechanical,
or operational logistics. 2. Approaches that are individualized and precision
medicine based (i.e., autologous). 3. Platforms incapable of
reconfiguration. 4. Platforms without ‘Off’ switches for either organism gene
expression control or organism population management. 5. Formulation
and delivery solutions incompatible with hand-held delivery and storage
considerations associated with austere, low-infrastructure environments. 6.
Sole use of animal model systems or model system assays that are not
generally accepted as representative of the respective indication.
Proposals that employ the approaches described in the above list may be
deemed non-responsive and may not be considered for review. TEAMING
DARPA highly encourages teaming before proposal submission, highly
suggesting proposers mediate the active formation of teams with the
necessary expertise in advance of, or during Proposers Day. Proposers
Day registrants may choose to participate in either, none or both of the
following options: 1. Attendee List (Publicly available): participant contact
information (name, organization, email address) will be included on a
Proposers Day Attendee List published on the BTO Opportunities website.
The registration website will ask registrants to indicate whether they
approve publication of their contact information. 2. Proposer Profile List
(Limited distribution): interested parties shall submit a one-page profile
consisting of their contact information (name, organization, email,
telephone number, mailing address and, if applicable, organization
website); a brief description of their technical competencies; and, if
applicable, their desired expertise from other teams/organizations.
PRESENTATIONS Interested attendees are invited to present a brief oneslide PowerPoint summary of their interests and capabilities (see
Attachment 1 – lightning talk slide template). These will be presented
during 3-minute “lightning” presentations at Proposers Day. Presentations
consisting of multiple slides will not be granted a time slot. Attendees may
also choose to present a poster (see Attachment 2 – poster template)
describing their research interests that will be available for viewing and
interaction for the duration of Proposers Day. Those interested may submit
both a lightning talk and a poster. Lightning talk and/or poster submissions
will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis until time constraints
(lightning talks) or physical capacity (posters) is reached. Lightning talk
submissions are restricted to those attending the physical meeting. Profiles,
presentations, and posters must be emailed to DARPA-SN-20- no later than 12:00 PM EST on November 26. 2019. On
November 27, 2019 beginning at 5:00 PM EST, those registered will be
able to view all profiles, presentations, and posters to facilitate collaboration
and teaming discussions prior to Proposers Day. Specific content,
communications, networking, and team formation are the sole responsibility
of the participants. Neither DARPA nor the Department of Defense (DoD)
endorses the documents submitted, nor does DARPA or DoD exercise any
responsibility for improper dissemination of information provided in profiles,
presentations, or posters. Registration Information: PLEASE NOTE:
Registration for in-person attendance closes on November 26. 2019 at
12:00 PM EST or when capacity is reach and webinar registration will close
on December 2, 2019 at 12:00 PM EST or when webinar capacity is
reached. Registration is limited by the venue capacity, and early
registration is strongly recommended. There will be no on-site registration.
Participants must register in advance through the registration website.
There will not be a registration fee for the Proposers Day. Early registration
is strongly recommended. Due to space limitations, attendance for the
Proposers Day will be limited to the first 300 registrants. Remote
participation via webcast is limited to 500 participants. Interested parties
are encouraged to coordinate attendance internally within their
organizations prior to registration. Attendance is limited to no more than
two representatives per division/department. Individuals who are unable to
register because the deadline has occurred or capacity has been reached,
will be added to a waitlist. If slots remain open after registration closes or
become available due to cancellations, the slots will be filled on a firstcome, first-served basis from the waitlist. An online registration form and
various other meeting details can be found at the registration website, All attendees are
required to present government-issued photo identification upon entry to
the event. Non-US citizens are required to submit a DARPA Form 60 (U.S.
Permanent Resident and Foreign National Visit Request) no later than
Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at 12:00 PM ET. This form and submission
instructions will be provided in the registration confirmation email. Further
administrative questions should be addressed to DARPA-SN-20- Please refer to the PPB Proposers Day (DARPA-SN-20-10)
in all correspondence. This announcement is not a request for proposals;
any sent will be disregarded. DARPA hosts Proposers Days to provide
potential performers with information on whether and how they might
respond to the Government’s research and development solicitations; and
to increase efficiency in proposal preparation and evaluation. Therefore, 
Proposers Days are open only to registered potential proposers. This SN is
issued solely for information and potential new program planning purposes;
the SN does not constitute a formal solicitation for proposals or proposal
abstracts. In accordance with FAR 15.201(e), responses to this notice are
not offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding
contract. Submission is voluntary and is not required to propose to
subsequent Broad Agency Announcements (if any) or research solicitations
(if any) on this topic. DARPA will not provide reimbursement for costs
incurred in responding to this SN. Respondents are advised that DARPA is
under no obligation to acknowledge receipt of the information received, or
provide feedback to respondents with respect to any information submitted


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