Ramola D Reports
5G is Illegal, a Weapons System, and Must Be Stopped!” Powerful and informative conversation with Mark Steele, technical weapons expert, patent writer, inventor, nuclear research technology officer on the subject of 5G and the street lights LED roll out in Gateshead, UK, where he has spoken out and informed Council members and a court of the dangers of 5G and the health damages already being noted in the community, with a judge ruling that his scientific expertise needed to be heeded. Gateshead Council has not taken kindly however to his public educatng and questioning of the Council practices in rolling out these LED streetlights—which they deny have anything to do with 5G—since they operate at about 860 Khz rather than the much touted 5G range of 3 to 300 GHz, rejecting the information Mark provides as fearmongering. Mark's information however derives from his expertise as a weapons expert with insider knowledge on microwave radiation, radar, and its bio-effects on humans, as well as being supported by hundreds of scientists who cite studies and point to the danger of 5G. This rollout, he stresses is both illegal and inhumane, it constitutes a crime against humanity since it will subject residents in their own homes to very high frequencies, pulsed signals, and collimated or narrowed/focused signals which can be tuned to a person's body or specific body part by an external, remote controller—as a pulsed microwave or directed-energy weapon, and as a means of covert but quite thorough surveillance. 5G he notes is not going to work in the range 3 to 300KHz which media is reporting is what 5G is; the truth is that it operates at sub-Gigahertz frequencies, at the frequencies which the LED streetlights are operating at. Looking at a video where he has included footage of these street lights and the hardware or circuitry and lens system contained in them, he points out the antennas and dielectric lenses and notes that these are used only to collimate and focus a beam on a human. 5G antennas and towers, expected to pop up every few hundred yards, are being required ostensibly to increase data download speeds on cell phones and to permit autonomous driving vehicles, just around the corner, according to some. This makes 5G virtually an instrument of genocide, which suggests that all of humanity needs to waken and make vocal public protest to stop this rollout, which is already causing nosebleeds in children, sterility in couples, and more. Mark Steele has set up a website Save Us Now where all are invited to download FOI request templates and start questioning their local Council members. Every one needs to come together to educate Councils and cities, counties and states, he says. 5G should not be permitted to be rolled out, since it will spell the death of humanity. Please watch the videos below as well, from his channel, and please join this major fight to save all of our lives, and most especially our children's lives, and our grandchildren's lives.
5G Technology Explained to Dispel the Deniers https://youtu.be/vBEltHSwj_g
5G DOCTORS AND THE ASLEEP NEED TO JOIN UP THE DOTS https://youtu.be/1T7ibFe_bvo 5G Chinese Weapons and Council Cover-Up https://www.bitchute.com/video/bp9eLlKPCDoi/
5G No-one Should Believe They are Above the Law https://youtu.be/7ZtjhfPMf28
5G Council Cover-up and Democratic Takedown https://youtu.be/CTs8y1vg3AY
Save Us Now/Worldwide Movement to Educate Governments and End
5g Rollout/Please visit for a FOI request template, and educational materials to send out to all https://www.saveusnow.org.uk
RT/5G Wireless: A Dangerous Experiment on Humanity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_f9g...
Also see these two videos and help support Mark Steele's legal battle to stop the council shutting him down for his essential and powerful public education, awareness-raising, and activism: We have a few cases and will require support to fund the legal system. I have attached the Go fund link and the evidence of the Chinese link with Gateshead Council. 9.00am https://youtu.be/WrMu7CvBgBs 11.25am https://youtu.be/82FHImoueac