My Beliefs,Views and Opinions on Freedom, Free Speech and Censorship:
i write these words in the name of freedom, Peace and liberty, in the hope that they will inspire others to be more forthright and honest and open to constructive criticisms and be receptive to a more open dialectic approach, to foster in a new age of transparent discussions leading to a course of More Honorable actions and towards positive resolutions, and in turn help to inspire future generations to lead us to a more open and benevolent dialog between all parties and peoples of each respective nation, so that we the free peoples of Earth may collectedly Hope to find ourselves on the road to lasting world peace by virtue of Truth, Freedom, Liberty & Wisdom as we truly are one nation our hearts and minds are one and it is only by Ignorance, Fear, Oppression and Censorship that we are kept separate and made blind to each others suffering, our internal want's, need's and dreams and desires remaining hidden from each other eyes, and that will never do if we are ever to change our futures to a one where all are free, for as long as one person remains a slave or imprisoned we are all slaves and imprisoned, for freedom for the few while the majority are oppressed is not true freedom at all, it is an illusory state of ignorance, we must not repress our emotions or suppress the truth, we must not dull our senses, we must be free to express ourselves and open our hearts to the world, to let it all out and let it all in and we must begin to "Feel" each other always and carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, and not just our own small bubbles but the whole of the planet, i know its hard sometimes to know the right path to take in life from personal experience, but no matter which choice we make, walk it we must, and unless we learn from our past mistakes and make the change all of us will be prisoners in this place forever or until we eventually break the cycle and free ourselves from the chains of this temporal retro causality loop and this state of mental and physical oppression, we must evolve and transcend the boundaries and through our shared experiences learn the truth of self realisation, "to hurt Others is to hurt the Self", & "All life is Sacred" A.K.A "Don't be a Douche", Just be you and be free and say the things in your heart, because Time is Precious, so don't waste it on creating bad energy and doing the work of the system aka NWO, we must strive to rid ourselves of the negative and fake perception's of fear and create the positive "Real World" existence around us, and if all we have is our voices to cry out for our Freeeeeedom! then we will and must sing it into existence through direct manifestation just by simply speaking the truth we can change everything, because if we are not free to so say these things them how else can we learn and validate our internal thoughts and feelings if we stay silent by fear of social ridicule or fear of reproach through ingrained MK ultra techniques?, we must free ourselves of this social censorship of the self and rid our minds of this matrix like agent Smith programming, we are more than the sum of our individual part's and together there is nothing we cannot do, Eisenstein was wrong or misinterpreted at best as a "Un-bound system" is more than the sum of it parts AE when quoted is only applying it to a bound system and not organic biological systems as made apparent by the facts that together we are infinity stronger our energy (waves) and speed are magnified by a force multiplier namely our mass collective consciousness and our LOVE, Increasing the frequency of a wave will increase the energy and increasing it's speed will also increase its energy. E=mc2*V CW (E*C*(V-Fn)=∞) Where 'V CW ' is the velocity of consciousness wave observed and AE is only applying it solid state systems E=mc^2 and to not organic biological systems and their energy transference to other bio-compatible hardware, such as how a simple and small act of kindness requiring minimal energy such as a kind word at the right moment, can and often have a profound and life long effect on a person forever altering the flow of energy in that system (persons life) from that point in time, but According to Einstein, to every energy there corresponds a mass, and to every mass there can be assigned a corresponding energy. If you apply E=mc2 (or more precisely the inverse formula m=E/c2 giving the mass m corresponding to a given energy E) to our energy equation above, this gives a straightforward result: The relativistic mass of a "bound system" is somewhat smaller than the sum of the masses of its constituent parts, namely Mass of bound system = sum of masses of its parts – (binding energy)/c2., and so you see through our UNI-ty we and our energies are magnified and multiplied when share our biological energy Via revealing our greatest Hope's and fears our joys and profoundest deepest sadness and our Highest LOVE with others which acts as the force multiplier in the equation, without this we become desensitised and less empathetic to the plight of our fellow beings and they in turn to our's and we close our eyes to the truth and harden our hearts, allowing the seed's of division and hatred and ignorance to be sown and to thrive in place of love and compassion, unity and peace, So we must open our real eyes to the real lie's, we must see the causal relationship between our choices and actions and their consequences and implications for ourselves and others, we must share our knowledge and wisdom, no matter how Ugly the Truth is or how Unpalatable it may be to us, its the only way if we are ever going to be better than we are alone, and its a path we all must strive to take, So don't give into fear or political parasitical parties and their lies, the left and the right hand both belong to the same corrupted body, So i choose neither left nor right, red nor blue, these are just more diversionary tactics to lead us from the straight and narrow path and to keep us all fighting amongst ourselves while they sit back and laugh and make sport of us for profit, if it were an option i would imprison them for all time in the phantom zone IE a pocket universe and start again and choose a government run by and for the people, with clear civilian oversight in all matters pertaining to the health, wealth and the security of the nation and planet, a system where your vote actually gets counted and your voices and words, deeds and opinions are free to be expressed, no matter how "controversial" they may seem because thats what free speech is all about, and as long as you do no harm and seek only the highest common good, you should be free to exercise your constitutionally protected rights, god given or other, and be free to take part in any social or political reform activities expressly for the betterment of your fellow human beings and nation, and to be safe and secure in in your person within those rights without fear of reprisal for seeking to find another better way or voicing your opinions, so that a true dialectic approach may be utilised to bring about a brave new world, One without fear or mental borders or boundaries or limitations, as we hand in hand in the undiscovered country, a brighter future is already there waiting for us all we just have to shape it in the present to manifest our chosen reality, So in the name of all you love and hold dear Choose Wisely, because if we give away just but one of our rights and freedoms or Security and liberties, then we will lose them all, So fight for your rights now in the name of peace & love, because in the future you could be glad you still have them. :) #Peace