Episode 216: In this episode, the origin of cybernetics is one that is filled with occultism. With the cybernetic world looming upon us with its scientific dictatorship, we address the most recent news of our day. Flippy and Spot dance as robot crowds happen in Japan, TikTok ban might be coming soon, but it also pumped Dogecoin, RIPJeffBezos was trending, Ghislane Maxwell is isolated for covid, covid apparently causes brain damage, computer simulations suggest death rate without masks, mask demand from the dictatorship on the rise, even when they make illogical connections, Bloomberg declares war between scientific rationalism and conspiracy theorists, mathematician and Christian apologist John Lennox crushes it regarding transhumanism, the CCP bans worldwide activism, $7 million for quantum tech startup, breakthroughs in quantum dot tech, 5G roll out, space eyes are creepy, and big tech pushes cybernetics! Thanks for joining us on YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Dlive, and Periscope/Twitter! And make sure to visit the CanaryCry.Community for some unhindered social media off of the facebags and tweeters! All links to articles can be found on Canary Cry News Talk (dot) com! Finally, please visit our SUPPORT PAGE (canarycryradio.com/support) if you feel called to help us feed our babies and kittens! #Covid1984 #Cybernetics #Quantum