
Saturday, August 29, 2020

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbot as Language Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbot as Language Learning 


Medium: An inquiry 
Nuria Haristiani 
Japanese Language Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. 
Setiabudhi 229, Bandung, Indonesia 

Abstract. In facing industry revolution 4.0, utilizing advanced information and computer 
technology in educational environment is crucial. One of the advanced computation 
technologies that can be used for learning, especially language learning, is chatbot. Chatbot is 
a computer program based on artificial intelligence that can carry out conversations through 
audio or text. This study intends to find out and analyze the types of artificial intelligence in 
the form of chatbots and the possibility of their use as language learning medium. The data in 
this study obtained from literature review on chatbot researches, and from observation results 
on chatbot-based language learning medium developed by the author. The results indicated that 
chatbots have a high potential to be used as a language learning medium, both as tutor in 
practicing language, and as independent learning medium. Moreover, research results revealed 
that language learners are interested in using chatbots because they can be used anytime and 
anywhere, and they are more confident in learning languages using chatbots than when dealing 
directly with human tutors. 
1. Introduction 
The industrial revolution 4.0 has an impact on the urgency of education field to be able to keep up 
with these developments, which later brought the term Education 4.0 [1, 2, 3]. In embodying 
Education 4.0, one of the most required ability from educators and educational practitioners is to be 
able to integrate modern technology in their teaching [3]. The rapid development of smart phone 
technology, social media, and artificial intelligence (AI), provide challenges for educational 
practitioners to utilize these technologies in developing advance learning media. In latest decades, 
artificial intelligence utilization to develop applications is massively conducted, and its products used 
in almost every aspects of our life. This type of communication which occurs through digital 
technology rather than in person is called computer-mediated communication (CMC) [4]. CMC forms 
including instant messaging, email, chat rooms, online forums, social networks, and chatbot or 
chatterbot [5, 6]. Chatbot is a computer program or artificial intelligence which carries out 
conversations through audio or text [7], and interact with users in a particular domain or topic by 
giving intelligent responses in natural language [8, 9]. Chatbot for general purposes and for 
educational purposes have been developed [4,10,11]. However, despite chatbots’ unlimited possibility 
to enhance language teaching and learning, the concept of chatbot including its advantages as 
language learning medium is not yet widely known. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze 
the types of artificial intelligence in the form of chatbots and the possibility of their use as language 
learning medium. This study also aims to observe a chatbot constructed as Japanese language learning 
medium developed by the author and team, and reports its’ results as an inquiry to find out further 
about the possibility of chatbot to enhance language learning and teaching. 

International Conference on Education, Science and Technology 2019
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1387 (2019) 012020
IOP Publishing

2. Method 
This study is a descriptive method study. The data collection in this study conducted through literature 
reviews on previous researches about chatbot and its’ use. Literature reviews performed to identify the 
type of chatbots, especially those developed for educational purposes including language learning, as 
well as to identify their advantages/disadvantages in language teaching and learning. This study also 
include a report on observation results on chatbot-based language learning medium developed by the 
author and team, namely Gengobot. 
3. Findings and Discussion

The basic mechanism of chatbot begins with the message sent by the user. The message then 
processed by NLP (Natural Language Processing), and chatbot responded by replying to the message 
according to the existing database (see figure 1). For example, when a user sent "how are you?" 
message, chatbot will look for answers that match this question in the database such as “I am fine”, 
“Great!” etc. 

Figure 1. 
The mechanism of 

3.1. The types of Chatbot 
The type of chatbot found in this study can be categorized into three types based on its’ structure, 
purpose, and audience. The sub-categories and their functions is concluded in table 1. 

Table 1.

ypes of 




Structure Flow chatbot A tree-based chatbot. This chatbot has fixed responds set by the developer, 
and only responds to questions that are already in the database. Flow chatbots 
include buttons, keywords, and catchphrases instead of free writing to drive 
the client down 
the predefined path.

Chatbot with artificial intelligence has the ability update their knowledge and 
perception from previous conversations and users’ experience, letting the 
users engage more freely.

Hybrid This type of chatbot combines the concepts of Flow and AI chatbots. This 
chatbot can understand and communicate with users, but remains in the 
pattern determined by the developer.

Purpose Functionality This chatbots have certain functions depends on the developer (i.e. chatbot for 
learning, personal assistant, reminder, online shop assistant, etc.)


Chatbot that intended only for entertainment (i.e. games, 
, etc.).

Audience Generalist This chatbot has general knowledge that we can ask directly. I.e. Siri 
developed by Apple ,and Cortana developed by Microsoft. Both Chatbots can 
help us solve common problems such as searching for restaurants, locations 
and more.

Specialist This chatbot focus on one constrained thing and do that one thing extremely 

(i.e. chatbots that used t
o serve customers online when ordering items).

International Conference on Education, Science and Technology 2019
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1387 (2019) 012020
IOP Publishing

Table 1 shows that chatbot has several categories and can be developed according to the developer’s 
necessity. However, chatbots that are developed for educational purposes tend to use artificially 
intelligence structure. Artificially intelligent chatbot for general purpose such as MILABOT has also 
been developed [10]. MILABOT is a deep reinforcement learning chatbot which capable of 
conversing with humans on popular small talk topics through both speech and text. The system 
consists of an ensemble of natural language generation and retrieval models, including template-based 
models, bag-of-words models, sequence-to-sequence neural network and latent variable neural 
network models [10]. Chatbots that developed for educational purposes, especially for language 
learning, are described further in the following sub-section. 
3.2. Chatbot in Language Learning and Teaching 
Chatbots development to utilize learning and teaching have been conducted. Freudbot has been 
developed for psychology students to find out about student-content interaction in distance education. 
The results shows that the basic analysis of the chatlogs indicated a high proportion of on-task 
behavior. The findings also suggests that chatbot technology may be promising as a teaching and 
learning tool in distance and online education [12]. Chatbot use is also compared with humanoid robot 
in science lecture class, and reported that the visualization using chatbot was helpful for students to 
understand the lecture smoothly [13]. However, researches on chatbot use and development to 
enhance language learning rather difficult to find. This study identified researches on language 
teaching and learning as seen in table 2. 

Table 2. 
Chatbot researches on language learning.

First author 

Chatbot name Subject Focus Sample Research type 
Jia (2004) - English, 
as Foreign 
Application of a Web-
based Chatbot system 
on foreign language 

1256 Experiment 
Fryer (2006) Cleverbot English as 

Chatbot as English 
language learning tools 
211 Experiment & 
Jia (2009) CSIEC chatbot English 
A computer assisted 
English learning chatbot 
based on textual 
knowledge and 


Experiment, survey 
& questionnaire 
Goda (2014) Cleverbot English as 
The use of Chatbot 
before online EFL 
discussion and The 
effect on critical 

130 Comparison based 
(Experimental & 
Control group) 
Fryer (2017) Cleverbot English as 

Comparison of chatbot 
and human task partners 
in English learning

122 Comparison based 
(Pre-test & Post-

Table 2 shows that chatbot researches were mainly found in English language learning 
[14,15,16,17,18]. Research reported that the dialogs using chatbot are mostly very short because the 
users find the computer is much less intelligent as a human, since the responses from the computer are 
often repeated and irrelevant with the topics and the context. However, the results also indicates that 

International Conference on Education, Science and Technology 2019
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1387 (2019) 012020
IOP Publishing

many participants are very interested in using chatbot as chatting partner in speaking foreign language, 
since it is accessible anywhere and anytime, while it is not easy to find native speakers as human 
chatting partner. The learners also more confident communicating with chatbot which is obviously 
less intelligent as the human themselves. It would be pedagogically attractive for the learner to chat 
with a system of artificial intelligence which could “really” understand the natural language and 
communicatively generate the natural language to form a human-like dialog [14]. 
Further, the main chatbot used in language learning researches as seen in Table 2 is Cleverbot, which 
developed by British AI scientist Rollo Carpenter in 1986 and went online on 1997. The results of 
researches of using Cleverbot reported that most students enjoyed using this chatbot [15,17]. They 
also generally felt more comfortable conversing with the bots than a student partner or teacher. 
However, the results also suggest that chatbots are generally only useful for advanced and/or very 
keen language students. Language teachers also need to get involved and bring chatbot technology 
into the foreign language learning classroom as a permanent tool for language practice [15]. Research 
reported that preceding conversation before classroom discussion with a chatbot lead to an increase in 
the number of contributions that students made to discussion [17]. Moreover, pre-discussion with a 
chatbot also could increase the students’ awareness of critical thinking and enable them to form 
inquiring mindsets [17]. However, the result of comparisons in speaking task with chatbot and human 
partner indicated a significant drop in students' task interest with chatbot, but not human partner. The 
reason of drop in task interest with chatbot was caused by novelty effect [18]. On the other hand, 
CSIEC chatbot reported successfully helped students with course unit review, make the students more 
confident, and improved students’ listening ability, as well as enhanced students’ interest in language 
learning. The comparison of examination results before and after the using chatbot showed great 
improvement of students’ performance [15]. 
From above results, it is understood that the use of chatbot gave many advantages in language learning 
and teaching, as in enhancing classroom motivation and learning [15,19]. However, chatbot also 
reported to have flaws comparing to human partner, especially in the novelty aspect [18]. Several 
researches and chatbot development for English language learning have been conducted, but chatbot 
development and researches in other languages teaching and learning is still difficult to find. As an 
attempt to answer this challenge, the author and team tried to develop a chatbot-based multi-language 
grammar application, namely Gengobot, which will be introduced further in the next sub-section. 
3.3. Gengobot as Japanese Language Learning Medium 
Gengobot is a chatbot-based dictionary application about multi-language grammar developed by the 
author, using CodeIgniter (CI) framework. CI is a PHP framework that can be used to develop PHP-
based website application without the necessity to write all the code from the beginning. CI framework 
was chosen because it is an opensource framework and free to modify, smaller than other framework, 
and uses MVC (Model-View-Controller) concept that functioned in programming process to call 
needed databases easily. The main purpose of Gengobot development is to provide a Japanese 
grammar learning medium for beginner level of Japanese language learners. However, to broaden its’ 
use, the application also equipped with grammar contents in English and Indonesian, and integrated 
with social media LINE. LINE official account has Messaging API feature that allows an account to 
run chatbot that has been created (see figure 2). The database system used in Gengobot is MySQL (see 
figure 3 and figure 4). MySQL was chosen because it is free licensed, and the database structure used 
in MySQL is in table form which is flexible and easy to use. The database created for this chatbot 
including: (1) Database of user data storage, including name, language, training score, etc.; (2) 
Grammar database in three languages; (2) Questions database and their answer (for ‘Exercise’ 

International Conference on Education, Science and Technology 2019
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1387 (2019) 012020
IOP Publishing

Figure 2. LINE Messaging API and chatbot 

Figure 3. Gengobot database creation using 

Figure 4. The process of importing database using 

Figure 5. Gengobot interface designing process. 

Gengobot consists of fixed responds including buttons, keywords, and catchphrases set as database. 
The buttons includes several menus as ‘Menu’, ‘Help’, ‘Language’, and ‘Contact’ option as shown in 
figure 5, as well as several sub-menus that developed under each menu. From observation and 
evaluation results, Gengobot was successfully developed as a language learning medium, especially to 
support students’ learning about Japanese grammar with description available in English and 
Indonesian. Gengobot also considered user friendly since it could be accessed through social media 
LINE. The features in Gengobot also includes ‘Exercise’, so the students not only able to learn about 
Japanese grammars, but also able to test their knowledge about grammars they have learned. However, 
Gengobot is a flow chatbot, so the interaction between users/students and chatbot still very limited to 
the inputted database. Although as grammar learning application it is still considered sufficient, to 
improve its’ use for enhancing language learning, as well as other language skills teaching and 
learning, Gengobot still need to be developed further in its’ technology and features. 
4. Conclusion 
This study aimed to analyze the types of chatbots and the possibility of their use as language learning 
medium. From the results, it is known that chatbot can be categorized into three types, and has 
advantages and disadvantages. As the advantages, chatbot is reported can help language learners 
through six ways: (1) students tend to feel more relaxed talking to a computer than to a person; (2) 
chatbots are willing to repeat the same material with students endlessly; (3) many bots provide both 
text and synthesized speech, allowing students to practice both listening and reading skills; (4) Bots 
are new and interesting to students; (5) students have an opportunity to use a variety of language 
structures and vocabulary that they ordinarily would not have a chance to use; (6) chatbots could 
potentially provide quick and effective feedback for students’ spelling and grammar [15]. However, 
chatbot also reported to have a flaw on its novelty aspects and need to be improved. This study also 
observed a chatbot-based Japanese language learning medium developed by the author, namely 
Gengobot. As the results, Gengobot have a high potential to be used as a Japanese language learning 
medium especially in learning grammar, yet need to be developed further in its’ technology and 

International Conference on Education, Science and Technology 2019
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1387 (2019) 012020
IOP Publishing

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