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COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) IS A GENETICALLY ENGINEERED VIRAL DELIVERY SYSTEM 5G RADIATION ELECTROMAGNETIC LOW FREQUENCY NEURO-WARFARE USED AS A CONTROLLED RELEASE two countries first hit hardest by CORONAVIRUS are the main two geo-political adversaries of the USA:. China & Iran Notice leak of CORONAVIRUS was synchronized with Chinese Lunar New Year. The largest mass movement migration of people in China and Wuhan is a major hub Notice a top Bio-Weapons Scientist who worked for the U.S. Shadow Government, out of Harvard, was secretly arrested by FBI just before the leak. His previous employer? The main university in Wuhan, China The 'novel' CORONAVIRUS is not a global pandemic at all. It is an outbreak which was meticulously planned. A new form of neuro-warfare unleashed on the world under a secret United Nations protocol, using a viral delivery system which will rapidly infect the entire human race. China was just first stage of a global release, now being unexplainably found in other countries where those infected had no direct or indirect connection to China With rapid advances in Medicine, Chemistry, Engineering, & other disciplines, Neuroscience now includes the study of Cellular, Molecular, Structural, Functional and Evolutionary Development of the human body, including the mind & central nervous system From molecular & cellular studies of individual nerve cells to sensory imaging & basic motor tasks of the human brain, Neuroscience is no longer just a field of medicine. It has crossed the threshold of medical science & is now a chief weapons platform used by many of the national security agencies of the world, who are seeking to transform the world into a multilateral neuro-society & neuro-economy to follow the carefully orchestrated collapse of the currency based system, which has already begun with new crypto currency exchanges rapidly developing between governments around the world China followed other nations into the adoption and implementation of new crypto currencies as a new financial format of exchange shortly before the so-called global pandemic COVID-19 is a Biotech Engineered Viral Based Delivery System for new nanoparticulates that are naturally self-assembling & self-replicating allowing for an active & adaptive biological block-chain of self functioning neuro-tech that can easily, reproducibly, self modify in each newly infected host. Once infected the nanotechnology migrates through the blood stream to brain & adheres to the neurotransmitters of the victims brain, allowing for the nanoparticles to speak to & decode those neurotransmitters through a process called transcranial brain stimulation achieved through the infrastructure of a global system of thousands of Exascale Supercomputers, already in place, using electromagnetic low frequency waves emitted from towers, satellites & mobile platforms. Enough to monitor the brain waves of every human being on Earth who is actively plugged into the system CORONAVIRUS was a secretly controlled global release of genetically engineered biotechnology, starting in China, using nanoparticulates as a basic strong-arm for the re-design & re-structure of the biological blood stock & DNA gene pool of the human race. That is why they are now finding new cases of CORONAVIRUS around the world that have no connection at all to China. These new cases of infections had been retroactively traced to people who never visited China & had no direct or indirect contact with anyone else who did It is neuro-warfare utilized as a viral scaffolding system so that each new host infected by COVID-19 provides a rapid multiplier for infection of other humans creating a global delivery system of nanoparticulates for the genetic re-engineering & new evolutionary development of mankind, from Human to Trans-Human; for the introduction of nanoparticulates to forcefully integrate humanity into a new cybernetic evolution of mankind for the global transformation of the human race to turn the world into a multilateral neuro-societies & neuro-economies culminating in a new One World Order Mass deaths are caused not by the virus itself but by the weakened immune systems of millions by new 5G Radiation emitted from towers, satellites & mobile platforms Two worst pandemics in modern history: in 1918, Radio Waves & the Spanish Flu; in 1946, Radar Waves & the Hong Kong Flu. Untold millions died. In 2019, 5G Chinese mapped out the genetic structure and DNA of COVID-19 for the purpose of identification of the virus & a potential vaccine to be developed? In just days! That has never in history been done so quickly with an effective 'self-mutating' virus So, the vaccine for COVID-19 already existed before the controlled release of the virus, at least for those 'good people' who work for and/or obey the Shadow Government & Deep State Wait for Round #2 Just like the flu, COVID-19 is here to stay Link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2Hac...