checktheevidence #Bravo
See https://cvpandemicinvestigation.com/
COVID-19 - Fraud, Human Rights Abuse, Domestic Terrorism
COVID-19 - Challenging the Narrative
This website is dedicated to providing detailed information about the true nature and background of the 2020 “COVID-19” alleged pandemic,. It calls for an immediate reversal of the draconian measures that have been put in place around the world.
I have produced a detailed report (see banner and/or menu link above, or click here – a PDF version is available here), to help readers understand the history of the alleged pandemic. The report is produced from a UK-perspective (as this is the country I live in) and examines basic claims made about COVID-19 and the effects it causes. It concludes that the current measures put in place should be immediately removed, once a fair assessment of the available evidence has been undertaken.
Please note, some parts of the report may become outdated quite quickly and as an independent researcher, working on a voluntary basis, I may not have time to update this report frequently. I will be attempting to post updates and new information in new posts, here on this website, as people from around the world send me links etc.
Please read as much as you can of the contents and think about the issues. I would welcome any feedback or corrections etc or additional, relevant info.
Then, use resources here, if you wish, and try to communicate with officials (or anyone) in your own region/area in an effort to inform them of certain truths and evidence of which they don’t seem to be aware. You can write to police/law enforcement, church leaders, company executives – anyone that might listen – as this issue is now a-political and not religious. (It has ruined almost everyone’s lives). Yes, sometimes people really don’t want to know – so it can be a thankless task…
Thank You!
Andrew Johnson (ad.johnson@ntlworld.com)
Derbyshire, UK
April 2020