Atomic Tests Channel
When nuclear weapons are detonated at high altitudes, they cause dramatic changes in the atmosphere and ionosphere. In a very technical presentation, this video discusses such things as the interactions of electrons and positive ions and shows the electromagnetic regions and how they carry electrical charges from one hemisphere to another. The video also discusses how there is much information unknown about nuclear explosions at extremely high altitudes, especially above 250 kilometers, where there is less atmospheric resistance. #NuclearWeapons #Documentary #AtomicBomb #Atomic #Bomb #History #Science #Nuclear #Detonation #Thermonuclear #Radiation #Doomsday #Movie #Rare #Footage #HydrogenBomb #Hydrogen #Energy #Film #Entertainment #Effect #Underwater #NuclearExplosion #NuclearTesting #AlbertEinstein #Oppenheimer #LosAlamos #NationalSecurityScience