Jaguar Bird
This video is for Chief Standing Bear.. his life.. and his successful & historic 1879 court case against the US Government, in Omaha. There are also videos in this channel for: "The Ponca People"..; The Lakota-SiouxPeople"..; "The Hopi People".. and for over 180 more North & South American Indigenous Tribes & First Nations Peoples. ------------------------------------------------- Chief Standing Bear (Ponca: Maⁿchú-Naⁿzhíⁿ / Macunajin; other spellings: Ma-chú-nu-zhe, Ma-chú-na-zhe or, Mantcunanjin, pronounced: mãtʃuꜜnãʒĩꜜ) is a Ponca Chief and Indigenous American civil rights leader. He was born in May, 1828 and crossed-over one last time to the spirit world, .in 1908. Chief Standing Bear "successfully" argued in U.S. District Court in 1879, in Omaha that Indigenous Americans are "persons within the meaning of the law" and have the right of habeas corpus, thus, becoming the first Indigenous American judicially granted civil rights, under American law. --------- I thank, with respect: Chief Standing Bear (..in Spirit.. and to all of his relations)..; The Ponca People..; The Ponca Tribe Of Indians Of Oklahoma..; The Ponca Tribe Of Nebraska..; PoncaTribe-ne.Org..; Wikipedia.com..; A Train Entertainment..; Chappell World..; CHIEF SPOTTED BACK HAMILTON..; THE PONCA SINGERS..; JAMES HORNER.. and to all the other brothers and sisters who have contributed to this video.., with any photos. Chi Miigwetch!.. Many Blessings & Thanks..!