Ancestral Productions
Video: The Phantom Leaf in Kirlian Photography A Compilation Retrieved from “mystic7muse” YoutTube channel under the title "The Phantom Leaf in Kirlian Photography -The Etherial Energy Body of Living Things": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meLrw... Points of interest: "The Akhu" i.e. the ancient Kemetic tradition of "The Shining Ones" Also consider Wim av den Dungen's "Discourse of a Man with his Ba the chaotic heart and the just ways of the living soul in Ancient Egyptian didactical literature & funerary anthropology" (see section 4.1 hylic pluralism): http://www.maat.sofiatopia.org/ba.htm... Then consider Arthur M. Young's "The Reflexive Universe (1981) - Documentary video by Arthur Bloch" and be sure to check the description section: https://youtu.be/x-3fCK3f8nQ There is much more. Getting close now. Do you see what I see?