
29 Nov 2020

List of Judeo-Christian Demons, Monsters & Evil Spirits

List of Judeo-Christian Demons, Monsters & Evil Spirits


This section explores the various names for the Christian devil and others in the hierarchy of hell. The extensive classification of Christian demonology we now have started with Jewish folklore about the fall of the angels along with demons like Satan, Belial, Asmodai, and Samael. In Judeo-Christian traditions between the second century BCE to the second century CE, the apocalyptic traditions we know from the Book of Enoch, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Baruch, and Ezra began and developed. There was also a huge amount of literature circulating which we now call the New Testament Apocrypha as well as Gnostic writings such as those found in the Nag Hammadi Library. Many of these demons come from those non-canonical scriptures.

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Abaddon, the "place of destruction" is synonymous with Sheol in Proverbs and Job. In later writings, Abaddon is personified as the king of the abyss who can command an army of locusts to torment men.

The name Abraxas was taken from abra-cadabra. He is presented on amulets with the head of a cock, dragon's feet and a whip in his hand.

According to Collin de Plancy, Adramelech is a high chancellor of hell who tends to Satan's wardrobe. He was also the god in 2 Kings 19:36-38 to whom the Sepharvites worshiped through human sacrifice.

Asmodeus, also known as Ashmadia, most likely originated from the Persian Aeshma-deva ("demon of wrath").

Azazel is the chief of the Se'irim, or goat-demons, who haunted the desert and to whom most primitive Semitic tribes offered sacrifices.

Ba'al-zebub, also called Beelzebub or Beelzebul is known as the lord of the flies. The name derives from the Canaanite "'Baal" meaning "lord."

Behemoth, a spirit of the desert, possibly derives from the Egyptian for "water buffalo."

Belial (or Beliaal) is Hebrew for "without value." He is known as Beliar in Greek.

The name Belphegor is a corruption of the biblical name Baal-Peor, the god of the Moabites.

Two accounts of the fallen angels story - one of Satan and one of the Watchers.

Descriptions of incubi, their physical nature, and various lore.

Lamia (lamiai) were harmful spirits who killed infants and seduced sleeping men.

Leviathan was a large whale-like sea creature mentioned in the Bible.

Lilith is the first wife of Adam in Jewish mythology before Eve.

Lix Tetrax is the demon of the wind in the Testament of Solomon.

Lucifer was once one of the Seraphim who rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven.

Mammon is the demon of avarice. Milton says he taught men to rend the breast of the earth to wrest away her treasures.

Mastema is another name for Satan in the Book of Jubilees and other non-biblical texts.

Melchiresa is the one of the names for a predominant evil being in several of the fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Mephistophiles is the name of the devil in the Faust myths of the late Middle Ages through the Renaissance.

Moloch was the god of the Ammonites, portrayed as a bronze statue with a calf's head adorned with a royal crown and seated on a throne.

Onoskelis was a female demon with a beautiful form mentioned in the Testament of Solomon.

Ornias (trans. "pesky") is the first demon mentioned in the Testament of Solomon.

Satan is the title of the devil, the chief adversary of Jesus and mankind in Christian traditions.

When most people think of Seraphim, they think of angels, but earliest usages of the term refer to serpent demons.

In Babylonian and Assyrian religions, Shedim was a generic name like the Hebrew and Christian word spirit.

Succubi are the female version of incubi, female demons who take the form of human women to seduce men.

According to Gen 6:1-4, these divine beings took wives from the beautiful daughters of men.

Xaphan was one of the fallen angels who rebelled with Satan.


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