Modern Magick: List of Demons of the Goetia
The demons of modern magick began with demonology classifications by Johann Wier in the mid-1500s, with Collin de Plancy’s illustrated Dictionnaire Infernal in 1863, and with a 17th-century grimoire called the Goetia. Golden Dawn member, SL MacGregor Mathers, translated and compiled the list of Goetic demons in 1904. Below are four key books on demons and demonology from the late 16th century to the 20th century.
Pseudomonarchia daemonum (1583) -Reginald Scot’s translation of Johann Wier’s text
Dictionnaire Infernal (1863) – Collin de Plancy’s book of demons & illustrations
Abramelin The Mage (1898) – 15th century Hebrew work offering a hierarchy of demons
Goetic Demons (1904) – Mather’s translation of the Lesser Key of Solomon the King
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Aguares, the 2nd spirit, is a duke who appears as a man riding a crocodile.
Aim, the 23rd spirit, is a duke who appears as a handsome man with three heads.
Alocer, the 52nd spirit, is a great duke who appears as a soldier riding a horse.
Amduscias, the 67th spirit, is a great duke. His true form is as a unicorn, but appears as human form when summoned.
Amon, the 70th spirit, can appear in the form of a wolf with a serpent's tail. He vomits flames.
Andras, the 63rd spirit, is a great Marquis and has the body of an angel and the head of an owl.
Andrealphus, the 65th spirit, is a Mighty Marquis, first appearing in the form of a noisy Peacock, then in human form.
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