The Hidden!: Nagorno-Karabakh: First Russian military medical units arrive in Stepana...


30 Nov 2020

Nagorno-Karabakh: First Russian military medical units arrive in Stepana...

when they say field hospital hear what  they mean "Mandatory forced vaccination detention and deployment squads" illegally deployed, i  wonder just how many would refuse to carry out a unlawful order that they know contravenes most of their own human rights

First Russian military medical units arrived in Nagorno-Karabakh's de-facto capital of Stepanakert to assist the peacekeeping contingent and local residents on Sunday. More than 60 medical specialists, including surgeons, anaesthesiologists and resuscitators, therapists and epidemiologists were transported from Khabarovsk through Yerevan to the region. A field hospital equipped with all the necessary equipment has been set up on the arrival. "There are 40 beds in the hospital, most of which belong to the surgical and therapist units. There is as well a number of experts in eye, ear and throat diseases," said Yaroslav Ivanov, the head of the medical service unit. Following more than six weeks of hostilities, Armenia and Azerbaijan signed a Russia-brokered deal to end the fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh on November 9. Under the terms of the deal, 1,960 Russian peacekeepers will be deployed in the region to monitor the ceasefire. *SOUNDBITES* SOT, Yaroslav Ivanov, head of the medical service unit (Russian): "The special task medical unit was transported with the help of military transport aviation from the Khabarovsk airport to the Yerevan airport. After that it conducted a day’s march at the distance of more than 300 kilometres [186 miles] to the Stepanakert airport. At the moment, specialists are deploying a multi-functional field hospital on the basis of pneumo-framed module and are preparing to provide help in 24 hours." SOT, Yaroslav Ivanov, head of the medical service unit (Russian): "There are 40 beds in the hospital, most of which belong to the surgical and therapist units. There are also a number of experts in eye, ear and throat diseases. Therefore, we are ready to help, first of all, our peacekeeping forces, and those in need among locals and displaced persons."

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