Comment thread Shared from Smurph Murphy 😁😁😎🌍✌
Kovid with Mask on Project Runway in 2019 (Predictive Programming). Make sure you watch my playlist for more Covid-19 Predictive Programming! #projectrunway #covid #kovid #covid19 #maskonmaskoff #plandemic #scamdemic #coronavirus #PopulationControl #WakeUp #ArrestBillGates #FakeNews #maskoff #blm #blacklivesmatter #alllivesmatter #trump2020 #bidenharris2020 #harrisbiden2020 #EndtheLockdown #filmyourhospitals #PredictiveProgramming
You guys don’t even know how deep the evil is.......or how much planning went into subverting our very way of life and freedoms. The virus is a platform. There are no coincidences.....
Smurph Murphy📷Kovid with Mask on Project Runway in 2019 (Predictive Programming)YOUTUBE.COMKovid with Mask on Project Runway in 2019 (Predictive Programming)3
Tandy Pryor
I’m afraid to read this...Smurph Murphy1📷
Smurph Murphy
Nutshell: April 2019 episode of Runway.... girl walks across stage- her name- Kovid. Her outfit-plaid with plaid mask. Can’t make this shit up.3
Tandy Pryor
wtf Smurph Murphy
Wayne Carr
He's talking truth and if you don't do research to make your own minds up you will find your self and all you love in a very different world just like how they control China now .Smart cities with full time surveillance and a electronic point's system that says weather you are a good citizen or bad .Total control And don't forget that's not the end of it .If you are not conforming you go to a correction camp and brain washed till you do. Look at the lock step report that was a Rockefeller Foundation document. Just see how much you can see of what's going on now and it was written 10 years ago but someone took the Ebola patent so they had to use Corona virus. It's mind blowing. People are speaking out not to cause fear but to keep there freedoms that are being taken every day. They will not force the VACCINATIONS but they will make your life impossible if you refuse it. You see if I'm right..! no international travel without the injection. You will see more and more restrictive measure s .No public transport. No working with out vaccination. Your benefits eligibility will change .If you're not vaccinated you aren't available for work so your benefits cut .All to put a cash less world in place so they can complete there control system. I watched a video yesterday with an American guy talking about his Russian trainer at his gym. The Russian said you Americans are blind to history and that is your biggest mistake. If you knew history he said you would understand this has happened before in Russia and that's how Russia was changed into communism. They made the people feel they are week and must totally rely on the strong Government and that's what's happening to the USA and the world .Learn history and see your future. OR WAKE UP NOW ALL STAND TOGETHER AND CHOOSE FREEDOM FOR OUR CHILDREN S FUTURE.
Smurph Murphy
yes, you list some sad truths about Americans. Americans have been sufficiently dumbed down over the years. Gov’t controlled seeded “education” History has been our teacher, but convenience has blurred the teachings. Laziness of thought, rues the day. It’s horrible.... our citizens so geared up to fight and argue over nonsense. Little brain power put into the larger picture. I have not been in contact with family members because they are clueless to the bigger threats and instead want to fight with each other. Americans have lost their ability to listen. Most of all, listen to their instincts.
Wayne Carr
Many will not know what hit them. For those of us who have been awake for years- it has been exhausting. Our words, mocked, distorted, hated......I continue to speak the truth.....that will never end. A MASS AWAKENING I believe is coming.....the calm is here The social credit system in China disgusting form of slavery- they will try to make worldwide. True psychopathic evil underpinnings. This level of evil cannot maintain itself. Nature shows us anything in extremes cannot be sustained. What damage will be done in the interim? Our children deserve so much more.......and so we continue the fight
Wayne Carr
all we can do is keep putting out the truth and hope as many as possible come to wake up to what's going on around them.
Smurph Murphy
I was called crazy all the time back 4 Years ago for speaking out against 5G.Now I post to over half a million on 5G groups and more on Targeted individual group's. My team run every town and city group s in the UK and more in Africa and UK-USA against 5G .I'm a nobody that has been heard all the way to the top .I post for Thea scoreto executive director of the Environmental Health Trust in the USA and I promote all scientists and expert's that are giving good science to show harm and I've promoted the two big court cases against the FCC in California and the case we have in England with Michael Mansfield QC taking the English Government to court for endangering the public and breaking the Nuremberg Code. Keep the good work up and let the mockers keep mocking and it's like water off a duck's back. Well done some of us are glad to hear the truth.
Smurph MurphyI know of your good works.... my heart so appreciative. We have 5G groups here in Ohio. Environmental Health Trust amazing resource. Unfortunately the evil know exactly the harms they create. You are an example of one man........with warrior status.
Darren Law
can i share this comment thread ?? please and thx
Wayne Carr
Smurph Murphy📷Kovid with Mask on Project Runway in 2019 (Predictive Programming)YOUTUBE.COMKovid with Mask on Project Runway in 2019 (Predictive Programming)3
Tandy Pryor
I’m afraid to read this...Smurph Murphy1📷
Smurph Murphy
Nutshell: April 2019 episode of Runway.... girl walks across stage- her name- Kovid. Her outfit-plaid with plaid mask. Can’t make this shit up.3
Tandy Pryor
wtf Smurph Murphy
Wayne Carr
He's talking truth and if you don't do research to make your own minds up you will find your self and all you love in a very different world just like how they control China now .Smart cities with full time surveillance and a electronic point's system that says weather you are a good citizen or bad .Total control And don't forget that's not the end of it .If you are not conforming you go to a correction camp and brain washed till you do. Look at the lock step report that was a Rockefeller Foundation document. Just see how much you can see of what's going on now and it was written 10 years ago but someone took the Ebola patent so they had to use Corona virus. It's mind blowing. People are speaking out not to cause fear but to keep there freedoms that are being taken every day. They will not force the VACCINATIONS but they will make your life impossible if you refuse it. You see if I'm right..! no international travel without the injection. You will see more and more restrictive measure s .No public transport. No working with out vaccination. Your benefits eligibility will change .If you're not vaccinated you aren't available for work so your benefits cut .All to put a cash less world in place so they can complete there control system. I watched a video yesterday with an American guy talking about his Russian trainer at his gym. The Russian said you Americans are blind to history and that is your biggest mistake. If you knew history he said you would understand this has happened before in Russia and that's how Russia was changed into communism. They made the people feel they are week and must totally rely on the strong Government and that's what's happening to the USA and the world .Learn history and see your future. OR WAKE UP NOW ALL STAND TOGETHER AND CHOOSE FREEDOM FOR OUR CHILDREN S FUTURE.
Smurph Murphy
yes, you list some sad truths about Americans. Americans have been sufficiently dumbed down over the years. Gov’t controlled seeded “education” History has been our teacher, but convenience has blurred the teachings. Laziness of thought, rues the day. It’s horrible.... our citizens so geared up to fight and argue over nonsense. Little brain power put into the larger picture. I have not been in contact with family members because they are clueless to the bigger threats and instead want to fight with each other. Americans have lost their ability to listen. Most of all, listen to their instincts.
Wayne Carr
Many will not know what hit them. For those of us who have been awake for years- it has been exhausting. Our words, mocked, distorted, hated......I continue to speak the truth.....that will never end. A MASS AWAKENING I believe is coming.....the calm is here The social credit system in China disgusting form of slavery- they will try to make worldwide. True psychopathic evil underpinnings. This level of evil cannot maintain itself. Nature shows us anything in extremes cannot be sustained. What damage will be done in the interim? Our children deserve so much more.......and so we continue the fight
Wayne Carr
all we can do is keep putting out the truth and hope as many as possible come to wake up to what's going on around them.
Smurph Murphy
I was called crazy all the time back 4 Years ago for speaking out against 5G.Now I post to over half a million on 5G groups and more on Targeted individual group's. My team run every town and city group s in the UK and more in Africa and UK-USA against 5G .I'm a nobody that has been heard all the way to the top .I post for Thea scoreto executive director of the Environmental Health Trust in the USA and I promote all scientists and expert's that are giving good science to show harm and I've promoted the two big court cases against the FCC in California and the case we have in England with Michael Mansfield QC taking the English Government to court for endangering the public and breaking the Nuremberg Code. Keep the good work up and let the mockers keep mocking and it's like water off a duck's back. Well done some of us are glad to hear the truth.
Smurph MurphyI know of your good works.... my heart so appreciative. We have 5G groups here in Ohio. Environmental Health Trust amazing resource. Unfortunately the evil know exactly the harms they create. You are an example of one man........with warrior status.
Darren Law
can i share this comment thread ?? please and thx
Wayne Carr
Here is the lockstep report for those who want to understand this is a plan in motion.2