jabbed up with harmacuiticles?!?!?!?!
i cant believe that they let them do it, do you think they would still do it if they knew what it was they are injecting in to them? i know i wouldn't ever allow the use of a untested nano particulate quantum state linked (real-time instantaneous reaction) bio augmentation end c+c interface (command and control) uplinked enabled (remote control) human tracking exploitation and oppression enabling and human harvesting geo tagging piece of military nwo hardware inside me, not ever and i know you would say no too i don't think i know anyone who's that tarded tbh, do you? where do they find these people i just cant understand the level of mk ultra at work in the minds of these so called informed "health care workers" its beyond cult level fuckery this is some next level frequency induced manipulation at play i know it and you do pretty much all the woke can sense it, its only the likes of these kinds of people that are so blind and willingly believe in the face of overwhelming and insurmountable evidence that it will most defiantly harm them if not end them or at very least change them into something else not quite human not quest mutants, with the added bonus for the nwo that more than 49% non human genes and your no longer considered human and your rights as a human cease to be, then its off to the "re-education camps" where they offer to fix them by way of augmentation and bio enhancement's creating even more fucked up level stuff chimeras, nasty things trust me, you don't even want to know what i see, if only they knew what they were doing but i don't think they can or or want to see their futures perhaps they have given up entirely hence why they have surrendered themselves fully to the dark frequency, who knows;?, maybe there is hope for them yet