
1 Dec 2020

Notice to agent is notice to principal Notice to principal is notice to agent.

Notice to agent is notice to principal Notice to principal is notice to agent.

To Whom it May Concern, (doing business as…… )

I hope this message finds you well. 

It behoves me to contact you as a concerned member of the public. I would like to know where you stand on the following.

Whereas you may not be aware of the fact that Article 61 Magna Carta 1215 was invoked lawfully according to Constitutional Protocol in March 2001. it is the lawful duty of every subject of the Crown to stand under this most important tenet once informed. The invocation of Article 61 Magna Carta 1215 was reported by Caroline Davis in the Daily Telegraph on the 24th March 2001.  

All public servants have a duty of care towards the public and all business owners have responsibility towards their customers and staff and everyone has a duty to protect each other. It is understood that you most likely believe that you are following government laws and statutes but in fact you/your organisation is not bound by these and you are actually free to run your business under Article 61 Magna Carta 1215, as a free Sovereign entity not bound by government 'guidelines' and illegal rules. In other words how you run your business, whether you open and trade in your business is your lawful right and cannot be dictated to you once Article 61 has been invoked. And most importantly you are free to respond in a sensible and rational manner against certain political agendas and government fear-mongering. We have rights which are currently being illegally usurped and to my current understanding which I will share with you in the enclosed evidence below, any business actively coercing the public to follow government ‘advice’ is aiding and abetting high treason.  

The current climate in the country is rather alarming, as you will see in Evidence A) below, the Barons Petition.

We actually no longer have a lawful government; acts and statutes are being made ultra vires, (without lawful authority) which people are enforcing, the Courts have no lawful authority, as the Crown has no lawful authority since, to my understanding, the invocation of Article 61 Magna Carta, as it is the highest Law of the land. If people are not standing under it, I must not do business with them, as it is tantamount to aiding and abetting treason. Please do not ignore this notice, as ignorance is no defence in law, I mean that in respect to you and others being able to stand up for their rights if they choose.

I really hope these facts may be of assistance, everyone has a right to know about the invocation of Article 61 Magna Carta 1215, as its invocation was a last ditch attempt to defend British rights and freedoms.

Whereas it is my duty, as I am a sovereign standing under Article 61 Magna Carta 1215 to compel others to stand under Law, I request that you also share this information with any and all superiors and staff, let me know when you have done so and that you read this. I look forward to your response within a reasonable time frame as according to your customer service policies. 

We are all responsible and culpable for our individual actions and omissions under the law, any response must be made upon penalty of perjury and on your full commercial liability. This information is somewhat urgent and should be taken seriously, it means what it says. With no vexation, frivolity or ill-will and with all my unalienable common law rights reserved.



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