The Hidden!: Watch again: Boris Johnson addresses MPs before vote on new lockdown


6 Jan 2021

Watch again: Boris Johnson addresses MPs before vote on new lockdown

there is no virus its fucking bullshit, it doesn't exist and hasn't ever been isolated and verified or in anyway not even catalogued, and  it straight up is an excuse to introduce the nwo global takeover and  used as a political theatre vehicle to take away our god given rights and freedoms that government has no legal right or authority to infringe upon,  fucking Nazis , we fought 2 wars to prevent this shambles and sorry started of affairs we are currently in,  my own grandparents fought and one was in a concertation camp all to ensure our future and rights  against this exact kind of situation ever occurring and they would be turning in their graves now at this disgusting violation of our rights and freedoms as an Englishman for this "virus" that has been shown that it just doesn't exist, this is England and not ww2 Europe  and its time we acted like Englishmen and act honourably,  and let them present their evidence if they can,  let them produce it let us see this virus and its live specimen,  but we all know that they cant because its fucking bullshit, the 4 nations England health group down graded it to a non hcid last year on the 19th of march meaning you cant even catch it,  i even did the math based upon the levels they claim we are seeing and you have a 1 in 1.7billion against ever catching it and contact tracing only works within the first few weeks of an infection and only in a small isolated community not globally and not a year later on,  these idiots know nothing #Fact

the man is so incompetent they all i could do his job and actually do it better, i would have never initiated lockdowns at all because there is no credible evidence to support the claim of the virus and its lethality, and all evidence to support the claim that its all fake and a giant scam. and they bang on about these financial aid packages of support that they claim have been sent to the vulnerable sections of society, and i myself live in poverty and on benefits which have been messed about with throughout this event, making my own personal situation even more difficult and i can say that not one single penny of these support pay-outs have been added to anyone of benefit entitlements at all  and have only gone towards bailing out major corporations and private interest groups and to pay out people who were employed in the private sector and governmental workers and not the poorest people in the country as he claims, #Fact

The Independent

Treasonous genocidal satanic endorsing wanker Boris Johnson has confirmed that the end of lockdown may be delayed beyond mid-February. Announcing England’s third national lockdown on Monday, Mr Johnson said that the vaccine rollout could progress fast enough to allow restrictions to be eased “by the middle of February”. hang him or bang him in prison with the rest of the Nazi enablers

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