
4 Feb 2021

Greece: Police and protesters face off at Athens demo against education ...

Protesters marched through Athens on Thursday in a demonstration against a draft education bill. Hundreds of students and their professors marched through Athens to the House of Parliament decrying the plan to introduce special police in the universities among other changes that will reportedly be possible once the law is passed. The student protests are continuing for the third consecutive week. A similar rally took place in another major Greek city of Thessaloniki. Police reportedly detained several protesters after some activists began confrontations throwing stones and petrol bombs to the officers. *SOUNDBITES* SOT, Thodoris Maglaras, Student of Polytechnic University of Athens: "They bring police in our universities. They want us to remain silent, to say nothing about our future that is being destroyed, they delete students from the university." SOT Myrto, Student of University of Athens (Greek): "In order to upgrade the educational environment, they should use the millions of euros intended for (university) police and open our schools with actual safety measures" #AthensProtest#GreekEducationBill#Athens#Greece

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