
11 Feb 2021

I, Pet Goat II explained (Part 13): Conflict and next 9/11 in 2020? It l...

In this video, I discuss the next part of I, Pet Goat II. Through the birth of the babe in the blue egg, Harpocrates, the focus has been on the U.S., dividing and destroying it, with some major Manhattan imagery, but also with oil rigs, and other catastrophes that could extend further. And, as far as the dates are concerned for at least the rituals, they seem to be in June and July of this year, at least as starting points ritually. But once Harpocrates is born seemingly on July 5, the film moves to the Middle East as the main theater of action, and the focus appears to be on events that almost certainly happen _after_ July 5, 2020. In this video, I examine the next calendar in I, Pet Goat 2, to see what we can learn about the timing of these _subsequent_ events. In this video, I update our timeline by adding the lockdown to it, and I show where it featured in the video. I also make connections between Be Ready and I, Pet Goat II. One of these connections is related to attacks that damage the Statue of Liberty, something which may or may not be metaphorical in I, Pet Goat II. To see some of the other videos that I have released about I, Pet Goat II, follow the links below: Part 1: I, Pet Goat, 2 explained (part 1): ritual magic, birth and resurrection, and the triple spiral -​ Part 2: I, Pet Goat, 2 explained (part 2): You die? Eclipse, Black Sun, Concentration Camp, Moon Card -​ Part 3: I, Pet Goat 2 explained (part 3): IMPORTANT: Mark of the Beast Ritual Exposed; Their Goal Revealed -​ Part 4: I, Pet Goat 2 explained (part 4): June 25 Motion Stops, Venus, Equation F = -F, 666 review -​ Part 5: I, Pet Goat 2 explained (part 5): Ps. 23, Map, Neptune, flood, earthquakes/tsunamis: 6/22 to 11/28? -​ Part 6: I, Pet Goat 2 explained (part 6): Amazing hearts=Tarot cups and dates 6/21-7/11; Queen, 2, 3 of cups -​ Part 7: I, Pet Goat 2 explained (Part 7): Hegelian Dialectic, Chaos, De-Evolution, Big Changes by July 2021 -​ Part 8: I, Pet Goat 2 explained (Part 8): Fish, Pisces, Aquarius; flagpole points to the 4th of July -​ Part 9: I, Pet Goat 2 Explained (part 9): Get ready for the long haul! Timeline ends in December 2021? -​ Part 10: I, Pet Goat 2 Explained (Part 10): Strike on Islam coming soon? Major Middle East conflict 2020-2021 -​ Part 11: I, Pet Goat 2 Explained (Part 11): What happens between June 21 and July 5? June 23 a big day? -​ Part 12: I, Pet Goat 2 Explained (Part 12): Lockdown in IPG2? Yes. Be Ready-IPG2 connections. June 23 -​ Other valuable videos related to I, Pet Goat 2: --June 21, 2020: The Solstice Eclipse in "I, Pet Goat, II," "Operation Blackjack", and other sources -​ --Exit! April 7 Super Pink Moon a warning in I, Pet Goat, II? -​ --I, Pet Goat 2 -- Demons conjured on June 21 eclipse and birthed on July 4-5? Obama's LOL explained -​ --I, Pet Goat, 2 and Paul McCartney? July 5, the buck moon, and the classroom apple -​ --I, Pet Goat 2 -- Tank Scene: Nuke, Baily's beads, buck moon, 4th of July, and the heart -​ --I, Pet Goat II -- Again!! Fourth of July buck moon and false flag attack link 2020 -

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