
3 Feb 2021

Psaki holds White House press briefing and scam update


Psaki holds White House press briefing
and scam update

this is a disgusting piece of political theatre hiding a massive fraud,  listen to the double speak she says one thing and then states the total opposite right after so you cant say they didn't warn you, such as offering you blood money and a bribe for your conscience saying they will give unemployed persons 400 dollars a month 
but then says, "the plan would give unemployed Americans less money and therefore less certainty".

then states 

The president's plan to keep hundreds of thousands of teachers cops firefighters paramedics and other public servants on the job their plan offers no money to State and local governments to keep people on the front lines of this fight employed.

then states 

The president's plan would also assist the millions of families who have faced who are behind on the rent and facing potential potential eviction. then says "Their plan wouldn't offer any support to these families",

then says 

The president's plan would provide targeted immediate relief to families with children and essential workers through an emergency expansion of the child tax credit and the eitc (bribes for the accomplices in local and state gov services, while leaving out many other non essential families

then states

"their plan would deny relief to 15 million lower-income essential worker".

but then states they will have every resource to fight the non existent rona to the tune of 200 billion dollars which they will put in their own pockets. its a scam,,,,,,,

 wake the fuck up

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