
2 Feb 2021

the symbology of the crescent moon

Psssst hey you ,,,,wanna see something strange and unusual but really cool???? apparently I'm more magical then i knew, the upturned crescent moon was Only visible after 4X layered filtering of the same kind was applied while no editing of the image was done or tweaking just a standard filter applied X4

so lets delve into 
the symbology of the crescent moon

The moon can be a symbol of intuition and the brow chakra is considered a centre of psychic power. I would assume a moon placed on the brow would representative of one's connectedness with things that are beyond our understanding. But this is my interpretation of it it might be a cradle for our newly-born dreams, as various stars and planets appear within its cosmic container-shape. The ancient Wise Ones/Magi of Mesopotamia and ancient Persia celebrated the Crescent Moon each month
The horned god is one of two primary deities worshipped in many Wicca traditions and symbolizes masculine energy. It is represented by a circle topped with a horn. In practice, this symbol is used when practitioners want to connote masculine energy.
The crescent moon stands for time, since measurement of time as days or months depends upon the waxing and waning of the moon. By wearing it as a diadem, Śiva is showing us that even the all-powerful time is only an ornament for him. 'the auspicious one’.
the shape of the crescent moon and being upturned it could represent a vessel/cup/chalice
The Crescent & The Shining Ones
Let’s take a brief look at the influence of the fallen one on the nations in this study…The Crescent. It all began with Gods warning against worshipping the host of heaven. The sun the moon and the stars. As fallen angels appeared to men (shining ones) and deceived the peoples into worshipping them.
The Shining Ones appear in many myths and cultures by different names and descriptions, but always as gods or creational forces of light. They are generally described as tall ethereal beings. Some view them as aliens.
Egyptian Book of the Dead :
Chapters of Coming Forth By Day: “Behold, oh ye shining ones, ye men and gods…”
Chapter 134 – 15/17; “Behold, oh ye shining ones, ye men and gods…” – Chapter 134 – 15/17
Source: The Shining Ones – Crystalinks
Also of note is the Sumerian gods and goddesses that link the ancient celestial worship going back to the Tower of Babel with the serpent. Hmmm, there’s a clue where this spirit is coming from.
Sumerian Gods and Goddesses – Crystalinks Is a really good look at this from a New Age resource. This is a good look with lots of pictures and links to how these cultures worshipped something they knew came from another world (heavens). The Bible points this out as angels (sons of God) who became fallen ones or the Nephilim. See article on Nephilim. Fallen Ones Nephilim Canaanite & The Crescent Moon
Yarikh, in Canaanite mythology, Yarkhibol in Phoenician, also written as Jerah, Jarah, or Jorah (Hebrew spelling ירח), is a god of the moon whose epithets are Illuminator of the Heavens, Illuminator of the Myriads of Stars, and Lord of the Sickle (the latter may come from the appearance of the crescent moon). He is provider of nightly dew, and is married to the goddess Nikkal, His moisture causing Her orchards to bloom in the desert. The city of Jericho is named for Him. Jericho is also known a house of the moon god. Takes on a whole different meaning when reading the battle of Jericho in Joshua. Joshua is seen as Joshua (Yeshua) crushing the enemies of house of the moon god in a Revelation like pattern. Way to detailed to get into here. The use of Sevens, Trumpets, and a host of others. This entire region since Babylon has slipped into idolotry of worhiping the host of heaven as outlined by the LORD Himself.
And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, [even] all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven. Deuteronomy 4
In Exodus 16 the LORD God brings Israel to and we pick it up here:
And they took their journey from Elim, and all the congregation of the children of Israel came unto the wilderness of Sin, which [is] between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departing out of the land of Egypt.
Sin = “thorn” or “clay”
1) a town in eastern Egypt
2) the tract of wilderness between Elim and Sinai
This is the place God is taking Israel through. Taking us out of the miry clay as a representation of taking us out of this world and Israel as a whole to deliver them out of the hands of their enemies which today represent Islam. To set us upon the Rock the Lord Jesus Christ. Psalm 40:2.
The god Sin & Idolatry
moon-goddess-sinThe very name Sin in the bible in relation to the false deity of the moon god Sin is to ascribe false worship (idolatry) to created things. Angels, the sun, the moon, the stars and animals all are created things and the LORD warned us not to worship anything but Him. Sin also represents to miss the mark, to fall short. Worshipping created things is falling short of worshipping the God who created everything and wants to fellowship with us. Something happened in the garden of Eden, the Serpent deceived Eve and caused us to fall short of the perfection (Holiness) that God requires. The Serpents was judged and has found his mark of moon (lesser light) worship since we find the serpent and crescent moon all through out the ancient cultures. God gave us the Torah which means to hit the mark. Christ Jesus came to fulfill the Torah (law) and when we accept His finished work by faith that fellowship lost in the garden is restored. That is grace, amazing grace.
Quite simply that serpent of old wants to be worshipped and all these false religions find their one source in the fallen one Lucifer who is deceiving the nations.
Semitic origins of Sin the moon god
“Sîn, moon god of Semitic origin, worshiped in ancient Middle Eastern religions. One of the principal deities in the Babylonian and Assyrian pantheons, he was lord of the calendar and of wisdom. The chief centers of his worship were at Harran and at Ur, where he was known as Nanna.” (, Sîn). Haran is also known as the city of the moon god. This is the place where Abraham was called out of. We are called out of darkness and into His marvelous light. The bible is our source of light.
He is commonly designated as En-zu, or “lord of wisdom.” During the period (c.2600-2400 BC) that Ur exercised a large measure of supremacy over the Euphrates valley, Sin was naturally regarded as the head of the pantheon. It is to this period that we must trace such designations of Sin as “father of the gods”, “chief of the gods”, “creator of all things”, and the like. The “wisdom” personified by the moon-god is likewise an expression of the science of astrology, in which the observation of the moon’s phases is an important factor.
His wife was Ningal (“Great Lady”), who bore him Utu /Shamash (“Sun”) and Inanna /Ishtar (the planet Venus ). The tendency to centralize the powers of the universe leads to the establishment of the doctrine of a triad consisting of Sin/Nanna and his children.
Sin had a beard made of lapis lazuli and rode on a winged bull. The bull was one of his symbols, through his father, Enlil, “Bull of Heaven”, along with the crescent and the tripod (which may be a lamp-stand). On cylinder seals, he is represented as an old man with a flowing beard and the crescent symbol. In the astral-theological system he is represented by the number 30 and the moon. This number probably refers to the average number of days (correctly around 29.53) in a lunar month, as measured between successive new moons.
The Egyptians
isis-1They are subdivided, like the rest, into seven classes or Hierarchies, In Egypt although the moon received less worship than in Chaldea or India, still Isis stands as the representative of Luna-Lunus, “the celestial Hermaphrodite”. Strange enough while the modern connect the moon only with lunacy and generation, the ancient nations, who knew better, have, individually and collectively, connected their “wisdom gods” with it. Thus in Egypt the lunar gods are Thoth, Hermes and Chons; in India it is Budha, the Son of Soma, the moon; in Chaldea Nebo is the lunar god of Secret Wisdom, etc., etc.
Book of the Dead, Isis was described as She who gives birth to heaven and earth, knows the orphan, knows the widow, seeks justice for the poor, and shelter for the weak. Some of Isis’ many other titles were:
Queen of Heaven, Mother of the Gods, The One Who is All, Lady of Green Crops, The Brilliant One in the Sky, Her Latin name was Stella Maris, or Star of the Sea, Great Lady of Magic, goddess of magic, fertility, nature, motherhood, underworld Mistress of the House of Life, She Who Knows How To Make Right Use of the Heart, Light-Giver of Heaven, Lady of the Words of Power, Moon Shining Over the Sea.
Isis later had an important cult in the Greco-Roman world, with sanctuaries at Delos and Pompeii. To the Greeks she was known as Demeter – to the Romans as Ceres – though she played other goddess roles in all ancient civilizations.
The symbol of Isis in the heavens was the star Sept (Sirius), which was greatly beloved because its appearance marked not only the beginning of a new year, but also announced the advance of the Inundation of the Nile, which betokened renewed wealth and prosperity of the country…
Roman perspectives on cult were syncretic, seeing in a new deity merely local aspects of a familiar one. For many Romans, Egyptian Isis was an aspect of Phrygian Cybele, whose orgiastic rites were long naturalized at Rome, indeed she was known as Isis of Ten Thousand Names.
In the Golden Ass (1st century), Apuleius’ goddess Isis is identified with Cybele.
Temples to Isis were also built in Iraq, Greece, Rome, even as far north as England where the remains of a temple were discovered at Hadrian’s Wall.
Greek goddess Diana Crescent Moon SymbolThe Greeks used it to represent the goddess Artemis or Diana of the Romans. Typically depicted as Goddess of the hunt with a bow and crescent moon. These are mentioned in the New Testament which we see in Acts 19 where it is recorded…
“And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, [Ye] men of Ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana, and of the [image] which fell down from Jupiter?”
This image that fell down in Ephesus from Jupiter is reported to be given to Abraham when he was reconstructing the Kaaba. Ishmael reportedly was given the original transparent hyacinth stone, but became black by reason of sinners kissing. Which is performed as idol worship every year during pilgrimage at Mecca. It was according to tradition given to be the corner stone of the rebuilt Kaaba to attest to Gabriels diety.Source: Nature – Google Books It is the one and same idol of the black rock of the Kaaba which is a meteorite. The ancients worshipped these meteoric stones that where super heated and smooth attributing heaven as it’s source. Of note also is the Greek goddess took a meteorite (the stone that fell from heaven) to Tyre according to Eusebius to worship it there in a shrine.
What Is Actually Inside The Ka’abba? – Nairaland Is some topical discussion by some Muslims that support this Black Stone at the Kaaba. See also forth coming article on the Image that fell.
Hinduism & The Crescent
Source: Shiva Krishna Hindu-Trinity- Crescent Pagan ReligionIn Hinduism, Lord Shiva is regarded as the representation of the Supreme Being. He is known as the third element in the Hindu Trinity (Trimurti), the other two members being Lord Brahma – the creator and Lord Vishnu – the protector. Shiva is the destructive form of the Almighty. As the cycle of destruction and recreation is always in a circle, Shiva’s primary responsibility is maintaining the life cycle. Scholars say, as the Mahakaal, Shiva destroys and dissolves everything into nothingness but as Shankara, he also reproduces that which has been destroyed and dissolved. His symbol of Lingam or the phallus represents this reproductive power.
Lord Shiva is also considered to be the most unique of all Hindu gods and also the God of all. A great ascetic, Shiva is the only godhead who is forever in deep meditation, totally absorbed in contemplation in His abode, Kailaasa Mountain in the great Himalaya. Lord Shiva is also said to be inseparable from Shakti – parvati ,the daughter of Himavaan – Haimavati. There is no Shiva without Shakti and no Shakti without Shiva, the two are one – or the absolute state of being.
Crescent Moon: Shiva bears on his head the crescent of the moon. The epithet (Sanskrit: “Having the moon as his crest” – chandra = Moon, = crest, crown) refers to this feature. The placement of the moon on his head as a standard iconographic feature dates to the period when Rudra rose to prominence and became the major deity Rudra-Shiva. The origin of this linkage may be due to the identification of the moon with Soma , and there is a hymn in the Rig Veda where Soma and Rudra are jointly emplored, and in later literature Soma and Rudra came to be identified with one another, as were Soma and the Moon.
Buddhism & The Crescent
Buddha Crescent StudyjpgMy old colleague, Bangkok Post correspondent Imtiaz Muqbil, deftly positioned the Muslim approach to food as being borrowed from both Hinduism and Buddhism, and institutionalised in the Koran. He portrayed Ramadan as a sort of 30-day marathon, a once yearly challenge that, when accomplished, generates greater self-esteem, self-respect and a sense of achievement.
But what I liked most about his presentation was the reminder that all the major religions are aiming at much the same thing for their adherents. PEACE. It is a truism, but nonetheless true for being repeated.
And that reminded me of a saying that I have come to love:
All instruction is but a finger pointing to the moon; and those whose gaze is fixed upon the pointer will never see beyond. Even let him catch sight of the moon, and still he cannot see its beauty. Buddha
I now think I owe it to myself to seek to look at the beauty of the moon and not to be distracted by whether I am learning from Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity or any other religion or philosophy.It really doesn’t matter who I am learning from, it is the message not the messenger that counts.
Wow, really this is the exact flavor of PEACE at all costs. The bible says when they say, peace, peace then comes sudden destruction. It is a false flag operation of the host of principalities that seek to deceive the nations into a false peace. There is no peace until you come to the prince of peace. His name is Jesus and He took our sins on Himself that we may have peace with Him. Their is nothing you can do, except accept it by faith. Then you will know true peace. Religion all religion has a form of godliness but ultimately denies Jesus is the only true God. He created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them for Himself, and He wants you to know Him intimately. He gave us the bible as a gift from Himself. True their are to many phony Christians that ruin it for everyone, but God loves them too. We all need more grace from day to day. We all fall short. That is why we try to tell the truth about religion. Religion kills like rat poison kills. Rat poison is 99.9% nutritious, that’s why rats will take the bait. Spiritual things are the same way. The master deceiver has a myriad of false bait out their. Only Christ Jesus will satisfy your hungry soul, for He created it to be fed by Him.
Here is an interesting article on a former Christian turned Buddhist
Fingers pointing at the moon!
But there is another teaching implied in this quote from the Buddha… and that is that there can be more than one finger pointing at the same moon. In essence, there are many different paths, many different teachings, many different religious traditions all pointing to the same nebulous areas of the divine… all pointing towards the moon. Each of these “fingers” gaze from slightly different perspectives, and see different aspects of the larger than life “moon”. While we learn deeply about what is divine in this universe by going deeply in one or two traditions (fingers), if we ignore what the other faith traditions are seeing we are ignoring much of the complex, dynamic and wonderful reality that is divine, that is God. Or Dharma… take your pick. .Celestial Lands » Blog Archive » Fingers and Moons
Take your pick is the wide road that leads to destruction. It is akin to letting everyone get on the highway of life and travel in any direction without law. This is in life a recipe for disaster and for our eternal souls it is everlasting destruction. God wants you safe, get off the wide road and take the road that leads to life found only on the Grace Highway that led Yeshua to the cross.
Talk about deception. Truth is not a mix and match pot luck supper. The moon in fact I have not brought it up till now is a dead celestial body which get this “Only reflects light”… It is not the source of light! This is also part of the global deception. Jesus said I Am the true light which comes into the world. But in the gospel of John it gives the truth that men loved darkness rather than light. If the light that is in you is darkness how great is that darkness. Trust Jesus Christ alone!
Catholic using Mary to Usurp Christ Jesus
mary-shrine-2The Virgin Mary and the Church
A mother figure is a central object of worship in several religions (for example, images of the Virgin and Child call to mind Egyptian representations of Isis nursing her son Horus). The history of the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, depends on the texts of the Gospels. Embellishments to her legend seem to have taken form in the fifth century in Syria. The life of the mother of Christ was exceptional: she was born free of original sin (21.168), through the Immaculate Conception; she was taken to heaven after her death (17.190.132); and, just as Saint Thomas doubted Christ’s Resurrection, so he doubted Mary’s Assumption. Theologians established a parallel between Christ’s Passion and the Virgin’s compassion: while he suffered physically on the cross, she was crucified in spirit. The Council of Ephesus in 431 sanctioned the cult of the Virgin as Mother of God; the dissemination of images of the Virgin and Child, which came to embody church doctrine, soon followed.
What does the bible say about the queen of heaven say, Blue Letter Bible – Search Results for KJV
The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead [their] dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger. Jeremiah 7
Mother god Cults
This is precisely the council of the serpent to bring judgment on God’s people, just like what Balaam did for Balak. He taught Moab how to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel getting them to commit fornication and worse idol worship in fertility cults which survive today. Numbers 22-33
Worship of mother and child spread from Babylon to the ends of the earth, but were called different names in the languages of the various counties where their worship appeared. “Semiramis and Horus/Tammuz were worshipped as “Madonna and child.” And as the generations passed, they were worshipped under other names in different countries and languages. Many of these are recognizable – such as -Fortuna and Jupiter in Rome; Aphrodite and Adonis in Greece and Ashtoreth/Astarte and Molech/Baal in Canaan.”–Syncretismas! by Martin G. Collins Forerunner, December 1995
The Bible condemns moon worship:
“And beware, lest you lift up your eyes to heaven and see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, and be drawn away and worship them and serve them, those which the Lord your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven.” Deuteronomy 4:19 “and has gone and served other gods and worshiped them, or the sun or the moon or any of the heavenly host, which I have not commanded” Deuteronomy 17:3 “For he rebuilt the high places which Hezekiah his father had destroyed; and he erected altars for Baal and made an Asherah, as Ahab king of Israel had done, and worshiped all the host of heaven and served them.” 2 Kings 21:3 “And he did away with the idolatrous priests whom the kings of Judah had appointed to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah and in the surrounding area of Jerusalem, also those who burned incense to Baal, to the sun and to the moon and to the constellations and to all the host of heaven.” 2 Kings 23:5
“And they will spread them out to the sun, the moon, and to all the host of heaven, which they have loved, and which they have served, and which they have gone after, and which they have sought, and which they have worshiped.” Jeremiah 8:2 “And the houses of Jerusalem and the houses of the kings of Judah will be defiled like the place Topheth, because of all the houses on whose rooftops they burned sacrifices to all the heavenly host and poured out libations to other gods.” Jeremiah 19:13 “And those who bow down on the housetops to the host of heaven” Zepheniah 1:5
Represents: masculine energy.
Used in rituals for: invoking the horned god, fertility.
1, could mean several things, but most commonly it is used by some modern Pagans to demonstrate their devotion to the Goddess. This practice is most common in Wicca, but other Pagans may do it as well. In Wicca, several denominations use certain tattoos to designate priestesses and priests. The crescent moon forehead tattoo is used in the tradition of Devotional Wicca for that purpose. In most cases, the tattoo was inspired my Marion Zimmer Bradley's "The Mists of Avalon", both the movie and the book, though I know of several Wiccans who adopted the practice before the book was written.


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