
8 Feb 2021

Senomyx HEK293 - Do YOU know whats in your Food

Mind and Spirit Th3inn3rlight Meditate Investigate
2.74K subscribers

Senomyx HEK293 has been going around the internet for a while now and I thought it was time to check Senomyx HEK293 out and see if it is true.

Senomyx, HEK293, Who are they & What is it?

Senomyx is an American biotechnology company working toward developing additives to enhance particular flavours and smells in foods. The company claims to have essentially "reverse engineered" the receptors in human beings that respond for taste and aroma, which they are profiting from these discoveries to produce chemicals that will make food taste better. Senomyx develops patented flavour enhancers by using "exclusive taste receptor-based systems."

These receptors have been previously revealed in the Senomyx HEK293 cells. HEK stands for human embryonic kidney cells. These cells initially came from a healthy, electively aborted human fetus starting sometime in the early 1970s. Using details from the human genome sequence, which Senomyx has recognized we have hundreds of taste receptors and they presently own 113 patents on their discoveries about the human tastes and senses. Senomyx collaborates with 7 of the world's largest food business to advance their research and to fund the advancement of their innovations or are they turning us into cannibals.

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