
23 Dec 2022

25 Thousand-Mile Pre-Flood Ruin Exposed In Peru? 🌊

25 Thousand-Mile Pre-Flood Ruin Exposed In Peru? 🌊

Mystery History
although many academic bodies and the individuals funded by said institutions are only allowed to attribute ancient ruins to known heavily researched past civilizations there exist many features Within These sites found all over the world which tell a very different story not only are they indicative of an ancient civilization far more capable than our well-studied more recent ancestors but many of them share features within their builds with many other sites who are separately claimed by the as mentioned institutions as the work of completely different past civilizations who we feel are far more likely based on said evidence to have been mere rein habitants of these sites which allowed these civilizations to flourish adopting said features into their own cultures and often claiming said works as their own to outside groups not only do the similarities show an undeniable connection with sites currently argued as completely isolated ancient works of architecture but many of the most astonishing features of said sites are not only ignored but often overlooked by the world as a result which we also feel is strong evidence of not only a deliberate attempt to ignore the facts in favour of fallacy but Clear Proof of a conspiracy which is largely funded in an effort to keep these particular proverbial smoking guns hidden and Under Wraps often avoiding further study as a result this clearly due to the reality they contain regarding facts about the history of man which Academia is not only responsible for hiding in favour of funding but are responsible for hiding the true history of man from Man himself in an effort to merely appear all-knowing in the face of of things they currently have no explanation for and the so-called Inca road is indeed one of these said ancient anomalies which is of an astonishing size it is so big in fact it even dwarfs the Great Wall of China an ancient Relic so big it can be seen from space one might ask how can I not have been informed of such an ancient Relic but once one realizes the current academically baffling accomplishment this so-called income Masterpiece must have once been the conspiracy to keep such a site largely unknown will become clear it is a road system that not only links nearly every unexplained ancient ruin currently known to exist within Peru connecting pumapunka saksay huaman Machu Picchu olante Tombo along with many others it in fact covers an incredible 25 000 miles topping the Chinese wall by nearly 7 000 miles going all the way through Peru Chile and spreading out far beyond with Bridges tunnels seemingly carved straight through Cliff faces and even following sheer drops once cut horizontally into near vertical Rock faces with plunging sides dropping at times thousands of meters to valleys below we strongly believe that although the road has clearly been utilized by an unimaginably large number of Travelers and has been severely eroded away nearly everywhere the method of construction Now hidden by erosion that this surface just like that of the roads of Pompeii were actually formed using a now lost Stone technique now largely known as that of polygonal masonry not only a lost now unexplained technique of stone building indicative of A Lost Civilization and Technologies but the sheer size of the road and the features accomplished along its incredible length still provides countless unexplained features which cannot be explained as Inca yet not only is it and its features academically ignored but we feel the proposition of it being an Inca Relic just like all the ancient sites we have already covered in which it connects are far too advanced to be claimed as Incan how can one claim that such a relic was built by our more recent ancient ancestors when not only does this site link much of ancient Peru and is largely ignored but not only the road but all said sites currently hold Feats of ancient engineering which cannot be explained it is clearly a feature that is indicative of a far more advanced far more ancient civilization which once constructed this road and the sites found along it merely rein habited by our now well-studied far more recent ancient ancestors it is a place we find highly compelling we recently covered the enigmatic ancient civilization that could once be found among the tops of the mountains within Northern Peru known as the Chacha poyas or Cloud people they were a race of possible Ancient Giants that are said to have been responsible for some of the most precariously positioned and most amazingly constructed ancient builds to be found anywhere on Earth let alone Peru and the most astonishing of these has to be the ancient site known as kulab culap is a little academically shared thus little-known ancient Peruvian site located within the Peruvian mountains near the towns of Maria and Tingo in the southern part of the region of Amazonas according to a particularly funded parties it was built by the chachapoyas culture a mere 1400 years ago on a ridge overlooking the utcubamba valley however once one has an opportunity to visually explore this untouched once lost ruin the unexplainable extent of the groundwork that went into creating the site becomes apparent what first appears to be a long brick walled fortifications are soon realized to actually be enormous seemingly unimaginably huge groundworks built by Brick creating multi meter reinforced walls backfilled and levelled with Earth creating a ruin which is now what can only be seen as man-made geology groundworks the size of no other anywhere on earth created apparently quite recently within history without any real record of the astonishing event or more importantly cataloging of the methods used found anywhere among the sites the city has three entrances two to the East and the other one to the West the main entrance has a trapezoid shape having once also having a Coralville Arch this entrance was siege proof due to its cunning shape it becomes narrower and narrower until it allows the passage of only one person at a time astonishing architecture built with Precision into enormous constructions there are over 550 structures within the fort nearly all of which having once been circular on the southwestern part of the settlement there is a 5.5 meters high structure known as El tantero or templo mayor Spanish for Maine Temple ceremonial archaeological remains have been found at this location and it is hypothesized that the building may have been used as a solar Observatory culap was accidentally rediscovered in 1843 by one chrysostomo Nieto a judge from the city of chachapoyas in 1870 Antonio rayamande made the first known survey of the site ever since details regarding the site have slowly been revealed astonishing ruins a place like many others around the globe which also display seemingly impossible Feats of engineering accompanied by a complete lack of any recording or explanation for said tasks undoubtedly predates its academic dating the question is who could have built such astonishing architecture atop the largest groundworks anywhere on Earth how did they complete such a mammoth task at such a high altitude perhaps one day we will find out about 50 years ago a most miraculous Discovery was made known as The Book of Giants it is an anti-diluvia narrative that has long been hunted by adventurers and archaeologists alike attributed to the writings of a character known as Manny The Book of Giants had long been known as a real body of work which circulated among the ancient manishians during the 20th century discoveries of tiny fragments of this original work began to reveal the book of Giant's actual existence fragments of Dead Sea Scrolls containing the actual Book of Giants were first discovered at turfan now known as Turpin a city located within the east of China these fragments substantiated the many references to its existence within other literature and finally confirmed its existence Beyond doubt people of all walks of life began to devote their lives to the discovery of these incredible texts texts which apparently documented the life and death of an ancient race of giants who called themselves the wild men it is an expansive Narrative of the birth of immortal Giants on Earth in this story the Giants came into being when the sons of God had children with Mortal women subsequently birthing a hybrid race of giants these Giants partook in destructive and immoral actions which slowly devastated Humanity when Enoch heard of this he was distressed and asked God to bring judgment to the Giants when the Giants heard this many chose to act in Defiance while these fragments were incomplete at this point the manashian literature ends the story by telling of the hosts of God beating the race of giants in battle an incredible Story one which dates back from Far within our ancient past in 1971 JT milk discovered several Aramaic fragments of enochic Works among Dead Sea Scrolls at a site known as qumran among the fragments discovered were 10 manuscripts of the Book of Giants these fragments were found in six different caves which dotted the site these scroll discoveries allowed for further refinement of the works and is now seen as a virtually complete ancient text is this story yet more compelling proof of an ancient race of giants who once dwelled and later perished here upon our planet or perhaps just a religious fairy tale regardless of this it is an impressive and amazing story in its own right one which has managed to survive Untold Millennia to reach us in the modern day a story many people throughout history saw it incredibly important to preserve and communicate to others thanks for watching guys and until next time take care foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] we have in the past covered a vast array of evidence which suggests the past existence of giants yet alas much of what is or has now either unfortunately been suppressed destroyed stolen or forgotten about with the remains of their initial discoveries now often only to be found remaining proverbially cast in stone in the form of the library archives of the world and the news reports now digitally preserved Within often follow-up reports abruptly seized after the mention of the rapid arrival and insatiable interest of the Smithsonian among others in said fines however now thanks to the popularity of such subjects the power and speed of modern technology such fines made during excavations involving a large array of individuals make modern cover-ups difficult and are rarely accomplished with the only modern almost openly admitted one of note having followed the discovery of the supposed tomb of Osiris when all media was immediately banned from the site when permitted back the tomb had already been penetrated and was subsequently claimed as having been found empty supposedly previously looted this regardless of its near impenetrability with gantenbrink only making it successful with modern robotics but I digress working in cooperation a team involving the Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities a team from the Penn museum University of Pennsylvania among others discovered a sarcophagus academically claimed as having belonged to a quote King sobektahab probably so back to help the first dated 1780 BC during the 13th Dynasty what we find astonishing regarding the fine however is a sheer size carved from a single chord piece of Aswan Granite initially weighing hundreds of tons this finished tomb still weighs a minimum of 60 tons it was somehow transported to the burial site and placed seemingly with delicacy where it now lay its resting place inner chamber also some three meters in length the baffling enigmas of why such size how were they moved to explain how these Feats were accomplished is far less difficult challenge if one incorporates into their postulations the possibility that the size of these tombs were in fact made to measure indeed a match to the height and scale of the civilization who buried them could the inclusion of Ancient Giants into the many other theories surrounding the mysteries of Giza solve the puzzle we still can't solve of how these Stones were moved it is a hypothesis which we find very fitting [Music]


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