The Hidden!: James Webb Space Telescope: Sunshield Deployment - Mission Control Live


22 Dec 2022

James Webb Space Telescope: Sunshield Deployment - Mission Control Live



"the deployment of the secondary mirror there are these very large boom structures that will come out in front of web and that will bring the focusing mirror the the primary mirror is that beautiful 18 segmented gold mirror that all of us have been uh talking about but then there's also the secondary mirror that needs to come out on these booms that the uh all of these 18 mirror segments will focus the light up to and then that light will be actually reflected back down into the instrument package for web 

and so that's one of the big deployments

that will happen in the coming week just listening exactly right that's our next one that we're really really
excited about because that's uh you know again the sun shield is great engineering um it's absolutely needed for this mission um and and it's it's incredible um but the sun shield is there to to cool what we really want and that's the that's that telescope and their science instruments so we really want to get those deployed you know deployed next and then after that we have the full deployment of the primary mirror so the uh that the that 18 segment mirror has two wings uh the wings will both be deployed so you can see here in this animation there's the secondary mirror that's coming out on this large boom that's the focusing mirror and you can see that it'll be focusing things down to the sort of that that black protrusion coming out of the center of the gold mirror and then after that the two wing segments will also be deployed and uh once that happens we will have the full uh fully commissioned and uh huge thing is it takes about two months for our telescope engineers and scientists to sort of align it and and and sort of you know focus it so to speak uh and to make it working at an operational you know as an
actual telescope"

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