The Hidden!: Mystery Staircase Appears In The Giza Plateau? 🤔


20 Dec 2022

Mystery Staircase Appears In The Giza Plateau? 🤔

Mystery Staircase Appears In The Giza Plateau? 🤔

Mystery History IIsites found all over the world can no longer be explained away with currently attested academic opinion who they say built them why or when they were created the most popular of these anomalies are the ancient monuments that can be found upon the Giza plateau currently explained as having been built by our copper tool-wielding ancestors a mere four thousand years ago somehow successfully creating some of the most precisely built and indeed enormous ancient structures found on Earth decidedly choosing to use Granite blocks many tons in weight as their Building Material of choice ironically although these sites are somehow exclaimed as having been built by the ancient Egyptians any actual literal explanation of how this was actually done has never been provided not only is academic opinion severely lacking any logical understandings as to the construction of these sites they seemingly attempt to ignore and in some cases conceal additional controversial anomalies they simply cannot understand enormous Stone megaliths are hidden all over Giza and especially around the base of the Great Pyramids and not only were these buildings adorned with incredibly hard Granite but also Basalt a similarly tough Stone and another which would be near impossible to have hewn with mere copper implements known as giza's Basalt floor it is what many people now see as The Smoking Gun for evidence of advanced engineering having once been responsible for the construction of the site amongst the remaining fragments of the basalt floor is overwhelming evidence of ancient Machinery Tell-Tale Precision signatures left on many stones suggesting high technology was responsible for the shaping of giza's enormous Stones cut marks that could only have been left by high-speed disc cutting striations precise ridges and countless other curious features have been thankfully left upon these stones and these surviving tool marks could one day be used to actually identify the technology once used to build the site we now feel that the evidence to suggest that the modern attested and mass-published theories regarding the origins of the Giza Plateau its age and indeed its creators past capabilities is currently Incorrect and is now overwhelming and that it is only a matter of time before a Revival of this past knowledge and indeed understandings again begins to flourish an announcement that seemingly slipped Us by was made recently within Egypt this announcement pertaining to an amazing discovery made within an area of the Giza Plateau that for a number of decades has been conveniently shut off from the public although the location is claimed to be a military training base archaeologists have apparently been secretly beavering away within this remote slice of antiquity announced by the Supreme Council of Egyptian Antiquities Egyptian authorities have apparently found the mysterious traces of the legendary fourth Lost Pyramid of the plateau this provocative announcement stirred up a gale of protests among many egyptologists and the reason for this may be because the discovery might turn out to be highly controversial although the pyramid is in a very bad State and this may be due to its immense age with only a few rows of blocks remain and these surviving blocks clearly displaying evidence to indicate that the missing blocks have simply eroded away over the eons this ruin may not be the most important find in the area or indeed the purpose for the video along with these pyramidal remains at the site is another amazing anomaly in the middle of this mysterious desert an enormous staircase has been found plunging into the desert floor seemingly excavated before this announcement and left for those who were fortunate enough to get access to the area to ReDiscover and photograph this enormous staircase plunges straight through a limestone Basin many meters in depth this surgical slice has revealed an astonishing implication it has revealed that the Giza Plateau does indeed extend this far not only that but it demonstrates the sheer unimaginable cubic size of this area of stone a block of stone that was apparently man-made where this staircase actually leads to is as yet unknown although it is thought to drop far below that which is currently visible and preliminary scans of the area are suggesting that it plunges through the plateau deep into an ocean of groundwater below by examining the pictures of the discovery it appears that the site has indeed been excavated from the sand having most likely been submerged from view beforehand the question is who did these excavations who built this unbelievable structure or indeed the mind-bogglingly enormous Giza Plateau who built the pyramids and sphinx upon it where did such an enormous Stone Plateau come from how did they shape and carve such mysterious structures with such blocks or perhaps most importantly of all where does this staircase lead did whoever undertake this excavation task managed to discover where it led more research and exploration will undoubtedly be undertaken over the next few years we will of course keep you posted we recently covered the impressive ancient dwellings known as dolmets which can be found littering most of the European Countryside enormous ancient structures which we feel were left by a surviving less capable branch of an earlier civilization still possessing Advanced knowledge allowing them to build with such stones surviving remnants of the group we also believe we're responsible for the masterfully constructed ancient ruins which can be found upon the same continents additionally this era within human history was the inspiration for an animated TV show namely The Flintstones curiously The Flintstones dubbed the modern Stone Age family could easily be mistaken for a lost Advanced civilization did the makers of The Flintstones know something we are currently unraveling regarding the Builders of The Flintstones homes namely the dolmens or is it all a mere coincidence some of these Dolmen still possess as yet unexplained evidence Which flies in the face of academics worldwide sites such as the Dolmen of menga found near Malaga in Spain this massive Dolmen one of the largest megalithic sites in Europe is a prime example of The Unexplained features which defy current explanation the Dolmen is 902 feet long 20 feet wide and 115 feet in height it was built with 32 megaliths the largest of which weighing over 200 tons nearby is another impressive dolman known as de Vera discovered between 1903 and 1905 by Brothers Antonio and Jose Vieira of antiquera this site also possesses some of the most impressive megaliths to be found in any dolmens anywhere in Europe who built these incredible structures how did they build them La Rocha fee in the French Department of ileville in the Brittany region was named after a legend claiming that the stones were brought by fairies this clearly inspired by their inexplicable nature a name of fairy Rock was given to many French dolmens or covered walkways regardless of whether our own theory is correct the still surviving features of many of these ancient dolmets is clearly indirect contradiction with attested Theory further alternative study is desperately needed of structures we find highly compelling throughout the ages countless reports of unexplained and baffling discoveries have been reportedly made deep within the minds of Earth regardless of the type of mine or indeed its depth it seems that these peculiar stories continue to surface and usually only by Word of Mouth often attached to these fascinating Tales you will find stories of these artifacts being seized destroyed or simply re-buried we are often confronted with an apparent cover-up vast resources and Manpower being harnessed to hide these facts from the world the motives for choosing to conceal such artifacts from the world could indeed be endless though regardless of motive we feel it is imperative that we continue to expose these stories to the Earth if we have compelling Witnesses and unmistakable evidence of a cover-up deep beneath the city of Donetsk within the rostov region of Russia a large Foundation of sandstone can be found something known as rock Shield of Carboniferous age it is about 300 to 360 million years old and is lined with distributions of coking coals that are also of around the same age astonishingly Mr kasatskin has discovered upon the roof of this shaft of coal an imprint of a chariot wheel an imprint undoubtedly made before the rock had formed around it he also discovered another imprint a small distance further along the shaft it must be noted that these imprints have remained buried deep within these seams of rock for many millions of years if a scientific analysis could have been undertaken upon this artifact it could have shaken our understandings of world history just like so many other artifacts we have been made aware of all but a few now stolen from the public domain upon realizing the implications of his Discovery Mr kasatskin an extremely experienced Foreman in ventilation and safety engineering specializing in seismic prognosis thankfully took several photographs of his miraculous and now concealed Discovery before officially reporting it and requesting a scientific evaluation when his boss notified the owners of the mine in the hopes of getting an analysis of the artifact with an attempt to preserve it to his boss's surprise they demanded he continued the work through the shaft so that it could be subsequently flooded which is unfortunately what has occurred making further exploration of the sites impossible he stated that he's investigated further regarding the Western Minds history with the fellow miners there and was able to confirm the existence of the other print within that mine it had been damaged by blast hole driving and was little mentioned though it was indeed there he was sometimes in this cut he said and got to take a good look at it says that he was surprised but also somewhat afraid to admit that these objects are of artificial origin we on the other hand are excited by such a premise and will keep you posted on any further developments regarding the mine hegerberg meaning Fortress of Hague is an ancient once fortified ruin found within the gurbanar District of the van province in turkey's Easter Anatolia region it was used by eurashian Kings as a fortress during the 8th Century BC according to Academia an Armenian folklore The Fortress was built by Hague the legendary founder of the Armenian Nation it was situated close to the site where he slew the invading Babylonian King Bell who according to said Legends was in fact an ancient Giant hake and his people had migrated South toward the warmer lands there they discovered a wicked giant known as bell bell tried to impose his tyranny upon hague's people but hake refused to submit hake eventually rose up and defeated Belle in what has become known as the Battle of Giants however what is intriguing regarding this story is the fact that the sites mentioned are actually ruins left by the same highly Advanced and thus highly capable Lost Civilization responsible for many of the exquisitely stone-built sites which dot the many continents of Earth Additionally the fact that Ancient Giants are again mentioned surrounding such ruins could be seen as a compelling lead Easter Island Guatemala the Amazon Peru South America the list goes on all with their own intriguing Tales of Ancient Giants either once inhabiting said sites or in some cases noted as being responsible for their Construction much of the ancient side is now extremely eroded yet in many areas such as cabustepe a number of remarkably refined stone blocks are still to be found presumably once Foundation Stones these blocks still retaining their extraordinary machined-like appearance these blocks were so perfectly carved we can only replicate such levels of accuracy using modern day Technologies the question is how did a civilization so far back within known history create So Many Stones cast to the same degree of precision what's more these masterfully and mysteriously created stones are seemingly placed upon an even older site when clearly of an even greater antiquity were these newer stone blocks actually robbed stonework from another area of the structure these blocks then used by a later civilization to build upon these ruins are we actually looking upon two lost ancient civilizations work in ascending order rather like what we have postulated later covered the enormous skeletal blocks of the Great Pyramid were these sites actually the work of a lost civilization of ancient Giants or are all these separate accounts of the same beings found all over the world a mere coincidence with so many sites and legends attached thereof telling the same thing it is only a matter of time before the truth is proven Beyond doubt [Music] foreign [Music] thank you

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