
13 Apr 2024

Rare Visit To The Ancient Temple Of Edfu By The Nile In Egypt

Rare Visit To The Ancient Temple Of Edfu By The Nile In Egypt

Brien Foerser

okay we're at the site of
edfu south of
Luxor and it has to be around
110° Fahrenheit out to
today in October of 2021 I've only been
to this
location once and that was 9 years ago
so this will
be an almost new experience for
me this is a
late toic
construction so from around 300 BC to
very early into the
ad and
we're simply going to see what we
find e
the outer walls here are the later
construction so possibly in Roman times
these were put here as a
defense to control access
into and out of the
structure so once again we see a massive
threshold made out of granite that's
what we've seen at many other sites such
dendera so it shows you that there was
some sort of megalithic presence
here prior to the dynastic time period
here's another giant slab of granite as
wellding you seen
statues of are
probably statues
of there's a depiction of
Horus both would have been wearing the
double crown and another depiction of
Horus here that means because we
are we've actually um been able to
transmute our polarity and are using
both sides at both hemispheres of the
brain but this whole
Temple is dedicated to harus
beet and that
means he is the exalted one at the
highest state of consciousness and if
you look up we've seen this image before
the wing exists and it's always in the
Cent the temp so two statues of
Horus relatively rough terms of work so
likely from the dynastic time
Bas the whole reason for the temples now
as we walk through the things that the
priest did after the priest of moon is
begin to separate out the temples so the
general public could only be in these
so Sandstone
floor Sandstone
columns the source of
isili but this is the temple that has
the building text it's the temple that
people talk about many people like gr
Hancock about um Atlantis so you see how
massive these columns
are our geologist Susan just uh made the
observation that it is quite possible
that the dynastic people found these
temples and then they carved their
inscriptions into them but that they
didn't actually do the construction that
these are an
inheritance of a much older
civilization that had megalithic
construction capability so that is
something which is a new idea for us to
think about
dedicated to hot right well these arts
or arts in my research and I've compared
notes with u kathle m an expert on the
theen you're
we're also
approaching a major megalithic
element you can see that
massive um Stone thing in the background
likely Aswan
Granite massive in
size and Polished very
smoothly so that could be a pre-dynastic
go South all the way through all the
same the temple body so again just look at the
sheer size
of these massive supposedly toic
columns supposedly this place talks
about ancient locations such as
Atlantis ancient
catastrophes but I can't
interpret hieroglyphics at all
so if you want to look that up then I
recommend you do that look up edu Temple
Atlantis and that might lead you to some
interesting Texts
greetings okay go
upstairs so we're not going up to the
top just
showing different
layers different rooms
thank you good
morning yeah I want to give you some
time walk your so this is the location
of the holy of
holies so that is why we
see a pre-dynastic
large Stone worker there in the centre
it's typical of even dynastic sites that
a much older piece would be brought in
usually of granite in order to bring the
ancient structure into the relatively
structure sh by
stor and they show haris killing the
Beast which is
however and natural lighting
okay so we're going back outside of the
Temple we have
Patricia a on Layman with us who is
going to do some
interpretation of what are
called for example the
Atlantean text or the Atlantean story
so this is where the so-called building
Texts are
located this is also where Steven points
out the thing with the Devil as well
isn't it yes
okay so here is horus right here in
Victory I think this is the hippo is set
so he's riding
um the Hat doors and their
tambourines and then all along here this
little animal at the bottom of the spear
okay there is horus and he's got the
spear in set right as the
hippo he's killing the beast but of
course this is a false story of the
priest you cannot kill the Beast you
transmute your polarity
within oh the dragon
yeah they say it's a
hippo looks a little like a dragon that
looks kind of
dragonish this one right here yeah
that's the image everybody uses for Zep
Tey but uh where where's that the one
right here with the
sail if you look up Z Tey that's what
you usually see online what that yeah oh
but again you can see there is set the
set underneath the
ark it's all a story about the battle
between hor and
set the story is um the sun is getting
old and weak and Horus is going to help
save him there's all these ners or
whatever that want to destroy the Sun
and so horus turns into the hawk and he
rises above up to the Sun and and he
looks down and he's able to see
everything going on and save the Sun so
it's the restoration of the Sun so the
old entire sun which I relate to the
solar flares and everything that's may
happen when we initiate the next
catastrophic event and then Horus is our
savior and the planet's balance is
restored and right up here you see top
at the top all of that is the building
Tex at the end yeah that whole panel up
there going down top just the top panel
though I believe it could be all of
that like I said nobody's been able to
translate it for
me and the atlantian
story um Atlantis well that's all what I
was talking about at the beginning that
a lot of people equate that when the
waters recede the mound emerges and the
gods walk the earth
and they consider that the story of
Atlantis oh okay and they consider that
the place this is the place in Egypt
where Atlantis is spoken about in that
context but again you have to remember
Gods here meant ners meant forces of
so oh
okay so any significance with the they
look like they were L faces yes these
were te NES they would have had um can
um Channels with water coming out from
the ceiling remember I showed you the
false doors at B and they had holes at
the bottom and the Sacred Water from the
heavens would come out and fall into
basins and then you have your Sacred
Water he's getting to
so of course people are going to ask
about the
defacement of the
faces most probably that was done after
the dynastic um Egyptian time some blame
the Christians for doing that some blame
Islam if we could go back in time we
could find out but since we can't we
simply don't
know but this is a rarely visited
location and so we're fortunate to be
here okay now we're inside and I've been
instructed by our geologist Susan to go
up onto the
roof excuse
me thank
you so this is similar to the Temple of
hathor dendera spiral
staircase going up but only
going this
far so no
actual access to the roof itself


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