Sky station structure comprises circle center core structure and circle outer Ring structure which comprises multi floor section levels.
Major center core structure center elevator provide transportations from bottom Cockpit floor levels to top cockpit floor levels.
First section levels of multi floors provide cockpit, control office, passenger Compartments, bed rooms, food service compartments, lavatory rooms, landing Pads, rope with winching machines and jet and rocket fuel tanks.
Second section levels of multi floors provide center elevators, circle center Hangers, large circle outer ring hangers, jet and rocket power plants at outer Ring structures, inner docking and outer docking bays, multi robotic arms at Outer walls of docking bays,
Third section levels of first floor levels provide center elevators, cylindrical Multi soft envelopes from floor levels to top levels of floors, cylindrical carbon Fiber honey comb composite outer envelopes from floor levels to top levels of Floors, multi envelopes of each envelope filled pressurized helium gas which Make it float at atmosphere.
Third section levels of outer ring structure provide center post from floor to top Truss structure, cylindrical multi soft envelopes from floor levels to top of Truss structure, large cylindrical carbon fiber honey comb composite outer Envelopes from floor levels to top levels center truss structure, each envelope Floor zone need floor gate for repair and Inspection works.
Fourth section levels comprises large circle outer truss structure, top of truss Bridge connected from center core structure to top of outer truss structure.
Fifth section levels of top floor structure provide top cockpit and top control Tower.
Also guy wire anchor at center of top control tower to top truss of outer Ring structures.
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B64G9/00 Cosmonautics not otherwise provided for
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Inventor Sunstar IM Original Assignee Im Sunstar Priority date 2009-11-18
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Space technology Think-Tank “NASA” Explore the First Moon landing and Build Spacecrafts and International Space Station Also Launched Satellites
Now! Ready big step to Explore The Moon Nations and other Planetary systems as Mars and others.
How Wonderful They are! Be proud of America's space Frontier! As World's Frontier of Space nations
I ask to my self How “NASA” can explore The Moon base ?
Big way of mass-Industrial Production outputs in Economical and How to build Mass-Transportations space crafts and operating systems.
I do not see much Big way of planning stage right now.
First of all we do not have mass-transportation systems from earth base to space base And Moon base.
Still planning with old technology but little better progress, as like explore stage. “NASA” had already explored almost four decades ago.
I think we need new-way of think and big explore Moon base.
International stations are so far away as like own by “NASA” nation only, untouchable Icon, only special group only! category.
To me our general people never touchable gold-mine Space station as the News only. I do not satisfy myself, and why I can reach and touchable? as like for the youngsters Mind.
It is my dream of saga. How we can reach the space station and to touch, hugging, Smelling, enjoyable travel possible?
Even start it build long-long time ago still not finished space station yet. modern civilized life on earth still untouchable space station and far-faraway lonely so quite. Also “NASA” announced Orbiter retired soon. Also depend on Russia spacecrafts. It is Tragedy? Lack of the Vision?
This is not a Americans way of life! I felt real shame of my great nations pride! Are we lost HONOR of space frontier?
I could not think of any further.
I have to think more deeper and deeper and found it out for solutions. It is my duty for “great America” Our nations proud as Invention nation! What else more? If we need it Invent it! It is our great proud nation on earth. We have to light it up! Finally I have a better solution.
My new concept of name are “SKY-STATION”
We need build “SKY-STATION” for mass transportation from earth base station to Space station and to the Moon station. without mass transportation systems Could not be big explore the Moon base because could not produce industrial way of mass transportation system under economic reliable condition.
We need five basic stations as follow.
1, Earth base station (already exist)
2, Sky base station (present Sky station at high altitude edge of atmosphere)
3, Space base station (not finished yet).
4, Moon's orbital station (not yet)
5, Moon's base station (planning stage)
In our experience of space explore, most expensive and technically difficult hurdle are from earth base station to the space station.
Our nations really big explore “Moon base business”? We need mega-mass transportation systems.
“lack of mega-mass transportation systems” fail to promises. or it take so long time delay to do it accomplished. As time is money sleeping. It is not a fully performance. What I discovered we need grand scale “SKY STATION” as SKY CITY
At high altitude edge of atmosphere as middle station among earth station and space station.
Sky station may float at high altitude edge of atmosphere.
Possible to stay a month or a year long period time to operate transportation from earth Base station to sky station at high altitude edge of atmosphere.
I can find it out many advanced way of think as follow
1. Much less cost to build and economically operate with Sky station.
2. Much easier and free stress in technology with Sky station.
3. Much more advanced invented mega-mass transportation systems with Sky station.
4. Much shorter time to build the Sky station than space station.
5. Much exciting, enjoyable and whole society participate work with Sky station.
Probably whole society love to support dreamful Sky station as humans always Wish. Not only space travel, as well Sky—Entertainment field, also Sky sports field expected. It is Revolution! Exciting event and open door for future our society prosperity! This is a great America!
For our space dreamy nation as well whole other nations love to build their own Sky station in future. It is evolved sky life in twenty first century.
It is New sky Civilization!
My new concept of “SKY STATION” are pressurized helium filled mega balloon Attached and sealed on top of rigid structure which whole structure are naturally floated at atmosphere.
From seventy five thousand foots to one hundred fifty thousand foots range of space. As middle station Between earth base station and space station.
Space crafts, satellite rockets and other planetary space rockets bring to the Sky station by “SKY ELEVATOR” then prepare to launch the space crafts, satellites other moon rockets to the outer space.
How wonderful Idea!
Low cost to launch the space rockets at Sky station under economical conditions. Safe and Much less scare to travel in space with advanced in technology.
Much prosper and crowd in future operations at Sky station as every people happy to work as feels dream come true in life time
“SKY STATION” Itself slowly descend to earth base station for inspection, repair and reload need things and slowly ascend to the high altitude atmosphere level Sky station zone.
This Inventions New way of Think with New visionary, Multi-mass transportation systems expected Quickly arise As soon as possible in twenty first century.
It is Revolution! and Sky Civilization!
The present Invention relates to lighter than air vehicle more particularly relates to a lighter than air vehicle. Pressurized helium gas bag of large cylindrical balloon Envelope anchor on top floor circle anchor plate to lower floor circle anchor plate which disposed cylindrical rigid fuselage Structure floated at atmosphere naturally.
It is called “FLOATING SKY STATION” crafts.
Balloon envelope comprises carbon fiber honey comb composite envelope as shear strong and lighter Atom elements.
Sky station comprises circle cylindrical longitudinal rigid fuselage structure which multi level floor inner core structure and bridge to outer ring circle cylindrical structure with multi level floor structure.
Also comprises cylindrical center elevator at core structure from top levels cockpit floor to Bottom levels cockpit floor for reliable transportations.
Sky station comprises as follow;
First section levels;
center core structure;
Bottom cockpit, food service compartments, elevators for transportations, Multi levels of control office, passenger compartments, lavatory, bed Systems, Outer ring structure;
Landing legs pad, multi rope for landings to earth base station with winch Machine, jet and rocket fuel storage compartments, Water tank and pump station systems, plumbing systems, electrical systems, Hydraulic systems and pneumatic systems, other avionic systems, outer ring elevators, may comprises multi antenna and radar systems for communications at outer ring structure.
Second section levels;
Center core structure;
Center elevators, center hall of hanger floors for space crafts, satellites, other Space Rockets.
Outer ring structure;
Launching pads, Jet and Rocket propulsion systems, Multi robotic arm systems, Inner ring and outer ring docking port systems.
Third section levels:
Center core structure;
Center core elevators, carbon fiber honey comb composite outer wall circle Cylindrical envelope, Multi circle cylindrical soft carbon fabric envelope, Floor Gate disposed at Each envelope chamber floor zone.
Outer ring structure;
Multi center post circular ring structure, Carbon fiber honey comb composite outer wall structure, Multi circle cylindrical soft carbon fabric envelope, floor gate for each envelope chamber floor zone.
Fourth section levels:
Center core structure;
Multi truss bridge from center elevator core structure to top of outer ring truss structure.
Outer ring structure;
Circular truss comprises on top of Multi center post of outer ring structure.
Fifth section levels:
Center core structure;
Top cockpit, Commander office, radar system, air born laser shielding systems, Multi guy wire anchor to the Truss top of outer ring structure.
Specially rotate Whole Sky station structure for the create artificial gravitation Force for human body strength in daily life in Sky station.
Sky station comprises jet and rocket propulsion systems second section levels edge of outer ring structure. Slowly ascend and descend also move side by side way any angle of three hundred sixty degrees.
Sky stations may possible to travel upward low orbit level with high rocket thrust
Power. Also aspect of sky station may possible many advantage of human's daily life. And may possible evolve new level of sky civilization what I expected and excited dreamful my Invention toward world As gift of Miracle.
The advantage of the present Invention is that the Sky station structure can provide High capacity multi-mass transportations and fully function in modern technology Achieve Goal in our human's dream.
Circle, Cylinder fuselage structure in which comprises pressurized helium gas bag of envelope disposed on top floor of rigid structure It is float at atmosphere.
Sky station provide aero-dynamically feasible on high density atmosphere through low density atmosphere. Also possible upward low orbit high altitude with high rocket thrust power.
Specially the Sky station's scale of size are may one eight miles to one miles of Diameter. This is a Super mega size Sky station.
Specially military vision;
Sky station as sky commander station, sky eyes station, sky watch station, military Watch dog station, sky born laser shielding station, sky multi gunning station, sky Rocket station, sky satellites GPS station, sky communication station and ICBM Carrying for military purpose.
Sky stations attack and protection systems at high altitude range about fifty thousands Foots to one hundred fifty thousands foots.
Sky watch station can watch the top of mountains and fields of earth surface a month Or a year long period times. We can collect all the moving and installing targets of Enemy military base then planning to clean it out all the troubled regions quickly. Sky watch stations at high altitude could not reach by bombers, jet fighters and even Military Rockets. No enemy weapons destroy the sky watch stations.
What weapons can destroy the sky watch dog stations? may only by ICBM?
My answer is no!
Shortest powerful rockets reach the sky commander station from earth it takes at least Sixty seconds, may more time in my figure. Other ICBM's reach the sky watch Stations may ten minutes to thirty minutes, may more time in my figure.
Sky watch stations always monitor in coming ICBM automatically in silence. And shoot down the ICBM target absolutely by laser beams, high speed multi Guns, and multi high power rockets. This is high priority to our nation. Others any kind of enemy weapon systems can not destroy the sky commander Station. Absolutely I am sure! protect our beautiful nation on earth.
It is our duty, honor, pride.
How wonderful it is! It is not a science fiction story. This is a real scientific Secrets weapons at high above silent sky watch station.
Probably small scale versions sky watch stations may better in some field of Military performance. Also mega center sky commander stations are better Performance.
Sky watch stations equipped variety avionics, gun, rockets, bombs, high resolution Cameras and communication radars.
Present Invention's sky commander stations to provide in Afghanistan which Possible Win the war of Afghanistan and end the war.
Not only Afghanistan war, virtually any kind military war on earth.
Prior arts includes U.S. Pat. No. 6,491,258.
Only found the name of Space elevator but much different kind of Invention Than present Invention of Sky station.
To accomplish many objectives which were not possible. It is necessary to break the Well established Idea and concepts about the fuselage with high pressurized helium Gas bag which is enveloped at top to middle of fuselage structure naturally floated At Atmosphere become Sky station craft.
A need for the Sky station operate to launch the space craft or satellites to the Upward space much advantage technology in twenty first century economy.
This Invention is directed to solve those problems and satisfy the long felt need.
The present invention to create many part of the Sky station with great visionary for future life in mankind.
I could not find Sky station in prior arts in Invention of patents world.
The present inventions are pressurized lighter than air gas as helium which is injected Into the cylindrical envelope structure sealed top and bottom floor structure, therefore Sky station itself floated at atmosphere as like Airship.
Another objective of the inventions are provide Sky station structure which comprises Circle cylindrical fuselage body structure.
First section levels comprises bottom Cockpit, jet and rocket fuel storage multi Floor levels Compartments and center elevator.
Second section levels comprises Multi floor levels Rigid Structure which provide Multi power plants and inner docking bays, outer docking bays and multi robotic arms Control and handle the sky elevators.
Third section levels comprises multi circle cylindrical helium gas bag of Envelope and Floor gates.
Fourth section levels comprises circular truss on top of the outer ring structure and Bridge truss from center core elevator structure to outer truss of ring structure.
Fifth section levels comprises top cockpit and control tower structure.
One of objective Inventions are provide the Sky station structure which includes Fifth section levels structure of Sky station.
Sky station comprises center core structure with center elevator from top floor Levels to bottom floor levels of the structure and outer circle ring structure.
Sky station upper levels of center core structure comprises multi circle cylindrical Helium gas bag of envelope on top of third section levels floor and upper levels Of circle outer ring structure comprises multi circle cylindrical Helium gas bag of Envelope on top of the third section levels floor.
The first section level of center elevator provide transportation to multi levels of multi Section floors as bottom cockpit, passenger compartment, lavatory rooms. Bed rooms, food service compartments and other storage compartments.
The first section level of outer ring structure comprises center elevator Transportation and jet and rocket fuel tank storage at multi level of each floor storage compartments. The second section levels of center core structure comprises third floor levels of Structure.
First floor of second section levels to provide center elevator, jet and rocket power Plants, variety control equipment and tools.
Second floor provide Center hanger operate and handling space crafts, satellites and Sky elevator crafts.
Third floors provide repair and inspection of cylindrical helium gas bag of envelope And floor gate.
The second section levels of outer circle ring structure comprises third floor levels Structure.
First floors provide jet and rocket power plant compartments as repair, inspects and Operate power plants around large circle floor space structure. Also comprise at outer Wall structure Robotic arms handling Sky elevators arriving and departure procedure. Second floors provide inner docking bays and outer docking bays for Sky elevators. Specially launching rockets, satellites and other rockets when need.
Third floors and first floors provide jet, rocket nozzles for thrust power to ascend and Descend the Sky station. Also to hove and move side direction of Three hundred sixty Degrees of any directions.
Third section levels of center core structure comprises first floor levels structure. Center core provide center elevator and outer Circle cylindrical wall structure Comprises carbon fiber honey comb composite envelopes which impregnated with Multi grid net of Carbon wire at middle of two sheets of honey comb composite Envelopes lighter and shear Strong envelope structure. Also cylindrical inner multi Soft envelopes anchor at floor circle Anchor plate to top ceiling floor anchor plate to Sealed leak proof by Glue.
The third section levels of outer ring structure comprises first level floor structure. Center core provide center post from floor to top truss structure anchored.
Outer large circle cylindrical wall structure comprises carbon fiber honey comb Composite envelopes which impregnated with multi grid net of Carbon wire at middle Of two sheets of honey comb envelopes lighter and Shear strong envelope Structure. Top and low levels of cylindrical envelopes anchor to circle anchor plate of top of truss structure To low floor circle Anchor plate and leak proof sealed all circle around outer walls.
Also multi cylindrical inner soft envelopes anchor floor circle anchor plate to top of Center post to sealed leak proof by glue.
Fourth section levels of center core structure of elevator structure anchor the truss Bridge to top of outer circle truss structure for safe and strong upper structure of Sky Station.
Fourth section levels of outer ring structure comprises large top circle truss structure Anchor to top of multi each center post at circle direct position.
Fifth section levels of center core structure comprises multi floor levels top cockpit And control office for safe navigations and Observe the weather conditions and other Multi reasons of applications.
Also guy wire anchor control office to outer ring circle truss structure.
Another aspect of the Invention comprises multi floor level center core structure and Multi floor levels outer circle ring structure with multi circle cylindrical helium gas Envelope provide floatable Sky station at high altitude atmosphere are new kind of Sky crafts are virtually new technology in Science.
I am proud to present “SKY STATION” to my country.
I had been long time research and developments all of the future transportations. Also Low cost to launch rockets to the space at the Sky station at high above edge of atmosphere.
The advantage of the present Invention is Which Sky station structure can provide High capacity, multi function, versatility, multi-mass transportations and new Sky Stations provide multi prosperity for the world.
Specially each floors multi levels and each walls of multi levels structure of Sky Station comprises multi grid net carbon wire impregnated into the two sheets of Carbon fiber composite envelopes by glued as lighter weight and shear strong Elements materials.
Although the present Invention is briefly summarized the fuller understanding of the Invention can be obtained by the following detailed descriptions and appended claims.
These other features, aspects and advantages of the present Inventions will become A better understood with reference to the accompanying drawings where in;
FIG. 1. is a Illustrated prospect view of Sky station at sky.
FIG. 2. is a Illustrated prospect view of Sky station at sky.
FIG. 3. is a Illustrated prospect closed view of Sky station at sky.
FIG. 4. is a prospect view showing the Sky station having a structure according to an embodiments of the present Invention.
FIG. 5. is a prospect bottom view of Sky station FIG. 4.
FIG. 6. is a front plan view, side plan view, rear plan view of Sky station FIG. 4.
FIG. 7. is a cross-section A-A′ view of Sky station.
FIG. 8. is a large scale cross section detail view of Sky station.
FIG. 9. is a bottom plan view of Sky station FIG. 4.
FIG. 10. is a first section plan view of Sky station FIG. 4.
FIG. 11. is a second section plan view of Sky station FIG. 4.
FIG. 12. is a third section plan view of Sky station FIG. 4.
FIG. 13. is a fourth section plan view of Sky station FIG. 4.
FIG. 14. is a fifth section plan view of Sky station FIG. 4.
FIG. 15. is a top plan view of Sky station FIG. 4.
FIG. 16. is a cross section of carbon fiber honey comb composite outer wall structure view of Sky station.
FIG. 1-5, Shows the Sky station 100, according to embodiment of the present Invention.
FIG. 6-15, Shows the Sky station 100, inner structure of the present Invention. The Sky station structure for the Sky station 100, comprises multi body fuselage Center core structure 3, and outer ring structure 4.
The Sky station structure for the Sky station 100, may further comprises multi levels Of center core structure 3, and outer ring structure 4, further first section levels 27, Second section levels 26, third section levels 25, fourth section levels 24, fifth section Levels 23. as shown FIGS. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14.
The Sky station structure for the Sky station 100, may further comprises center core Structure 3, of first section levels 27, comprises center elevator 8, which from top Cockpit 1, to bottom cockpit 2, structure to provide rapid transportation in the multi Levels floor for the Sky station 100.
Also provide control office, passenger compartments, lavatory, bed service room, food Service compartments, variety needs compartments.
The Sky station for the Sky station 100, may further comprises outer ring structure 4, Of first section levels 27, provide jet and rocket fuel tank storage 56, compartments, Helium tank and water tank storages, pumping stations, plumbing and electrical Systems, hydraulic and Pneumatic systems, and variety gauge systems.
And further comprises outer ring structure elevator 9, transport third floors to bottom Landing pads 77, elevator doors 89, for multi-mass transportation systems from top floor Levels to bottom floors of Sky station 100.
The Sky station further comprises landing pad 77, compartments provide winching Systems with multi rope which adopt for landing to earth base station 98.
The Sky station structure for the Sky station 100, further comprises center core Fuselage 3, has cross section of substantially circle cylindrical structure 87, stand Vertically from bottom cockpit 2, to top cockpit 1, structure.
Also outer large circle ring structure 4, has a cross section of substantially large Circle cylindrical structure which comprises bridge truss 13, from middle top of Elevator core structure 3, to top of outer ring truss structure 24.
The Sky station structure for the Sky station 100, further comprises center core
Structure of second section levels provide first, second, third floor levels of structure. First floor levels provide launching equipment and variety tools.
Second floor levels provide center hanger 15, for handling space crafts 90, sky Elevator crafts other variety rockets 90, to guiding and operation.
Also inner docking bay 34, and outer docking bay 33, at edge of outer ring structure Handling docking and departing the sky elevator craft in daily business.
Third floor levels provide floor gate 22, for inspection and repairs the helium gas of Multi circle envelopes 11, 41. and store variety equipment and tools.
The Sky station for the Sky station 100, further comprises outer ring structure 4, of Second section levels provide first, second, third levels of structure.
First floor levels provide outer ring elevators 9, for rapid transportation, jet and Rocket power plants 36, 37, provide thrust power for ascend and descend Sky station 100, power plant comprises at all around large circle outer ring structure 4. Specially robotic arms comprises out of wall at first floor and third floor for handling Docking and departing the sky elevator crafts in daily business.
Second floor levels provide jet and rocket power plant compartments 39, with door 88 Power plant provide thrust power to Sky station 100. and operate to move the Sky Station 100, to any direction.
Specially turn to rotate Sky station 100, to create artificial gravitation for better to care Body condition at Sky station.
Also inner docking bay 34, and outer docking bay 33, provide handle the sky elevator To docking in and departing, also important launthing the space craft or satellites Rockets to the space with low cost in economic.
The Sky station structure for the sky station 100, further comprises center core Structure 3, at third section levels provide center elevator 8, circle cylindrical outer Carbon fiber honey comb composite structure impregnated with multi grid carbon Wire 45, middle of two carbon composite envelope structure 41, which lighter weight, Shear strong elements materials anchor at floor anchor plate 82, to top ceiling floor Anchor plate 82, and each anchor plate leak proof sealed by glue.
Also inner cylindrical multi soft envelope anchor at each floor anchor plate 82, to top Of ceiling anchor plate 82, and leak proof sealed by glue.
Also rubber sealed each floor gate 22, comprises at each envelope circle floor area Variety Repair works and inspection of envelopes.
The sky station structure for the sky station 100, further comprises outer ring structure 4, floor of third section levels 59, provide center post 17, at each circle cylindrical Envelope floor area zone and outer ring wall 43, comprises carbon fiber honey comb Composite structure impregnated with multi grid carbon wire 45, middle of two Carbon composite envelope structure 41, which lighter weight and shear strong Elements materials anchor at floor anchor plate 82, to top center post anchor plate 82, And each anchor plate leak proof sealed by glue.
And inner circle cylindrical multi soft envelope 11, anchor at from floor anchor plate 82, to top of center post 17, anchor plate 82, eak proof sealed by glue.
Also each envelope zone of floor comprises floor gate 22, for the repair and Inspection works.
The Sky station structure for the Sky station 100, further comprises fourth section levels 24, with top of circle truss 12, structure on top of outer ring structure 4. Also comprises bridge truss 13, from top of center core structure 3, to top of outer ring Structure 4. for shear strong structure of Sky station.
The sky station structure for the Sky station 100, further comprises at fifth section levels With top cockpit 1, and top of control tower 6. which comprises top of center elevator tube structure 8.
Also guy wire 7, comprises from top control tower 6, to top outer circle truss 12, at Outer ring circle structure 4.
I am very sorry could not showing the Sky elevators in this present invention may Show to next application of the Invention.
Claims (19)
1. The Sky station claim 1, for the Sky station comprises multi fuselage body Structure which provide circle center core structure and circle outer ring structure. At center core structure comprises multi levels floor structure and center elevator structure to provide Transportation from top cockpit to bottom cockpit.
And circle outer ring structure comprises multi levels floor structure, outer ring Elevator provide from third floor levels to bottom landing pad. And center post of outer ring structure comprises third levels floor to top of center post structure.
2. The Sky station claim 2, for the Sky station comprises circle cylindrical carbon fiber honey comb Composite envelope at third section levels which multi grid carbon wire net impregnated into middle of two sheets of carbon composite envelope by glue by glue at outer envelope of center core structure and outer ring Structure.
3. The sky station claim 3, for the Sky station comprises circle cylindrical multi soft Envelope at third section levels floor anchor plate to top of center post anchor Plate and glued leak proof sealed at inner center core structure and inner and Outer wall envelopes outer ring structure.
4. Sky station claim 4, for the Sky station comprises the lighter than air vehicle And which the lighter than air gas pressurized helium injected into the envelop Anchor on top of multi floor levels structure becomes buoyant and float at Atmosphere naturally, which is newly Invented call it “SKY STATION”
5. The Sky station claim 5, for the Sky station comprises jet and rocket power plants At second section levels floor provide thrust power the Sky station.
Jet power thrust at low altitude atmosphere and rocket power thrust at high altitude micro atmosphere around seventy five thousands foots to one hundred fifty thousands foots range levels also may possible to high altitude low orbit levels of space.
6. The Sky station claim 6, for the Sky station comprises multi Inner docking bays and multi outer docking bays at second section levels structure with multi robotic arms.
Each docking bay comprises multi robotic arms handling and controlling the Sky elevators incoming docking, departing situation in daily business at Sky station. The Sky elevators (not show in present Invention) transport flight and passengers from earth base station to Sky station.
7. The Sky station claim 7, for the Sky station comprises important aspect of the Sky station provide as Launch vehicle for the Space crafts, satellites rockets. Most expensive and difficult hurdles and stress the space crafts transportation Systems are from earth station to space station. the Idea of solved problems are Need Multi-mass and large capacity space crafts. And apace crafts, satellites rockets bring to the Sky station by Sky elevators from earth base station then prepare to launching the space crafts, satellites at Sky station to the upper space at low cost, low stress and multi-mass transport in technology.
8. The Sky station claim 8, for the Sky station comprises center core structure of first section comprises center elevator, multi floor levels bottom cockpit provide passenger compartments, lavatory rooms, bed systems, food service compartments and variety control offices. Also may have escape cockpits.
9. The Sky station claim 9, for the Sky station comprises outer ring structure of First section comprises outer elevator and multi levels bottom floors provide jet And rocket fuel tank compartment, pumping station, plumbing station, electrical, Hydraulic, and pneumatic systems.
Also landing pad under bottom of elevator provide winching systems with multi Ropes rolling up or rolling down for landing to earth base station.
Also may to provide radio antenna and radar systems
10. The Sky station claim 10, for the Sky station comprises center core structure of third level section provide carbon fiber honey comb composite envelope which multi grid net carbon wire impregnated into the middle of two carbon fiber composite envelopes by glued as lighter weight and shear strong elements materials at outer wall envelope structure anchor to top of ceiling floor anchor plate to third section floor anchor plate leak proof sealed by glued The Sky station claim 11, for the Sky station comprises multi cylindrical soft envelopes anchor at floor anchor plate to top of ceiling anchor plate leak proof sealed by glued.
Also comprises floor gate for the repair and inspection of the multi envelopes.
12. The Sky station claim 12, for the Sky station comprises outer ring structure of third level section outer wall structure provide carbon fiber composite envelope which multi grid net carbon wire impregnated into the middle of two carbon fiber composite envelopes by glued as lighter weight and shear strong envelopes anchor at floor anchor plate to top of center post anchor plate and leak proof sealed by glued.
13. The Sky station claim 13, for the Sky station comprises multi cylindrical soft Envelopes anchor at third section floor anchor plate to top of center post anchor Plate leak proof sealed by glued. also comprises floor gate each envelope area Zone.
14. The Sky station claim 14, for the Sky station comprises large circle truss structure On top of center post of outer ring structure and top of bridge truss structure Connected from center core elevator structure to outer circle truss structure at fourth Section levels structure.
15. The Sky station claim 15, for the Sky station comprises multi floor levels top Cockpit provide control tower, observation office, variety applications office. Also guy wire anchor control tower to top truss structure of outer ring structure.
16. The Sky station claim 16, for the Sky station applied to variety of military Application as to carrying the ICBMS, ROCKET SHIPS, SATELLITES And ICBM, ABM defense, SDI defense systems.
17. The Sky station claim 17, for the Sky station applied to variety of civilian Application as to Sky travel transportations, sports activity, medical fields, R&D of institutions and Industries, Entertainment Industries, radio, TV Antenna Towers and launch the satellites at high altitude atmosphere.
18. All of wall and floor structure comprises carbon fiber honey comb composite Structure which multi grid net carbon wire impregnated into the middle of two Carbon fiber composite envelopes each cross link and integrated with glued As lighter weight and shear strong elements materials at outer walls, each Floor structures and inner wall structures.
19. Each escape cockpits with multi eject rockets at top cockpit and bottom cockpit to separate from Sky station and escape with big parachutes and safe land on earth In emergency.
20. Skin of out side walls of envelopes may comprises photo solar cells films for the Multi battery charge systems to supply electric power at Sky station.