The Hidden!: Aero-'PLANE's Attitude Horizon Indicator Flat Earth ?


26 May 2018

Aero-'PLANE's Attitude Horizon Indicator Flat Earth ?

you know, the thing about this argument is that both sides fail to take in other possibilities, such as why it appears to be both flat and round at the same time, to different observers, its because its not real, none of it is, its a facsimile and a poor one at that, that is why there are all these inconsistencies between what we observe, and what is expected to be observed, sure if you want to test this theory out, you could take a secondary gyroscope in a clear box, on a "bubble" levelled platform, with a set marker on a background behind it, and a camera in a fixed position constantly observing it, and a secondary cam on the bubble level of the platform, to monitor if it does indeed alter its angular position during a fixed amount of time during levelled flight, but consider this if none of its real and is made from our subconscious expectations, then all that will prove is that what you perceived and believed to be true, has been confirmed / re-affirmed by your "fake reality" observations, and remember if it is confirmed by sources within the false perception of reality, then it only will show you what you expected to be real, or what the designers of the "fake reality", expected you to expect, and on a side note if they have to do that then they clearly are not human, as all humans are by default the same in our perceptual sensory organs, and basic mental pathways, and wouldn't need to go off your expectations as they would have the same ones, and know instinctively what to expect, just because you expect it to be so, doesnt mean it actually is ;) #peace

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