The Hidden!: Old DATA from the Galileo Spacecraft confirms Water on Europa


26 May 2018

Old DATA from the Galileo Spacecraft confirms Water on Europa

look its this simple NASA'S data is all faked, edited and highly manipulated, made apparent even more by things like this, that they suddenly find "overlooked", evidence that supports their claims and bolsters their future agendas for which they want funding, (scam), life is all around us and water is not a prerequisite of all life, just human life as we know it, but to only look for this single aspect in a infinite amount of data, is like looking for the tip of 1 specific needle with a single nanite on it, in an infinite forest of needles, wake up!, we are not now or have ever been, alone, they even live here on Earth amongst us, and around us, and above and beneath us!, wake up!

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