
23 Feb 2020

Cellphone Model Radiation Rate Data: independent test labs publish measurements of the levels of radiation emitted by specific cellphone models.

Cellphone Model Radiation Rate Data: independent test labs publish measurements of the levels of radiation emitted by specific cellphone models. 

In June 2010 the New York Times reported on a San Francisco law that will require cell phone manufacturers to list the radiation rate of each cellphone model sold in that state. Retailers will be required to post the SAR (specific absorption rate) for each cellphone model.
What is SAR - Specific Absorption Rate?

The level of human exposure to cell phone radiation, which is not necessarily the same as the cell phone radiation rate, is measured in SAR, Specific Absorption Rate - the rate at which radio frequency energy (RF energy) is absorbed into human body tissues.

The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) during cell phones in use depends on the distance the cellphone is held from the human head (further away is safer), and the distance to the nearest cell phone tower. While most of the human head is protected by bone, the ear is an area of soft tissue into the skull that might be an area of greater risk of injury by EMF from cell phone use.

Cell Phone Antennas vs. Cell Tower Antenna RF Exposure Hazard Differences

Don't confuse a cell tower antenna - the large usually outdoor antenna that receives and/or broadcasts cell phone frequencies to relay cell phone signals through the cell system - with the small, often hidden antenna within the cell phone itself (illustrated below at SUGGESTIONS FOR REDUCING CELLPHONE RADIATION EXPOSURE).

Our photo shows a collection of several types of radio transmit/receive antennas, including cell phone system signal relay towers, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Definition of EMF - an EMF or electromagnetic field is the field or area of force caused by movement of an electrical charge and containing some amount of electromagnetic energy.

Definition of EMR - Electromagnetic radiation, or electromagnetic radio frequency radiation EMFR. EMR or electromagnetic radiation is electrical and magnetic energy emitted by various types of energy sources: radio waves, microwaves, light, x-rays, and nuclear energy and sometimes expressed or measured in photons (particles) or as waves (discussed here).

EMR or EM radiation is the result of oscillating electrical and magnetic fields that move as an energy force in wave form through space.

Differences in RF Exposures from Cellphone Towers vs. Rooftop Cell Phone Antennas
People on the ground are not likely to be exposed to RF energy levels that exceed typical government RF exposure standards (given below in this article). People living in building areas below a rooftop-mounted cell phone antenna might be exposed to higher RF strengths than those on the ground.

Radiofrequency emissions from antennas used for cellular and PCS [personal communications service] transmissions result in exposure levels on the ground that are typically thousands of times below safety limits.
These safety limits were adopted by the FCC based on the recommendations of expert organizations and endorsed by agencies of the Federal Government responsible for health and safety. (allegedly DL), there is no reason to believe that such towers could constitute a potential health hazard to nearby residents or students.
(utter lies DL)

- Source: Cellular Phone Towers, [Web article] American Cancer Society, retrieved 2017/12/26 original source:

Watch out: The risk of significant exposure to hazardous RF energy levels from a rooftop cell antenna may be significant and might exceed FCC guidelines for people are directly in front of an antenna or who are within a few meters of an antenna.

Inside a building, for example in an apartment located directly below a rooftop upon which a cell phone antenna is mounted, the exposure of building occupants to RF fields is likely to be significantly lower than if they were exposed at the same distance and position outdoors in open air.(Lie DL)

That's because building materials block the transmission of RF field strength, typically to about 1/10 of the open-air strength of the same signal. (The actual RF signal blocking effect of building materials depends of course on the nature of the materials such as steel, concrete, or wood.) (or the intensity of the the energy wave being propagated DL)
The level of RF energy inside buildings where a base station is mounted is typically much lower than the level outside (if you were stood a mile away maybe DL and i quote The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) during cell phones in use depends on the distance the cellphone is held from the human head (further away is safer),), depending on the construction materials of the building. Wood or cement block reduces the exposure level of RF radiation by a factor of about 10 (Nope that would be if it were 2010 level technology not 5G+ terahertz radiation of beamforming capabilities DL).
The energy level behind an antenna is hundreds to thousands of times lower than in front. Therefore, if an antenna is mounted on the side of a building, the exposure level in the room directly behind the wall is typically well below the recommended exposure limits. (if they were only on for the once a day 60 second exposure and transmission rates from 2010 only DL)  - Source: Cellular Phone Towers, [Web article] American Cancer Society, retrieved 2017/12/26 original source: (another cancer scam charity / fake NGO-GO they're owned by the rothschilds DL)


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