
23 Feb 2020

US FDA Remarks on the Possible Health Hazards from Cell Phones 😈💩👎

Image result for Health Hazards from Cell Phones

RF exposure limits for the U.S. and other countries are given at 

US FDA Remarks on the Possible Health Hazards from Cell Phones

(expect a lot of BS while i cut through their lies)

Quoting from the US FDA:

Do cell phones pose a health hazard? 

(DERRRP do bears shit in the woods lol DL )

Many people are concerned that cell phone radiation will cause cancer or other serious health hazards. The weight of scientific evidence has not linked cell phones with any health problems. (pmsl all evidence to the contrary DL)

Cell phones emit low levels of radiofrequency energy (RF). Over the past 15 years, scientists have conducted hundreds of studies looking at the biological effects of the radiofrequency energy emitted by cell phones. (studies paid for by corporations with a conflict of interest so all that data gets thrown in the bin DL)

While some researchers have reported biological changes associated with RF energy, these studies have failed to be replicated (Errrm just No, Rf frequency has many biological effects from burning of the skin, brain fog, nose bleeds, miscarriages, joint and muscle pain, stiffness of the neck ,burning of the kidneys, skin and eye irritation and autoimmune disease, it even causes blood cells to stack on top of eachother and stick together in long clumps/chains or how about the radiofrequency ablation of cancer cells, or even the burning of sea water with RF i posted them all videos and pdf peer reviewed studies) The majority of studies published have failed to show an association between exposure to radiofrequency from a cell phone and health problems. (pmsl what utter lying scumbags DL)

The low levels of RF cell phones emit while in use are in the microwave frequency range. They also emit RF at substantially reduced time intervals when in the stand-by mode. (LIE) Whereas high levels of RF can produce health effects (by heating tissue), (although just a few sentences ago they said there were no biological health effects and i quote "The weight of scientific evidence has not linked cell phones with any health problems" its all lies DL) exposure to low level RF that does not produce heating effects causes no known adverse health effects.

The biological effects of radiofrequency energy should not be confused with the effects from other types of electromagnetic energy.(yeah i can see how it must be easy to confuse being blasted with a charged plasma-electrical discharge and feeling a slight tingle as your kidneys explode on fire as they rapidly dehydrate and create steam pressure and then pop said no one ever DL)

Very high levels of electromagnetic energy, such as is found in X-rays and gamma rays can ionize biological tissues. Ionization is a process where electrons are stripped away from their normal locations in atoms and molecules. It can permanently damage biological tissues including DNA, the genetic material. (oh so electromagnetic energy, can kill you utterly but RF can't PMSL utter bull shit they both can kill you, like a knife in the hand of either a murderer or a surgeon it can be used to do many things save or kill but to claim it has no effects is just outright lies DL)

The energy levels associated with radiofrequency energy, including both radio waves and microwaves, are not great enough to cause the ionization of atoms and molecules. Therefore, RF energy is a type of non-ionizing radiation. Other types of non-ionizing radiation include visible light, infrared radiation (heat) and other forms of electromagnetic radiation with relatively low frequencies. (have they never had a sunburn these morons? or put food under a grill on low heat, eventually it will still cook DL)

While RF energy doesn’t ionize particles, large amounts can increase body temperatures and cause tissue damage (POP). Two areas of the body, the eyes and the testes, are particularly vulnerable to RF heating because there is relatively little blood flow in them to carry away excess heat.(that and the buildup of pressure as i previously mentioned in the kidneys DL)
Recent Epidemiological Reports on Cell Phone or Cell Phone Tower Hazards & Cancer Risks


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