is it just me that thinks that its highly suspicious i wrote this 1 year ago and were currently undergoing the same stuff exactly year later, it's almost like im psychic and they plan these things to a schedule for each year, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?!?!?!?!?!? think about it.

is this what you want?, because if not you better grow a spine and speak up, because this shit is the plan, legal extermination via mass "inoculations" which is a euphemism for pumping you full of genotoxic materials that have been proven to cause diseases and kill even the most healthiest of people, #WakeUp

John Kenneth Hutchison Where is this nonsense
Darren Law this is an artist's rendering of a possible future eventually, what with them trying to make vaccines mandatory even for adults, its mostly going BC and other places but they want it for all of us https://www.google.com/search?q=vaccines%20mandatory...
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vaccines mandatory - Google Searchvaccines mandatory - Google Search
Darren Law of course all the polls and "endorsements" by celebrities are utterly fake, but it shows what they want to do, like this one bellow Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) said on Tuesday that 33 students and a staff member have been ordered to stay away from school. VCH said the students are either not vaccinated or don’t have proof of vaccination.Data available at the VCH website suggest many schools in the region have kindergarten measles vaccination rates well below levels need to create “herd", immunity (but geographical locations and isolated nature of the communities were never factored in to these) its them basically denying them their right to free education under the guise of health related code infractions a basic dictatorial regime they're all at it, .”https://www.sootoday.com/.../canada-poll-suggests-strong...
Darren Law like these idiots 👇👇👇 in this a typical textbook example of a shill post using the msm to attack truthers, because we're managing to get the word out and it's affecting big pharma's profit margins IE the Rothschild pocket, but facts are facts and there's defo a link between people becoming very ill and in many cases dying after having their "Vaccinations" and "flu shots" the list of toxic ingredients used in them is crazy, and they try to say it's to make you healthier, its utter nonsense, its to ensure their profit by making you a repeat customer through life long genotoxic effects. https://www.theguardian.com/.../anti-vaxxers-spread...
Nancy Beckwith Agenda 21..is Still up on the UN website..they wave it in everybody's faces..but almost no one Reads it
Darren Law you don't need to, just know it involves killing us all and ethnic cleansing, eugenics and genocide illegal war profiteering and corruption of state and governments globally and that's pretty much it in a nut shell,,,,,😂😂😂
Nancy Beckwith substitute the word Micro$oft with Transhumanists..or..H2..and bingo...
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