24 Apr 2020
COVID Clarity
Jennifer Danielshi this is dr. Daniels and welcome to healing with dr. Daniels today is Sunday April 12 2020 and this is the Easter edition and today's title is kovat clarity yes I am going to try to be very very clear about something that has been very very murky and as always I will be letting you know what you can do to keep healthy stay healthy and maybe even get healthy but first we're gonna take our turpentine have a little label of course the name sugar faded but whatever all right here we go yum yum yum we have next you really have to label this especially if your lip is something off because it's a clear liquid and can be taken for other things and you have to use it just so-so go-to vitality capsules calm enter your email address and get your free copy of if you Candida clean air report which gives you instructions this is my favorite dropper it's a pipette from Amazon easy beans it's a two point five CCS right up to here up to the neck there and that's half a teaspoon which is my favorite dose I get a lot of flack for dropping things on my keyboard my IT guys are just beside themselves Jennifer but they forgive me all right we got some water to help it down the hatch you mmm blue floss sugar definitely helps the medicine go down now next don't understand the pronunciation she legit here it is also known as mummy Oh from Russia yay Russia gives us mummy oh and I like this little stick here this is gooey like tar it is black and you can see it comes out like that Wow and that is more than enough and you can take that about four to four to six times a week all right so that's that we're going to put that in water and as you can notice it does not easily dissolve so we're gonna it for a while get around to it I'll take it out to the show all right put this away COBIT clarity so what I'm going to do is it's a lot of videos online about whatever but I want to talk about is what are they telling your doctor what are they telling your doctor about this wouldn't that be nice to know first of all I want you know the cupboard 19 physician gag orders your doctor is being ordered not to tell you anything about kovat and not to talk to the press why hey no just saying doctor is under gag order so what I'm going to tell you is what they're telling your doctor not what they're telling you so what they're telling you the public stuff in the out there for the public consumption you know you can find that you know with a Google search or something but this is what they're telling your doctor and it's very impressive so we're gonna start okay so healthcare workers are facing mental health challenges during kovat and so you would think as a mental health challenges why would a doctor have mental health challenges I can see the people who are being confined to their house having mental health challenges and going stir-crazy but why would a doctor have mental health challenges so this is from New York healthcare workers need to prepare so it's not yet but you need to prepare for mental distress really resulting from having to make a morally challenging decisions during the Kovach pandemic experts say listen to this health care workers face an increased risk of moral injury the psychological distress that results from actions or the lack of actions which violate their moral or ethical code this is a serious black this is a red I would say red flag but a black flag this is like a really ominous so your doctor has graduated from medical school so that tells you his moral code is already pretty low it has to be to get out of medical school and now they telling you doctor get ready cuz you're gonna be asked to do stuff that's gonna be even lower and they're already low medical moral code you've been asked to adopt just to get out of medical school this is pretty shocking let's see if they give a hint over what moral turpitude they expect to compel doctors to engage in I mean this is uh yeah dealing what the challenge is created by impossible decisions and work under extreme pressure so dr. song so and colleague suggests measures that healthcare managers should put in place as a matter of the healthcare manager not doctors right okay put in place too to protect the mental health care of staff during the Kovach pandemic and this isn't a new paper I mean this is like wow they should not be given false assurance for a full and frank assessment of what they will face as the pandemic progresses team leaders should help staff make sense of the morally challenging decisions they are forced to make I'm like oh I don't know about this recognizing that avoidance is a core feature of trauma team leaders should reach out to staff who don't attend these discussions of the emotional and social challenges of caring for patients now these are doctors I mean they've been through four years of medical school they've seen a lot of blood guts and gore and urine and feces and sputum on all kinds of fluids and they've seen a lot then they've gone through residency at least three years maybe sometimes ten depending on the specialty and they're saying that this person is not gonna be ready this person's gonna be morally challenged and had decisions that they're not gonna be able to make this is this is I don't know okay that's what they say so this you should also look out for each other proactively and sensitively and ask colleagues how they're doing and lastly if a physician feels they're grappling with moral aspects of the crisis they should reach out to anyone they trust and talk it through and if needed access professional help early on once the crisis is over well it was a crisis once it rises over supervisors should ensure that time is made to reflect and learn from the extraordinary difficult experience to create a meaningful rather than traumatic narrative the authors note remember that handled well this crisis may also lead to post-traumatic growth moral injury is not inevitable by any means so doing stuff that you object to doesn't have to injure you so they're going to ask doctors to do something that's morally objectionable so to enhance their sense of autonomy doctors can help raise public awareness media engagement and advocacy around Cova the 19 and its treatment so all the doctors need to allowed to do is raise from work awareness and advocacy that means to ask for more money around kovat 19 so managing their own well-being is an important element of autonomy doctors should prioritize rest and recovery for themselves as well as maintaining social connections and activities engaging colleagues and conversations that recognize a shared purpose and mutual concern can enhance the sense of belonging reaching out to family and friends can also be helpful to enhance their sense of competence wait a minute to enhance their sense of competence finish the sentence I know what you're thinking I'm thinking the same thing Walton answer sense of confidence of course they're gonna help patients get better no net party plan doctors can establish goals that are within their control will then work towards them competence extends beyond the workplace the doctor should also strive to maintain a healthy work-life balance so they're basically preparing a doctor if for is that the therapy that they're gonna ask him to give is not going to be effective and there's something they're gonna ask the doctor to do that's going to be morally reprehensible so bad that even the doctor is gonna think it's wrong okay so that's the setup this was shutting it off every doctor got this okay so here we have the research to support Colby something earlier so potential that means maybe yes maybe no Kovac nineteen vaccine shows promise and a promise means you say you're gonna do something in the future and maybe you will maybe you won't so now we haven't maybe on top of them maybe in a mouse study now since I went to medical school and since I did research on animals I can tell you already that we have got a world of information just in this title so when I was in medical school I did research on rats you may not realize it some rats are pretty big and I was afraid of rats still am actually so I said to the researcher why are we doing research on rats can't we use a mouse there's something smaller look down his nose at me really kind of Sunday idiot he says well rats are anatomically more similar to humans in their physiology organ systems in anatomy then mice are and so for a more accurate model you use rats and we're fortunate enough to be able to get access to rats so that's what we're using now those of you who are not in the medical field will remember certain expressions like lab rat oh my gosh she's just treating them like a lab rat another expression well the lab rat died it was always a lab rat rat rat rat mouse right because when you do studies in the mouse you cannot generalize them to humans at all so deliberately a mouse was picked for this vaccine study which meant that the results the researchers felt were more likely to be positive but you should never use a mouse when you can get a rat and I'm sure for this particular study they were it you know I don't see why they wouldn't have had the budget to get rats okay so now we know that we are using or that a biological model is being used which cannot in general be generalized to humans that's important so we now have a study of diminished value whatever it shows okay this is from London initial test that means the first test in mice of a potential vaccine delivered via fingertips eyes patch so they put a patch on the probably shaped skin of the mouse but they do have mice that have no hair just by the way bred just for the purpose working to the I've shown it can induce an immune response against the new coronavirus that's great but wait read the words carefully can induce I mean sometimes it can sometimes doesn't at all the time an immune response against the new color virus at levels that might prevent infection so in other words the levels of antibodies it might produce antibodies it might not and anti-vice it produces might it might not prevent infection so and this is in a model that we know cannot be generalized to humans just saying all right so researchers around the world are working to develop potential it means possible treatments or vaccines against the respiratory disease that has killed nearly 47,000 people and infected almost a million in just a few months to put this in perspective about 2.8 million people in the United States alone die every year from various causes just saying so the monthly toll here actually is pretty low so the monthly toll in the United States would be somewhere around you know 180,000 people amounts is what we expected to die every month and this basically is around 15,000 people a month because 47,000 in three months okay just putting in perspective okay team at the University of Pittsburgh in the United States so they were able to move quickly in developing a potential vaccine after working on other corona viruses that cause SARS and MERS two other past viral epidemics that did not materialize so I call they cause a protein spike it's important for inducing immunity against the virus okay we know exactly where to find this new virus we knew exactly where to fight this new virus when tested in mice a prototype vaccine which researchers have called pit Kovac generated what they described as a surge of antibodies against the new corona virus within two weeks two weeks antibodies in two weeks hmm the Pittsburgh researchers cautioned that because the animals have not been tracked for very long it's too early to say whether and for how long the immune response against Kovach 19 would last in other words this vaccine might generate antibodies in the male Mouse that lasts for three weeks and go away well that's no good so they have to look a little watch the mice a little longer but again we also don't know if the amount of antibodies generated is enough to fight an infection like say Kovac 19 the team said they hope to start testing the vaccine on people in clinical trials in the next few months so before we test on people with tests on animals make sure it's safe so in this case the valid model would have been the rat not the mouse and so don't sign up for any clinical trials on the vaccine just saying the potential vaccine uses a needle patch design called a micro needle array to increase its potential potency that means basically they stay at your skin with a bunch of small needles this array is a fingertip size patch of 400 tiny needles made out of sugar and the spike protein that meets approaching that induces antibodies Gamboa explained it's a design to deliver the spike protein pieces into the skin with immune reaction is strongest okay so they've used the wrong model we have antibodies but we're not sure that they're going to be effective antibodies yet it's time to check it in people okay now FDA grants emergency authorization for first rapid antibody tests for Koba 19 why would the FDA grant emergency authorization that means that the price of a process of authorization has been sped up and certain steps of evidence and proof that would ordinarily be required to prove accuracy are not being required that's so we got that piece next is its antibody so antibody is a test that tests not for the virus but for a protein made by the human body you got it so if you're measuring your protein made in the human body and you check everybody for it a lot of people are going to show up positive on that test who have never been exposed to the virus okay so let's check here make sure that's what they're saying so if you're a doctor and you're reading this right now you're going because you remember the strip antibody tests using the opposite e-text rep and how inaccurate they are and really we're gonna use a rapid antibody test for something as serious as kovat and so as a doctor here's where your moral harm comes how am I gonna turn around tell all these people based on a rapid antibody test that they have Co vyd when I know using it for strep is not very accurate at all now if it's strep all I'm going to do is throw some antibiotics Adam right but what if it's kovat so let's see what the FDA says they granted a company an emergency use authorization to market a rapid antibody test the first antibody test released amidst a pandemic it is reasonable to believe it is reasonable to believe in other words we don't have proof that you that your product may be effective may be effective then again it may not so we're being reasonable and we're believing that means faith not proof and it might be effective this is pretty remote so blood is placed into a well on a small cartridge and the results are read 20 minutes later lines indicate the presence of IgM IgG are both antibodies against the virus kind of like a pregnancy test that you do at home you have the two lines the one line is negative and the second line fills in if it's positive is like okay the numbers translate into a positive percent agreement with PCR which by the way is also not accurate of 93% and a negative percent agreement of 96.4% ouch what does that mean it means 5% of all people who are tested with this test will show up positive when they don't have the virus so its ability to find a negative is only 96 percent so at least 5% of all the people taking this test are gonna show up positive and we know that only 10% actually we don't know we don't know when people actually have the virus but we do know that 5% of folks who don't have it are gonna show up on this test showing they do have it okay result some antibody testing should not be used as this little basis of diagnose or exclude SARS infection the labeling states exactly Bango so as a doctor you know the doctors know the antibody testing is so weak so vague so inaccurate that you really can't honestly use it for much more than a strep throat and even then you need a confirmatory test and so what they're saying then is you can't rely on this test when it says no COBIT and you can't rely on it when it says there is kovat so why do it mm-hmm yes so now here the doctor is morally challenged how am I gonna recommend the test is useless it doesn't give me any information so negative results do not realize an infection yeah and false positives the positive test does not mean you have it so false positives can occur due to cross reactivity with antibodies from previous infections such as from other corona viruses or just proteins your body makes let's look at our favorite antibody test of all time the AIDS test what else can produce a positive AIDS test syphilis lupus Lyme becoming cold can you believe that becoming cold so keypoints this is the this is for the AIDS test which is an antibody test which is already in use and so they're saying is test always produce a small number of false positive results in settings where very few people have AIDS or in this case corona virus a higher proportion of reactive test positive test results will be false positives to ensure accurate diagnosis a sequence of confirmatory tests is used to verify all positive results a diagnosis is never made on the basis of a single antibody test result so what you're creating then is simply a testing industry so now here's this doctor morally challenged he's got a vaccine being tested and an inappropriate irrelevant setting which would be the mouse so how can he refer people to this to test this vaccine when they could kill them the FDA is approving and rapid antibody test which is by their own admission unreliable and now this doctor is being asked to follow the standard of care and use this test that gets better coronavirus is aerosolized through talking and exhalation the new report says when someone told me this I said get out of here I say saying again oh shut up yeah they've come out with that one so an expert committee has concluded that the novel coronavirus is Aris lies through talking or exhalation so a corona virus particle can leave through exhalation and regular talking it can leave that's all of you established it can leave the mouth okay but wait and it's not been established it's the viral particles that leave the mouth are alive and it's not been established how many leave and it's not been established if the amount of doses or the concentration in which it leaves is enough to cause infection are you with me so we can say then really the headline should say there is no evidence that corona virus is spread through talking or exhalation there's no evidence they have no evidence it's a piece of DNA that can fall out of the mouth we don't know if it's capable of infection at all and if it is if it comes out in a large enough quantity to infect another person don't know something to think about so now the doctor reading the headline which is corner virus is air sliced through talking and the body of the discussion which is it can't infect anybody the doctors like oh what am I supposed to do here am I supposed to go with this rumor mmm okay so let's see what's going on so doctors getting pulled a few different directions here well the current Sarah's Cove to specific research is limited the results available studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing right so newsflash your body dumps viruses in the urine the feces and the breath that's just tears as well standard standard standard standard but the question is is it enough to be infectious and that question actually has not been answer here and it's not clear what it takes to cause infection through aerosol ization he said so in other words they haven't had somebody inhale co-ed particles and see how many particles have to inhale in order to get infected they haven't done that or you could just go to the house of someone who has Kovac test positive or kovat right and measure their air in their house to see if it's positive for Kovac this is not a big deal it can be done so the best approach without that clear description is all three are possible and we have to guard against all three he said well if you can't find any evidence of any of it why guard against all of it and so again here's a doctor reading this being morally challenged answer there's any risk to operating on the assumption that the novel virus can be transmitted through aerosols dr. so-and-so said I see no downside at this time at all obviously if you're gonna presume it can be spread by exhaling then that would mean everybody should wear a mask even people who may not know that they're infected this is a question of prioritization of risk and availability he said in admission these masks are difficult to wear for extended periods of time it may not be necessary in every circumstance citing a gradient of risk now so n95 mass filter out particles but the person wearing the mask has difficulty breathing and has decreased oxygen supply while they're wearing the mask so it's really not it's not safe to wear the mask safer 8-hour shift the committee looked into the issue of arrow civilization at the request of the White House Office of Science and Technology the report cited several studies and it said supported the idea that it's airborne supported the idea let me explain what that means you have a stool it has three legs each the three legs supports the stool but one leg missing boom there's no support so this the fact that we have this theory idea fantasy dream thought and all we have is support for it there's no proof of it yes it's pretty weak another study in preprint has an imprinted yet in public areas in Wuhan now here are some information found that the highest concentrations of virus were in toilet facilities in impersonal protective removal rooms so wherever someone takes off wherever the room is they go to take off their masks and take off their outfits that's where the virus concentration is highest and in bathrooms now I'm just telling you so this would suggest that you should not have a room for removal of protective gear or if you do it needs to be well ventilated now what about highest concentration in bathroom facilities I have long been telling people the best thing you can do for your health is to have your own private bathroom that's it most illnesses are spread through sharing a toilet with someone else that has the situation so if everyone has their own private toilet not a problem in most homes there are as many or more toilets than there are people so don't distance yourself from the other person distance yourself from their toilet they use the upstairs toilet you use the downstairs toilet vice-versa so more important than social distancing is toilet distancing but they skipped right over that they don't even pay attention to that so the doctor says however he's approaching his findings with caution saying it may be difficult to resuspend particles of a breathable size more likely fomites that means objects that are not animate could be transmitted to hands mouth nose or eyes without requiring direct respiration into lungs they write the report did not cite a recent overview of the Journal of the American Medical Association the report noted that recent research has found that exhalations sneezes and coughs not only consist of mucus saliva droplets following short-range semi ballistic emission trajectories but importantly they are primarily made of a multiple multi-phase turbulent gas a puff cloud that could entrain ambient air and traps and carries within it clusters or drop us with a continuum of droplet sizes live at me this can be good it can be bad but when you sneeze it doesn't just go whew mmm it goes in it swirls those of you and she like you know woowoo stuff a person has an aura around them da da da da da well people do people actually have an aerodynamic cushion around their bodies about four to five inches just like its aura that people talk about and in that four or five inch space there's actually Michaels micro circulatory patterns circulating starting at the skin going away from the skin yes and these micro circulatory parents almost act like a cushion where if a person is sitting still this cushion of air circulating away from the person protects them from catching viruses so if you're any particles so if you're sitting here and someone let's say sneezes over here even though the particle might get all the way very close to you bite on it gets to you it's trajectory is so weak that your five inch buffer actually repels it Rapunzel it'll come all the way across the room like this come over to you and then be deflected upward out and over yeah I actually had to do some research find that one very very interesting people just I mean this guy Maurice has been his whole life studying these flows and patterns he said that the might ton of a droplet can be extended from a fraction of a second to minutes and that the cloud carrying viral particles could travel as far as 27 feet or eight meters which means across any room but again because each person has their own micro circulatory environment of air about a five inch cushion all the way around their body by the time this particle gets I would say maybe four or five feet it can't penetrate the person's five inch cushion of air that they have very interesting so the World Health Organization still contends in a report dated March 29th that current evidence shows Nicole Byrd 19 virus is primarily transmitted between people through respiratory droplets and contact routes and that it can only become airborne during procedures or treatments that generate aerosols yeah so the World Health Organization says don't mess with my narrative all right all right all right okay we got it we got it so what is really going on here oh wait one more thing pregnant ladies can't leave you guys out this is way too cool mother-baby separation fork ovid 19 is not evidence-based experts say some doctors and patients are uneasy about recent guidance for obstetric care from the US Senator to suit for disease control experts say the recommendation to separate mother's was confirmed or suspected cove in 19m if you suspect the mother as Kovac nineteen from their infants after delivery is not supported by evidence and could cause lasting harm well first of all it's preposterous right this lady's had this baby inside of her for nine friggin months the baby is born she's Co big positive baby mr. Kovac negative well if he hasn't got affected by Kovac yet then hey let's go with the river scenario they've been zero deaths and babies so whatever but that's not significant well partly its significance to this article there's two things going on here one this is intrusive suggestion basically taking a baby away from the mother with no evidence first of all you even have the first level of evidence that the mother is infected and then you don't have the second level of evidence which is the infection is harmful for the baby and so does the government have the right to do that CDC says yes but what else happened here at the doctor's protested and said we're not going to do that and the patients pertussis oh no we're not going to do that so this is called push back and so because the doctors pushed back on this and the patients push back on this CD is probably gonna back off so now the CDC backs off and says well separation should be considered considered just to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus that causes covered 19 from the mother to the newborn facility should consider temporarily separating the mother who has confirmed Ovid or is a person under investigation from her baby until the mother's transmission based precautions are discontinued for two weeks the baby does not get to breastfeed hmm in addition because the infant would have been exposed during birth the recommendations continue hospitals should consider housing the infant in a separate isolation room until he or she is no longer considered a person under investigation it's night with the baby in isolation with no human contact for two weeks but the mother in isolation for two weeks as well well you just put both them together I mean they both kind of like pariahs right so the doctors are protesting there's just no good evidence we should be separating these moms and babies and so these two doctors are agreeing and we knew cancer the effects on maternal infant bonding and how important evidence-based practices like performing skin-to-skin and early breastfeeding are in most cases those benefits outweigh the risk of infection she said and infection exposure could be reduced with proper hand hygiene and maternal masking if needed she added so this kind of exposes what's really going on which is that the kovat existence or situation is being used as a cover story for the government the bacteria create a bunch of arbitrary and intrusive rules governing the private conduct of individuals but but you know I've had difficulty communicating with people just scientifically what's going on here so I'm going to take this and put it in very simple words that people can understand by just looking around their house so just look around your house okay so imagine you have a kitchen most people have a kitchen imagine their kitchen you have some forks forks I want you to imagine in your mind how many Forks are in that kitchen maybe it's two maybe it's four maybe it's eight maybe twelve I don't know get that number in your mind and imagine those Forks are in your kitchen and you've got a clean kitchen they are put away and always well and you have Forks and the name of these Forks are old Forks okay I've gone all Forks those are old forts and one day you just say you know what I need new Forks new Forks where did all these new Forks new Forks nineteen so you go to your computer and you print out a bunch of labels sticky labels with new Forks - nineteen written on a new Forks nineteen and you take these labels you put them on in all your shoes they say Wow oh I got a lot of Forks but you don't stop there just get more labels and then you label your t-shirts and you label your pants and then you label your chairs he said oh my god I've got Forks everywhere I have forks everywhere all over my house these Forks should take it over I think I have to leave my house for two weeks quarantine and then maybe when I come back after two weeks the forks will be under control I don't know but then you go back to your drawer pull it out it's got old forks but you said more labels so you put some labels on these old forks and so some of these old forks are labeled new forks nineteen yeah so you have just created an epidemic in your house of new forks nineteen let's say after about my two weeks you come back and your sticky labels one on light sticky so a lot of them fell off you're like oh my god the epidemic is subsiding oh thank god and then you open your drawer any three just pull off these stickers yeah clean up this place that was close call close call close call so this is exactly what has happened so what has happened is you have a label coded and this label is simply being applied to the causes of death that are already in existence in fact there's word out of Wu Han got it god I've got a lovely hand words honorable Han that there are cardiac symptoms with kovat 19 and so now they get to reclassify heart attacks as Kovach 19 as well so a lot of you will ask will the virus will this epidemic get worse I'll go away when will it go away the answer is it can get as worse or as bad as whoever's in charge wants it to be because I just mean there's over you know 50,000 cardiac deaths every month so we just labeled those as kovat 19 then we got the flu desk label those discovered 19 in case no one's been looking flu deaths are down really why are they down there down because they're being labeled Ovid 19 and so it's a labeling game and so that is what's going on okay well dr. James what about these health facilities that are being overrun good question good question so here we have Vox everything New York is talking about hold on to your hat for this one hospitals are laying off workers in the middle of the corona virus pandemic why would a hospital lay off workers because they don't have any patients so the hospitals have cancelled all of their elective surgeries to make room for all of the emergencies and sick people that would show up as a result of the pandemic and those people had not shown up because there is no pandemic because people are not sick well let's see what this article guy says so we have here picture of the hospital and we have a hospital worker in an empty emergency room and the hospital worker is wearing a protective hat protective mask of her whole hands maid outfit it's impressive so then furloughing nurses doctors so the american health care workforce is being squeezed from two sides by the corona virus itself we have to put a question mark there right and a shortage of protective gear but also by the economic crisis which is driving physician practices and now hospitals to furlough or lay off staff at the very moment they're most needed so just let you know the state of New York and insurance companies have all now decided that anyone who shows up with a covered diagnosis the hospital's gonna get paid so the hospital's lack of ability to pay people it's because no one's showing up sick there is no epidemic my colleagues and I started the alarm about this first problem in this piece a couple of weeks ago and so a couple weeks ago they sound the alarm about the shortage of corona virus projected year and the avalanche of sick people that would be just swamping the hospital facilities but the second problems on beginning to fully reveal itself so a lard Altarum a non-profit research and consulting firm reported last Friday that forty three thousand healthcare workers had been laid off in the first month of the kovat outbreak that is a historical aberration healthcare usually has been cushioned from job cuts during economic crises as a chart shows I can testify that when I had my own private medical practice the economy went mmm my medical practice actually went up a little bit so a month of my mom's to change and healthcare employment it reads looks like this just like a stock market does it just forty three thousand dollars forty three thousand drop and this has never been they they started measuring in nineteen ninety never has it been this kind of a drop as you can see there's nothing in the past thirty years that even compares it's a long red line on the right representing those forty three thousand lost jobs so listen carefully most of the initial losses were in ambulatory services according to the organization physicians offices dental practices and other practitioners Hospital staffing stayed mostly flat through the first month so hostile Stephon was flat but that's the beginning to change already with the slew of hospitals announcing furloughs or layoffs in recent days here's a collection of news reports I found just by spending some time searching Google News so Medical University of South Carolina and Charleston is laying off 900 people from its 17,000 person staff and asking full-time salaried employees to take a 15% pay cut essential health major in medical system clinics and hospitals in Duluth Minnesota is laying off 500 workers Regional Medical Center in Tennessee will be furloughing 400 I miss 2,000 400 person staff in other words 20% Boston Medical Center's for lowing 10% of its staff to 19 health mid-atlantic this is impressive on and on but wait boys this case hospital that typically said in these announcements that they are starting with non-medical staff for furloughs and reduced hours but it's not clear how long medical systems can avoid cutting doctors and nurses as well some of them clearly cannot I heard from the nurse in Texas who asked not to be named who's been furloughed because of the ongoing economic crisis she said how constrained she felt by the news she wants if she wants to help with the chronic virus response by taking a job with a traveling nurse service offering temporary postings in Cova 19 hotspot areas for example she lose her old job and her health insurance but wait here is the crux of the matter hospitals have taken huge revenue losses as they postpone elective surgeries in other routine care so they can make room for the kovat 19 response some hospitals expect to lose half their income and a top industry trade groups have warned that hundreds of hospitals could close after this crisis in other words they've canceled all kinds of stuff to make space to handle these kovat infections and the Kovan infections are not showing up not showing up the Cova infections aren't even enough to replace their usual business so now of course the hospitals want to bail out but that's kind of beside the topic here the topic here is we can see there's no epidemic the healthcare industry is now doing massive layoffs of 10 to 20 percent that's huge and the people sick of kovat are simply not showing up there we go there you go so what is a person to do what is a person to do so I told you exactly what was going on with the co-ed labeling you could do the same thing in your house right now you can get use new Forks old Forks you know use new fork so Hugh's old Forks 19 or accuse Kovac name all your folks Forks Kovac it name all the other things in your house Kovac nineteen new Kovac nineteen and you start putting stickers everywhere stickers everywhere and then you will see you'll have a visual of exactly what's going on just like you in your house are putting these Kovac stickers everywhere you can take those copies stickers down and that's exactly how real the health situation is it's not it's imaginary and it's not materialized and so he's hospitals who believed that the emperor had clothes are basically facing the bankruptcy now what's a regular person to do what's going on here so as long as you believe the whole covered situation it's gonna last what you have to do is stop believing and the health care system has just started doing this with one layoffs into even the doctors who still do have jobs they're saying wait stop we're not taking this mother's baby away from her that's dumb it makes no sense so this is what happened is what stopped the Ebola epidemic was the health care workers refused to enforce the draconian isolation quarantine policies which are totally unwarranted because of course the Ebola is just as real as what we're going through right now so so health care workers are beginning to do their part they're resisting they're saying enough no but citizens need to do the same thing and it's as simple as not wearing a mask don't wear a mask stop using hand sanitizer stop wearing gloves in fact you might want to go to your neighbor's house to stock your door hi how are you and just say hello it asks is there anything you can do to help them during this situation or time and just that simplicity I mean just start right there start with that but as long as people practice agree to parent agree to social distancing as long as they're wearing masks as long as they're agreeing to wear gloves this is going to continue and I'm telling you it can go on for years and years and years so it's it's up to you it's totally in your hands totally and no you don't you don't organize the movement no no each first you can just do their little part and I like you know when I go to the store I'm not wearing my mask all the people are wearing a mask but I'm not wearing my mask and I'm real pleasant and I'm smiling and I buy ready to buy and go on about my way so that's the important thing is to continue your life and to ignore all of these advisories because again in case you're trying to understand conceptually what's going on remember get those stickers in your house I say it's forks 19 but your stickers you can make them Kobe 19 stickers and label all the forks and then start putting stickers everywhere and label everything is coded so this is not a shirt anymore it's a covert 19 this is not a glass which reminds me we can stir this you can see it's dissolved it's not a glass it's a cup of 19 this right here this is not a metal stir oh no it's a cup in 19 yep I'm at keyboard it's not a key word it's a cope in 19 yeah so as you can see I kind of covered 19 trouble but I'm gonna solve it because I'm gonna rename my keyboard I'm not gonna call it covert 19 anymore I'm gonna call it keyboard yeah there we go that's it that's the whole that's the whole thing I hope I've made it simple enough so this easy to understand and that brings us to have so many different devices here it's shocking I'm trying to transition to newer technology ok so this person says dr. Daniels first I would like to say how I absolutely love you and the information you bring I listen to your Sunday podcast and didn't quite understand the new blood pressure numbers you don't need to I need to know as they're bogus they're fake and if you follow them it'll kill you sooner I am vegan ok and eat little or no salt as well as oils I cannot get my blood pressure down naturally I am perplexed and disappoint my head was hurting today and I checked my blood pressure as to 123 over 94 you can just stop right there so 123 top number is normal 94 is a bottom number that's almost Laurel 90 a glass of water will roll that will lower that and also your head hurting same thing you were dehydrated so do a couple glasses of water blood pressure is pretty close to normal here ok next question says hi dr. Daniels I want to start off this email by thanking you for your advice I appreciate it oh so much I was hoping you could help me with healing my strained muscles and tendons in my back the workout injury happened almost a year ago so this person is working out I was on accutane bad move hmm so accutane destroys tendons for around June when it happened yeah and finished accutane last month so you damaged your muscles and tendons by working out and taking a drug and you continue to take the drug to cause the damage huh all right let's just check this Oh telly it's not so I need nobody sort of keyboards that that'll really do it for me I don't have to say is accutane you're lucky didn't just kill yourself get suicides on the side effects bingo accutane causes bone or muscle problems including joint pain muscle pain and stiffness difficulty moving and you can get hurt easily during sports sound familiar sounds like exactly okay so you poison yourself with accutane and then you injured yourself and you continue to poison yourself with accutane and of course it hasn't improved with physical therapy massages laser therapy steroid injections okay so steroid injections actually dissolve your joints and your bones so you create more damage hmm I'm still not fully healed hey no surprise so what's the question here I'm I'm sorry for a long sob story but please help me I feel I'm like giving up yeah well you need to give up your uh you know you gotta get free drugs okay so stop it ah no more pills no more injections that's number one number two did this person say they were vegan I don't know if this precious figure I have no idea but they don't they mean they don't say all right so you may want to take a break for being vegan yeah take a break the quickest solution for your back would be chicken feet mm-hmm chicken feet all I can say for sure cut the claws off first and there's lots of tasty online recipes and chicken feet it actually I'm pretty disgusting but they taste pretty good and once they take your pain away you'll say well it may be disgusting but pain is gone what are you gonna do yeah are you gonna do honestly the first time I made chicken feet it was so disgusting I threw them away and took me a whole year to get around to doing them again but you do have to do them right so do go online and get a recipe yeah okay my sister and I have been taking your vitality capsules for over a year now and really find them valuable I recently noticed that your vitamins contain cellulose yes cellulose is the capsule slowly not it's not in the supplements it's in the capsule so if you don't want any cellulose you can just open the capsule dump it in water and take it so the cellulose is just exclusively in the capsule you don't have to swallow the cellulose I will say though the contents of the vitality capsules are not tasty so anyway play that by ear as far as dumping them in something I found that tomato juice works the best so if you can open the capsules put them in tomato juice down the hatch then that does it okay that's not very mixed message of how cellulose affects the body can you please help me understand why this is in your vitamins and whether or not it is healthy it's in the vitamins because it's simply the capsule that contains the vitamin so cellulose in the vitality capsules is made from plants and plant fiber now what can happen if you're taking and making our you know 50 or more cellulose capsules a day then you know you're taking a lot of cellulose there and that can be a problem now the other thing is a lot of people in the old days they use gelatin for the capsules and so gelatin can be helpful in terms of rebuilding your tendons and stuff but some people choose not to use animal products and so I made the decision to use cellulose capsules in vitality councils but as far as um wanting to avoid cellulose if you want to avoid cellulite just open the capsules and dump them in tomato juice and that should be fine all right that is it for questions some people can go to vitality capsules calm they can download the vitality councils report there they can buy vitality councils and they can also make appointments depending on how you know how valuable the question is then of course always there's next week so and every week I do some questions at the end so as always think happens and please let it happen to you alright we'll see you again next week
Facts about me,,,,,, i have been blogging for over ten years im followed by many academic societies and institution's from universities to the military and have my articles published in many sites globally and even radio stations around the planet share my posts im a internationally recognized brand in 191 countries i have personally given you my fellow truther's and human beings all of my time and effort in a bid to save us all from total and utter annihilation at the hands of the NWO im a psychic intuitive, writer publisher artist dj celebrity blogger and many other achievements too many to list, i love you all i always have and will no matter what the cost,, i have and always will be your friend
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as IAM a420rhbrh.
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