
24 Apr 2020

Locked Down: COVID-19, Manufacturing Consent

Mimir's Council
Do the Coronavirus “pandemic” numbers add up?

Transcript if anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades it's most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war you're asking the American public to work with us to prepare an expectation that the sudden spike leading Italy's Prime Minister to take what he calls dramatic news 19 forced the Prime Minister to chair the emergency meeting on the pandemic via videolink from tomorrow you'll also be communicating by letter warning every British household the outbreak will get worse before it gets better and stricter controls may have to come into force nearly 1,000 people have died in the past 24 hours 179 people have died in just the past 24 hours we are going into a global retirement 2,000 coronavirus deaths in a single day there was a warning today that it could take up to six months before life in the UK returns to normal in December of 2019 a new type of coronavirus now named Kovac 19 was first identified in the who bay province of China since that date over three billion people nearly half of the population of the world have been forced into some form of government imposed isolation from India to the US governments across the planet have taken extreme measures on a scale that has never been seen before whole nations have been put on lockdown schools have been closed businesses those two shut their doors are normally busy streets now resembled ghost towns panic-stricken citizens have left supermarket shelves bare leaving many essential items in short supply as mass hysteria spreads and the world changing nature of the situation begins to hit home despite the constant stream of reports from both governments and global media many have been left in a state of confusion about the uncertain future that lies ahead so what exactly is taking place are we really facing a worldwide pandemic that has the potential to leave millions dead in its wake or is there something else this is just the beginning this is just an attempt to freeze everything in place no one can deny that the frenzy surrounding this so-called pandemic has been hyped by both mainstream and independent media you can hardly avoid the sensationalist headlines nor the constant stream of numbers presented like some hastily ticking Doomsday Clock most of us though not trained in the skills of statistical analysis take these numbers at face value but sure we to fully understand any statistics you need to know how that data has been collected to find out what it really represents in the UK the most accurate fatality numbers come from the Office of National Statistics and as of the 31st of March they started releasing their own numbers uncovered 19 related deaths these statistics unlike those updated daily that use speculative reports are taken from official death certificate information but because of this they can take a little longer to be released the most recent report from the Office of National Statistics is for the week ending on the 27th of March here we can see that up until this date a total of six hundred and forty seven deaths related to Kovach 19 were recorded and looking at them a little more closely we can see that as many of the media outlets have been reporting the vast majority of these fatalities have been in the elderly with the age range 65 and over making up nearly 88% of all deaths involving the virus it is important to note here though that the percentage of elderly dying from this virus compared to other age groups is what you would normally expect no matter the cause on any given week in the UK for example of the total deaths recorded in the UK for the week ending on the 31st of January over 85% when in the age group of 65 and over and of course this makes perfect sense on any given week we would assume that the vast majority of deaths would occur in the elderly so is it really Kovac 19 that is killing these people or would these deaths have been expected anyway another interesting piece of information provided to us by the Office of National Statistics is related to deaths caused by respiratory disease here we can see that the overall deaths caused by lung diseases have remained steady despite the increase in deaths involving Kovac 19 another thing to note when mentioning coronavirus deaths the Office of National Statistics uses the phrase deaths involving Kovac 19 not deaths caused by Kovac 19 to understand what this means we need to look at how the Office of National Statistics tells us it calculates these numbers so here's what they say because of the coronavirus covered 19 pandemic our regular weekly deaths release now provides a separate breakdown of the numbers of deaths involving Kovac 19 that is where Kovac 19 or suspected Co V 19 was mentioned anywhere on the death certificate including in combination with other health conditions the official statement above gives us an interesting indication that these numbers are not or they are made out to be the fatality numbers provided by the Office of National Statistics include all deaths where Kovac 19 is mentioned on the death certificate regardless of if Kovac 19 was the main cause of death or not it also tells us that even suspected cases of Kovac 19 are recorded in the official statistics that is where Kovac 19 was not even proven to be present at the time of death this way of recording deaths related to Kovac 19 is also used in the u.s. this much to the frustration as we can see here of many medical professionals as a physician I received an email last week from the Department of Health coaching me on how to fill out death certificates and I've never really received coaching from the vital statistics agency in terms of how to do a death certificate but basically I felt like they were saying you know you don't have to have a confirmed laboratory tests for kovin 19 in order to make the death certificate in covent 19 so with happy and said why would they want to skew the number of deaths due to Cova 19 well fear is a great way to control people and I worry about that I worried that sometimes we're so darn interested in just jazzing up the fear factor that you know sometimes people's ability to think for themselves is paralyzed if they're frightened enough we define a laboratory-confirmed Cova 19 associated deaths as anyone who has symptoms of Kovach 19 just positive on the coping I can cast before or around the time of death we do not determine causality this fact alone indicates that these numbers at the very best of speculative and the deaths actually caused by Kovac 19 are most likely much lower so if it's not Kovac 19 then what could be responsible for all these fatalities well the statement also tells us that in some cases at least there were other underlying health issues at this time there is little data on these numbers in the UK but in Italy where Kovac 19 has been active for much longer we do have some numbers a retrospective chart review of 355 deaths recorded in Italy where people had tested positive for Kovac 19th showed that a high percentage were carrying multiple of her ailments of the 355 only free that is less than 1% had no underlying medical issues and nearly 50 percent had three or more as well as this the study gave us some data on what these health issues were and they were not minor health issues even all of them are in the top 10 of the world's most deadliest diseases and remember nearly 50% of those who died after testing positive for Kovac 19 had three or more of these illnesses something else to note here is the absence of underlying lung diseases which considering coronavirus primarily affects the lungs you would expect that most of the underlying health issues associated with Kovac 19 deaths would belong related the importance of such information is vital and as even provoked comment from people like Professor Neil Ferguson who is director of the MRC Centre for global infectious disease analysis at the Imperial College London who stated that the proportion of covet 19 victims that would have died anyway could be as many as a half or even two adding such statistics and statements to the fact that in the UK and the u.s. at least some of these deaths related to covert 19 are only where the patient was suspected of having the virus the numbers being presented look highly suspicious given such data we would have to at least consider that the numbers here are being deliberately inflated and there is precedent for such things a response article from 2018 in the British Medical Journal entitled government exaggerates flu mortality rates again why Cannot the public be trusted with the truth states that during the winter flu of 2017 to 2080 the government attributed 50,000 excess deaths for that period to the seasonal flu given that actual deaths caused by flu that year were around 340 that is an increase in the region of 150 times the actual number this exaggeration came after the House of Commons were said to be shocked that flu vaccination uptake in social care settings was at best only 25% a correlation that was noted by the British Medical Journal there is much more we could do to put these official numbers under scrutiny but I feel we would only be over emphasizing a point already made then the statistics at this time are not showing evidence of a lethal pandemic in fact they show little evidence of anything at all so let's take a slightly different approach let's assume for argument's sake the regardless of any of the information above the actual numbers being presented at this time regarding death tolls due to Kovac 19 are exactly as they are being reported and that all government measures such as lockdowns are in direct response to these numbers then the question would be is the response by governments worldwide reasonable and in line with how they would be expected to act in such a situation the current total of deaths estimated to be caused by Kovac 19 is just over 114,000 worldwide as of the 13th of April 2020 just to put that number in perspective seventeen point nine million people die annually from heart disease so in just a single month it would be expected that heart disease would account for just under 1.5 million deaths worldwide now some could put forward the argument that despite Kovach 19th beat active since at least like 2019 and has now spread to nearly every corner of the globe we are still in the early stages of the outbreak and our search death tolls could be expected to rise exponentially this has led to nearly every authority on the planet making predictions on the final death toll of the virus the media as is to be expected constantly present these numbers with little to no questioning this is despite the predictions changing daily and in many cases differing vastly from one to another at the end of March the White House predicted 100 to 220,000 would die from covert 19 in the US now White House officials believe that number to be closer to 60,000 but even the original prediction still pales in comparison to heart disease for example which in the US alone kills 650,000 annually or even something like cancer which claims 600,000 American lives each year so even if we take all the numbers at face value and allow ourselves to accept the highly speculative predictions and forget comments like that of Neil Ferguson who stated that as many as two-thirds of all Kovac 19 deaths may have occurred anyway Kovac 19 has a potential fatality rate only one-tenth of the yearly fatality rates of heart disease or cancer of course even if we accept this number of 60,000 possible deaths in the u.s. we are not for one second saying such a death toll would be a good thing but it does beg the question if the American government like so many across the world are willing to shut down their entire nations costing billions and disrupting the lives of every single citizen because of kovat 19's potential to kill why do they not act with the same zeal when facing diseases with proven fatality rates far greater to put this into perspective because of the mass disruption caused a daily life in the u.s. the Senate passed a two trillion dollar aid bill to help workers and businesses cope in the lockdown in comparison public funding in the u.s. for cardiovascular research is around 2 billion yearly and dr. Margaret kuhmo stated about cancer funding more than forty years after the war on cancer was declared we have spent billions fighting the good fight the National Cancer Institute has spent some ninety billion dollars on research and treatment during that time just a reminder here to one trillion dollars is 1000 billion dollars so the aid budget of two trillion dollars passed by the US Senate is equivalent to over 22 times the total spending by the National Cancer Institute in over 40 years so if the US government really cared about the health of its citizens would it not take such drastic action against cardiovascular disease of course heart disease unlike a virus is not contagious but it is preventable and we know many of its causes for example fast food has long been associated with heart disease so if governments are willing to shut down entire nations because of the threat of coronavirus would it not also be acceptable then in the interest of preventing death but we would at least shut down all fast-food restaurants of course such extreme measures would never even be suggested and despite health concerns regarding fast-food chains like McDonald's freely operate with the children's hospitals in the u.s. this is not the only area that seems contradictory even the Four Nations health hc' ID group in the UK changed the status of Kovach nineteenth back in January to that of a high consequence infectious disease or hey CID whilst you might imagine such a status would force the government to act it did not in fact when the government announced the police enforced lockdown of the UK on the 23rd of March the HC ID status had already been removed on the 19th of March after over a month of observation and review the four nation's health HC ID group decided that the virus was not as lethal as first thought moved this status there are also other anomalies such as how this epidemic seems to only be affecting well with any real intent at least Western nations and countries bordering China with huge populations like India seem largely unaffected despite all of the above the fear train still keeps rolling whilst predicted death counts keep dropping the lock downs keep getting longer and media outlets continue to spread hysteria instead of reasoned reporting there are even some that still believed that governments are not doing enough and that banks and big corporations desperately wish these lock downs to end so they can send everyone back to work to save the economy but are we to believe that that these police enforce sanctions are only in action because the people demanded them that governments suddenly started listening to the will of the people over a big business and where do you think that 2.2 trillion which is 2200 billion dollars in aid promised by the US Senate will end up I very much doubt it will find itself in the pockets of small businesses and others that are hit hardest by such a global recession and I'm pretty certain the big multinationals will be left when the dust settles unlike many of their smaller competitors and as for the banks who do you think is giving out the loans willful ignorance has overtaken many and like all good cons the conned not willing to have their judgment called into question double down and defend the qanun as if it were himself but despite my own speculation here and whether you think this event does have the potential to kill millions despite the questionable numbers in the end it boils down to one simple question what rights and freedoms are you willing to give over to government for the notion of safety governments that have continued to push failed immigration policy even willing to cover up the mass rape of tens of thousands of children to save political faith and maintain their multicultural disasters the government's during the last recession chose to bail out the banks with taxpayers money instead of directly assisting the very same taxpaying public that was suffering because of bad banking policy the same governments that freely allow revolving door policies to operate in sectors regarding health thus allowing profit to dictate healthcare policy even in government institutions I could go on I'm a I'm sure everyone watching this has their own personal gripes with government but for life to exist there must be death and whilst the preservation of life is a noble endeavor we must always be careful that in pursuing such a course we do not own wittingly reduce the value of our forebears efforts in securing us our freedoms and in doing so so cheaply trade them for the false promise of safely what do you say to those folks who are making the claim without really any evidence that these deaths are being padded that the number of kovat 19 deaths are being padded you will always have conspiracy theories when you have very challenging public health crises they are nothing but distractions conspiracy theories doctor so you're engaging in conspiracy theories what do you say to doctor foul to you tonight well I would remind him that anytime healthcare intersects with dollars it gets awkward right now Medicare is determined that if you have a Colvin 19 admission to the hospital you'll get paid $13,000 if that koban 19 patient knows on a ventilator you get thirty nine thousand dollars three times as much nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those kinds of things impact and what we do it's not as bad as I think where but I said there are scams everything you see on TV now that we're saying everybody who dies has caught the virus 70 men sir everybody wins and we're bringing in a bunch of people good doctors coming in from Nebraska fuck you baby down at the health system scared shitless it's very bizarre I don't want to comment in your new essays you state that these various enemies of freedom are pushing us toward a real-life brave new world and you say that it's awaiting us just around the corner first of all can you detail for us what light in this brave new world that you fear so much I thought life might be like it's Monday morning here in DC is we make up to this brave new now I think what is going to happen in the future if the dictators will find that the old saying goes that you can do everything with their needs except sit on them but if you want to preserve your power indefinitely you have to get the consent of the rule and this will do pacified drugs like also in in brave new world after by these new techniques of of propaganda a table do it by bypassing the sort of rational side of man and appealing to his subconscious and his deeper emotions and his physiology and so making him actually love his slavery I mean I think this is the danger that actually people maybe in some ways happy under the new when it comes to coronavirus time takes on new meaning so much is so rapidly changing it seems overwhelming almost impossible to keep up in Australia today we are right on the edge while covert 19 is certainly not under control here so far it's not out of control but as global health experts keep warning us it could happen at any moment unless we all drastically change why we currently did [Music]


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