Shared from Dan Cebuliak and heavily edited by moi
Yesterday at 20:06 ·
Hmmmmmm,,,,,,,Kind of coincidental that the anti lock down protests were starting to gain momentum, and then BOOM! all of a sudden the George Floyd BLM movement took off, and all of a sudden there was no anti lock down movement as if by Fucking Magic, which would have been a direct threat to the illegal regime establishment. The faux political vehicle for world wide fuckery BLM movement has spurred many Sheeple into blindly and submissively giving into social conditioning prompts and got MK'D triggered into attending massive protests against injustice, and rightfully so some might say, but then the violence, looting, burning and a direct danger to the rest of the public are not about protesting injustice but about personal gain and its also doing the work of the NWO for them So although a free TV or Toaster may sound like a reason and a profit for the looters and rioters i say we should follow the money and ask, Cui bono for example who gets the insurance money from all the burned businesses like the banks and properties Think about it. The riots are a direct result of organised terrorism to push a heinous agenda, and they are allowed to continue, unabated. Yet in reality we still are in "lock down"! the laws maybe relaxed, but we are still in a State of Emergency!
For those who had seen that the virus pandemic was a hoax well done, and thankfully many more realise and understand it was not about the virus, but about a major power grab. It is time to begin the ANTI LOCK DOWN movement once again. Funny isn't it, that these massive protests are encouraged by media, and Some how yet again as if by Fucking Magic (FM) the anti lockdown anti 5G Freedom movement, was shut down with many of those supporting the protests were in fact the many who were calling us selfish and uncaring and went on to hypocritically join blm, as well as a lot of other media programmed faces.