
8 Jun 2020

Covid-19 Standard Update - Sophisticated Charts - Particularly interesti...


#BravoPeerless Reads

As well as the standard charts (now rather sophisticated) charts, we updated our growth charts to include deaths. It shows that the UK lingering cases aren't testing... they're matched with deaths. Ditto Sweden, which literally shares our 'normal' virus, and then at peak, same same, no, we don't do peak, that's not on the agenda... PDF


chart update 31st May an enemy withdraws as Covid-19 fades the enemy is laying mines to keep you distracted until they're safe this was not a media hoax it is not a case of mistakes were made stay focused note two sensors we use only government data if you have a problem with the results speak to the government well what are we Norway's PM claims that with what they've now learned they could have chosen not to lock bound and the Washington Times reveals it's a big hoax hyped by the media go figure except that article is a month old it turns out but it flagged a concern for me this was not a media hoax their article correctly states it as a political hoax though even that's questionable the politicians seem very ready to take other people's orders complying with dodgy science and issuing harmonised messages no normal until a vaccine it also made me wonder about the Norway PM's announcement charmingly honest mayor Copa or sign that the elite are designing they've milked it about as much as they can however be entirely clear this was designed by scientists Ferguson Airtel and implemented by politicians the media were merely obedient servants and now the PM who implemented the strategy of the scientists funded by gates has met with gates the yalta of Covid-19 whether they fade the crisis or prolong it this agenda was designed to exploit the virus Imperial College report the damage was intentional it doesn't matter that it makes no sense to some people for politicians to damage society it makes no sense for people to throw stones at windows but some people get a kick out of it and some people use truncheon some people because they get a kick out of it why doesn't change the what it was done and it was done intentionally we'll have a quick run through the UK where the slice demonstrates the two key memes move Illustrated before that lockdown zero effect and that once the virus hit peak far from declining it just kept going that ain't a virus here's the class at UK chart showing cases uh Turkey ignoring the no lockdown projection and rising higher that it never went below the no lockdown projection shows that lockdown had zero effect it looks even more absurd in linear naturally and a straight line climb yeah that's a virus alright not we did our standard chart showing the normal distribution to till close to peak and our cases growth analysis showing that far from declining at peak it turned and stayed level but we wanted to look at deaths as well and decided to start with a clean slate so his cases a perfect fit for its associated normal distribution which isn't just a good convenient fit it's driven by the core cases data and here's the accompanying version for deaths it's not just a good fit the normal candidate is defined by the death data and turns out to be a perfect fit so yes the virus was normal until peak because some people might argue that projections aren't proof here's the growth rate of the virus with the growth rate of its fitted normal curve unsurprisingly a good fit and declining straight to one peak at which point the virus miraculously detects that it's a peak and it veers upward relative to its path so increasing the cases recorded relative to what should have been the case so to speak also from 23rd March or 31st March at least given incubation that growth rate should have plummeted due to lockdown but it continues blithely ignoring lockdown which has made zero difference the same for deaths looking even more artificial as it decides that peak doesn't cut it let's have more deaths and the final matching cumulative chart showing the case is ignoring the natural curl over of any humped or peak distributed distribution that's not flattening the curve at justice normal behaviour but even that hasn't happened the same four deaths no pretence at budging for lockdown and once peak hits it just keeps going all six are useful but I just need these two and a courtroom to show that lockdown had zero effect and that the virus ceased to behave like a virus once it hit peek one last observation to match to peak we doubled the cases and deaths to that point so that we can say that without the government's manipulation we would have expected to experience a hundred and fifty four thousand cases and seventeen thousand seventeen hundred sorry seventeen thousand seven hundred deaths I see where it double that in their study eight thousand and two hundred and seventy two thousand cases versus hundred forty fifty four thousand not quite double the government games are reaping a rich harvest a couple of intro sites for anyone not familiar without commentary else watch previous updates to get more comfortable with the data available then it's on to the standard charts okay onwards and I of course I hope you were able to pause if you wanted more time UK we've covered but here's his chart in depth unsurprising a lot of the indicators look out of whack deaths the same day as cases for example hundred percent death rate on lagged us back to the cases they should have applied to fourteen days as seems reasonable from Germany and the UK's own statements basically a massive court case waiting to happen or pitchforks either way the UK is currently fraud central or one of three key centres the others are of course Belgium in the u.s. New York though Canada is also playing the game as our EU core nations to see that check out our other videos for the exponential increase in damaged by the virus as you approach the Western power centers Italy finally looking like it's over though it's taken its time versus how quickly it escalated for the rest we now go through by region Algeria lingering cases and deaths but at a low level South Africa after looking good with early contagion seems embroiled in the steady climbing contagion currently at low levels a rare second wave or just late with the first Zambia not quite what virus but close and seven deaths me I wish we could wish for that the Americas and Barbados leads with a reassuring non-event and another seven deaths as it happens look at the standard mortality percent that's basically zero not a factor Brazil has now reached European levels of 1.7 who Bay in cases two point three and deaths we're talking a grand total of five death days equivalent to five days of normal mortality for the entire contagion Canada taking its time coming down as one of the gaming countries akin to EU core faithfully following the agenda still eight point five percent of normal mortality yep big threat to society and of course lockdown saving you unless it didn't look at the pale blue lines bottom left dropping normally then levelled off to give you more cases more deaths Ecuador from anecdotal reports while researching cities seems to be having a legitimate issue not related to being a Western power three point six times who Bay in deaths South America seems to be the final consonant to join the experience interestingly low cases nor point five Roubaix but relatively high in deaths one point three who Bay by comparison still climbing and that's Mexico USA and look at those early lagged death rates 55% 12.2 death days New York is a poster child for false figures and other cities and states feature large for extreme hit read candidate fraud Europe and Austria - very clean hunt and completed curves bottom left well separated 15 days one point six and one point four who Bay this is what passes for a European real result whereas Belgium home to EU HQ is the hardest hit nation on the planet only exceeded by various states New York most particularly one of the three power centres all massively hit by the virus 33 death days 15 times humane deaths implied or lagged death rate of 77 percent mortality over a hundred percent of normal mortality on a number of days and forty percent of normal mortality but it's over and worth noting that the worst hit on the planet managed to only rack up 40 percent of normal mortality for three months one to give up for democracy for that no I wouldn't Croatia not normally thought of as a European leader but at nor point five obeying tests and cases its leading Europe and showing you don't have to do a Belgium over and out then mark interesting for to actually several outbreaks over extremely low mortality bottom blacks like an orange line at five percent of normal overall Finland to well-formed hums bottom left good separation extremely low mortality 1.1 times he may in cases and deaths over with three percent of normal mortality during the period textbook France - well developer hump over but at a price eight times humane deaths 17 that days hi implied like death rate I'd say they were part of the agenda and bear investigating Germany like Austria figures a textbook case by European standards still 10 times the far-east two humps well separated fourteen days very low daily and overall mortality four point six percent overall and it's over Greece poster child for sticking it to the agenda nor point to cases nor point three deaths Bailey three times the Far East two humps done low implied lag death rates and minuscule daily and overall mortality nor point eight percent what virus Hungary could humps not quite over inverse very reasonable for Europe at one times humane deaths good implied like death rate extremely low daily and overall mortality two point six percent of normal nice job Iceland worrying until we got the death state renowned out it was testing a niggling dilution of useful data infected but no or slight symptoms isn't a case in fact it's the least worrying down at various levels nor point five-day deaths Ireland is more worrying significantly so at six point three who Bay in deaths ten day separation and low implied like death rate so might actually be real local investigators need to figure out malte minuscule deaths not an issue for them Netherlands and EU coordination and it shows you die before you get to hospital death speak ahead of cases beep hi implied like death rate seventy five percent six point five times to obey and thirteen point eight death days even so it's worth noting that even a loyal servant of the agenda has only managed fifteen percent of normal mortality overall hardly an existential threat Norway home and the PM who said gosh our scientists now believe lockdown wasn't necessary gr back-of-the-envelope show that on 24th march winding down bear in mind with the virus fading it's time for pitchforks but they'll say mistakes were made and hey you're alive there is that buts our cattle that ain't democracy still good humps very well separated 27 days fella implied like death rate hardly surprising with that separation and not point eight he bade s an excellent European result Poland either has the mother of all testing programs going on or it's being scammed deaths extremely low nor point five who bay so let's hope it's the former Portugal good humps but a slight resurgent recently 2.6 times he base are not brilliant about a loyal European level of deaths and at only simpson normal mortality hardly an existential threat Russia still in progress passing Hubei on cases two times but still low nor point six times in deaths slight caveat the Russia as a widely dispersed nation could have eg a body hit Moscow and still look good Spain the land of Franco vying with Brussels for honour of worst-hit nation at 25 days look at the mortality indicator black peak one of the worst in the world however all is not kosher you dies you enter hospital no lag cases two deaths implied lag cases death rates at 14 days at 322 percent so three times as many people died of the disease is caught it no death stuffing there then this is a severe case of something fraud or epidemic and my bets on fraud given poor indicators but it's still only 26 percent of normal mortality another non existential threat that's over Sweden I'm sorry to disagree with the viewer who said Sweden's figure was going down and there was no sign of oscillation but that looks like two long wavy lines to me it is in fact the most absurd chart of all 214 countries live scene and all because Sweden dared to not lock down and now it pays the price it's just not the virus in fact on writing that decided to do the same as the UK and look at its normal comparison and that turned out to be easy I literally did not even have to adjust the factors for the theoretical normal that is a compelling argument strongly suggesting that the UK and Sweden had a common experience which dare we say might be the virus for real up to peak even the timing was identical and the gradient looks good and then it peaked the same old same old so no that's not the virus having second thoughts it's UK itis or agenda itis this is why I put the growth chart first a good fit but shouldn't we be doing that real second peak except the growth chart shows it's not the real peak but the bonus fake deaths let me emphasise that these aren't two charts though they are obviously they are the same curve viewed differently one for its daily deaths one for the growth rate of those saying deaths in other words the growth chart sees real Swedish daily death growth hit unity flat today equals yesterday around the 17th of April and the normal kept going down and the real decided not to aha so yes that second peak is an artefact a fake peak general issue provided by whoever decided Sweden should be punished because that long horizontal flat best history that ain't a virus and here's the third in the triptych four deaths the totals or cumulative curve and a familiar tale tracking well until the normal virus says time to quit and the recorded virus says no not going to frankly if I were Swedish I'd get a lawyer this is good enough to take to court especially when you add in the UK and compared with other nations who were allowed to quit the cases versions essentially identical and again I didn't even have to touch the settings from the UK normal chart I should clarify the peak date is identical total cases deaths area under the curve equals two times the value at the peak date so setting the peak date also sets the scaling factor area under normal curve equals one x two times peak value to get the total cases or deaths the only free choice is standard deviation and that has to be chosen so that the height matches the real data height so we have no choice at that point either the whole theoretical curve is fully determined by the real data and with mean date total cases death set two times peak and SD set to match height of that peak date there's still one thing we don't know how wide will Excel make that normal that's determined by the definition of a normal distribution it's fixed so will it fit if it does we know we've got a pretty damn good case for saying virus growth was normal because it not only looks good as her hey it looks more but it's chosen by the real data all of which is interesting because like I say using the same mean two times peak same signed deviation we get a good growth chart previous and this which is okay ish sort of but what adding a normal cube to both bottom left and peak you can see how the early case is complete the peak so the sum of the two outbreaks is basically one bigger normal outbreak how that's actually kind of neat like Fourier analysis of sound waves one added to another and there are many charts with mini outbreak after outbreak but that's for another time the point is although kind of dinky with it slipped off the top and the outbreak after that is the same old same old flag waving in the breeze is it a virus is in the UK no it's sweeter man have totally screwed because they dared to not lock down mind you were getting the same treatment and we did lockdown so hey ho maybe sweets will be more amenable to the right scene after this and the world of course is watching and because normal is symmetrical we can say that like the UK had Sweden been allowed normal it would have been done with two times peak cases and deaths or 20,000 oh seven eight cases and 16 13 deaths instead it's on three thousand four hundred forty one days twenty seven thousand nine twenty eight cases top right unnoticed those pale blue lines bottom left those are the growth charts you've just been looked at in a larger scale nifty huh these charts are as they now stand are a goldmine for the serious analysts which means of course that only an OE p prett has actually done them that's shameful reveal too much maybe Switzerland humps over quite a bad ache a loyal European of three times three point six times he bane deaths and noticeable in standard mortality but overall still only 8.2 percent of normal mortality and no lockdown yep that's right media kind of missed that one Swiss opted for control like south Korea another no lockdown nation and were rather scathing about lockdown actually so Korea no not Seoul Korea so Korea Switzerland both no career insisting it respects its citizens please note Boris Johnson and Norway admitting it needed of lockdown frankly Josh and locked down not saving a single soul in Sweden or the UK and what do we just hear something about lockdown being a political decision not a scientific or a medical one it's so pitchfork time and what is our beloved BJ done but just gone and met with BG is there a BH or bi somewhere no we know you're behind that's not what I meant oops my bad bottom line BL bloody hell ah eh ah excellent BG BH and a bi BJ well one couldn't say really but seriously Johnson you had to meet with gates your one sponsor guide mentor turkey matching Hubei a one x desc - not quite complete humps overall minuscule mortality standard mortality indicator non EU aligned go figure the Far East the region of the same sorry that's the Seine and the miraculous Australia totally over nor point one times who bay not point to death days nor point two percent of overall mortality during the covert experience and why didn't we have this China only included cuz it's in the World Health Organisation group because we already have who Bay which was eighty-four percent of China cases 96 percent of deaths from memory anyone using China not who Bay is misleading you or ignorant and sadly Faraj great on Brexit is going full trumpet on bashing China the country that gave us good data when the West has lied and lied and lied apparently it's okay to be militarily aggressive superpower if you're run by near cons with an agenda in the Middle East but none if you finance the US and supply it with most of its goods I'm all for nice saying free fair nations but we ain't living in one right now so my tolerance for war drum bashing Westerners is slight to nil right now pitchforks for preference anyway China who Bay was done even before we started Imperial College 16th March as with South Korea it's been a case of mapping the fraud ever since sad Indonesia nought point one time Hubei nought point three percent overall mortality but still climbing from extremely low levels Japan over encase is not quite over in bear snoring one Hubei nought point two percent overall mortality starting to sound familiar and where where are politicians seeking guidance from the Far East instead we get Johnson seeking guidance from the man who lied and funded Ferguson yeah that's gonna work out really well just not for us Korea Republic of the country that was over barring a lingering tale before we even went into lockdown and they made a point of saying they respected their citizens no lockdown nor point one time Hubei nought point two percent of overall mortality and you can't even see anything but some black dots on their standard mortality per day chart Malaysian or point one times who Bane or twenty percent overall mortality gone if this had been about making money everyone would have been screaming how did you do that instead not a peep new-Zealand 0.1 times hubeis normally three percent overall mortality so it's not an ethnic or DNA thing must be something about being i don't know a long way from Brussels London in new York Philippines now point to time Hubei gosh high for the far east and still rising but going to have to rise a lot to get close to you bay let alone European levels Singapore interesting of course for being a city so comparable in New York but only to that degree nought point one time hubei no point to death days where's New York is more like a hundred G bad Cuomo virus attack huh Thailand nought times Hebei Wow which means it's less than nought point nought for nine times overall mortality nought percent so again less than nought point nought for nine percent yup big problem there and no one in the mainstream media noticed the Guardian did a piece on fifty people dying a day in some city as I found during my city research when 400 people died anyway in that city every day but they missed this shocker yeah Nam the country that had a death but cancelled them seriously they recorded one death one day it was gone the next and that was the virus see yeah you know the big lesson here is that if people are so insular they won't look beyond their borders even when it's keystroke away then they deserve what they get just sad that we get it to last region loosely India Middle East so here's India not point one who bearing cases and deaths but still climbing very late to the experience Iran all the countries the West likes to bash have done quite nicely karma or just that we are trapped in game playing countries Iran at one point seven who Bay is actually almost European Iraq non point one who Bay not point two percent overall mortality positively Far Eastern but it ain't over first statement our break was over but there's more about the only second wave really more of the first wave you'll see Israel to well-defined humps 13 day separation nor point six times he Banderas one point six an overall mortality textbook for a somewhat better than European not quite not quite Far Eastern country Pakistan still climbing like India late to the experience but nought point one Hubei n theres nought point three percent overall mortality all at very low levels right now UAE nought point five Hubei there's one point four percent overall mortality looks like it's past peak just not a material threat and that should be the epitaph for covid nineteen and democracy the day died it's over the crisis was over the day it began March third in the UK with a first press conference March 16th for the Imperial College dodgy dossier March 23rd for lockdown when already Hubei South Korea were over and several European nations Italy Norway Tovar first and others were showing this wasn't exponential confirming what was obvious freedom who Bay and South Korea but the politicians and their sponsors had their agenda and it seems they've no intention of letting go well the story's much the same now so we have to move on and learn how to live in a post democracy world I'll do occasional updates perhaps 490 but could be weekly if there's other stuff to share but the priority has to be recording this for posterity and a court case if we should ever get one and then getting on with our lives for those of you who've been here from the beginning Wow two short months but intense and the premise of our original presentation remains good not a material threat to society never a material threat to individuals sure but so is cancer and walking in front of a car or a truck you are going to die it's just very unlikely to be from covid 19 I'm Andrew Mather are six year old Brett mathematician financier technologist husband biker pilot Gila whatever feel free to get in touch Andrea Pirlo streets calm or Andrew a Mather calm either should get to me


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