
8 Jun 2020

Covid-19 A New Style of Chart - So Normal





#BravoPeerless Reads


It's rather like growing up, that time when you realise you no longer have to ask permission to be normal. Since we're being asked to live in the 'new normal' it seems doubly appropriate to see just how 'normal' everything was and has been, so that you never needed to give up democracy. Shame. Maybe they'll give it back. Or not. PDF

Transcript by google so some spelling mistakes may occur, (Soz)

so normal new charts thirty-first made eight-point a novel perspective these charts previewed in the chart update complement our standard charts they are simpler but also important for one very significant reason note two sensors we use only government data if you have a problem with the results speak to the government having previewed a couple of these you can see them in the regular chart update I couldn't help but be tempted to integrate them into the all country spreadsheet the results are little short of astounding to really get how important this is, let me give you a simple task the UK peaked on 13th of April with five thousand eight hundred and seven cases reported for a total of 71 874 cases now draw me a chart of the UK cases to that point, could you do that?, would you even try?, I wouldn't, given them what I know I could get Excel to do some drawing for me but that's so little information to go on how can anyone be expected to make a decent job of it yet with one little piece of additional information that's enough to give us this, okay smarty-pants sure it's enough to give us the solid blue lines the normal distributions for cases but up to peak are they a good fit or what all because of two things the mean standard deviation and scaling factor are enough to destroy define that distribution uniquely, and B most importantly the viruses we'll see shortly and as we've seen before is normal, call it logistic log norm or whatever they're all closely related, but time and again we see that the virus behaves normally, literally consistent with a normal distribution so when it doesn't or more accurately when it's reported figures don't then it becomes even more compelling to ask how come a simple biological  machine that is universally normal is now abnormal the UK government had no problem with a normal virus up peak, but it has a big problem with a normal virus coming down off-peak and take a look at the right hand panel I'll go full-screen and see the real bonus for this work twenty one thousand seven hundred and fifty extra deaths a hundred and thirty eight percent increase more than double original plus one hundred thirty eight percent equals two hundred and thirty eight percent what we should have got away with even allowing the original deaths were the jitterbug over double thanks to fake deaths, because that's what this comes down to and look at those growth curves on the left veering off normal to go flat instead of coming down and gosh so much for lockdown cases and deaths gross was already falling and did not deviate from the curve except to go up staying level when the curve had it down, big fail for lockdown big win for the agenda, and so we got the false flag waving in the breeze and when we should have been done with the virus it just kept going, ironically it lets Sweden off the hook mostly because the formula works off the highest case day and that happened after the first major contagion, notice how the crazy spikes happened before peak and consistent with the earlier peak as shown in our chart update here was the cases chart we showed for Sweden with the cases taking off sideways on that ain't normal, am I going to lose sleep over Sweden getting off easy?, no because we're getting so much for free in these charts I'm delighted almost overwhelmed, firstly every chart that looks normal out of our 50 or 200 14 is another nail in the coffin for people who want to excuse abnormal behaviour that viruses doesn't do, abnormal it's normal second even though I understand it it blows me away that I don't even have to do any work just let Excel find the highest peak value and fit hey presto like magic, a proper chart up to peak at least all those people selling us BS and I got another one today and this thing is normal standard regular and still people are trying to sell us lockdown despite the facts this character Martin Armstrong from statistic um has probably earned himself a video for trying to show Sweden as the world's biggest fail for now lockdown his numbers are probably accurate but lies damned lies and statistics and gee who's next was this but first what's his fail he fails to mention that Belgium not Sweden is the world's hardest hit country and that Sweden is in the number six locked behind hardcore EU UK countries Belgium Spain UK Italy France and just ahead of more hardcore EU in the USA Netherlands Ireland USA in Switzerland it's yet another puff piece or knife in the back piece and I have no time for people who are either ignorant or malicious, so it might be video time for him meantime let's do a scan of our 50 and see what they look like with these charts hits Italy are original and standard European benchmark it has good fits for growth decay until guess what the agenda kicks in and despite Italian lockdown or whatever growth goes up relative to the details it should have experienced, I did have sympathy for Italy but it seems it's a loyal servant of the EU after all here's the EU flags waving here's the cases and death saying sorry no interest in a flat curve thank you and no doubt some Muppet would actually call this flattening the curve and here's the price Italy paid an extra eleven thousand five hundred sixty three deaths nominally over its natural normally defined covid nineteen experience of forty four percent hike in cases 54 percent in deaths this doesn't replace our standard chart which has a lot more detail at detailed information in fact I've added the normal distributions and growth decay to the bottom left and the extra cases and deaths in both actual and normalised population figures and the percentage extra over the natural normal cases and deaths figures there is a lot of information on that one slide more than enough to send people to jail if we could get a court to listen but for now if you appreciate it I'm glad running through these the main thing is to appreciate the G is normal effect and see how often the simple rule generates a reasonable fit for the cases to peak and it may flag up some egregious behaviour I'm not fussed about a few extra deaths even if that sounds bad or 10% extra mortality this is a big and essentially automatic fraud detector and all it takes is the human eyeball, it works for me, so Algeria even though barely at peak it comes up with nice curves and shows a wayward tail for deaths I don't think that's criminal merely unfortunate South Africa again it's treating the last as peak as si is climbing and you'll note we're using linear scales as for daily cases and growth that's natural and we're not trying to spot curl over on the cumulative chart basically strictly we should ignore climbing charts which haven't got a properly defined mean or peak but it still doesn't look silly Zambia a tight peak curve that looks fine and what for deaths nice place to live I guess maybe send some of our politicians there teach them about non crisis crises off to the Americas and Barbados a rather fuzzy bunch of cases in a blank death chart guess that was one crisis you missed lucky Barbados Brazil again climbing hard so not proper to model based on peak but still it doesn't do a bad job also note the growth decay a bit flat in cases but distinct and appropriate for deaths Canada a bit like Sweden that spike at the top gets Canada off the hook I suspect though its deaths look quite good keep an eye on those growth decay lines Ecuador very messy data so shouldn't hope for too much indeed safer to simply scrub this and work with a standard chart Mexico good growth decay lines climbing but a reasonable fit all the same won't read anything into it until it Peaks properly USA OGE flag-waving at the top seems appropriate somehow plus of course being a power centre and all deaths curve thrown out by the spike Austria here's a rare case of a legitimate chart where growth rate actually decays properly below one and you get a completed curve as you should Belgium they grace themselves with completed curves but notice how the deaths is fat compared to the normal with a 78% excess deaths EU HQ interesting Croatia completed curves not much drama fine by us then mark interesting a bit like Belgium rapid rise and yet the fall gets delayed look at that horizontal path on the growth decay chars and a hundred and one percent extra deaths sneaky huh Finland a completed deaths curve not material not the tightest of data but at those levels not a big issue France again like Belgium completed curves but going sideways on the growth decay charts and 73 percent extra deaths Germany like Austria a rare case of a completed pretty much good growth decay curves complete compliance fractional fact tail but at eleven percent not material Greece a bit fussy on the data but great finished curves and good growth decay compliance an extra forty one deaths half yep not a material factor hungry a bit distorted without spike on cases a good deaths fit which then gets a bit distorted after a bit Messy overall the interesting Iceland nice fitting cases no deaths to speak of nice to have that level of non problem Island two good completed curves did have that massive death spike going sideways a bit now but from low levels on this chart it seems reasonable Italy already covered bit here in company yep nice waving all the way down for a fifty four percent death bonus real who knows reason to investigate Malta so-so chart got a couple of outbreaks rum one amorphous one no deaths to speak of lucky them Netherlands oh dear a familiar picture almost completed curves but horizontal growth decay at peak when it should be dropping and 121 percent excess deaths you've served the EU well Norway good curves a bit choppy on data something like proper growth decay but with too few deaths to show clearly which is rather good news Poland caught out by that second beacon cases a bit sideways in growth decay but showing some proper decay in deaths choppy but not alarming Portugal pretty good curves though stalled towards the bottom did get good decay going by now sideways belated allegiance to the agenda or natural Russia climbing so not a true peak growth rate decaying so that's natural and good we're next Spain close to complete on both which is good those horizontals look dodgy but a very low levels they're inevitable swollen on the way down fifty nine percent extra deaths a bit dodgy Sweden we've seen the selected peaked rather disguised the choppy sideways and cases and the slow descent in deaths pronounced sideways on decay they get away with it on auto Switzerland well-defined curves completed but a bit choppy in data to send did not match the climb so seventy seven percent extra deaths real or dodgy Turkey distinctly out to the side on both cases and deaths with matching sideways on growth decay not a massive hit in extra deaths might put that down to local events not agenda UK was seen against the Predacon cause for dodgiest chart no agenda there then Australia two completed curves a bit of chop at the bottom of deaths sideways case is inevitable at bottom so not an issue extra des nineteen yeah not going to lose sleep over that China which is really Hubei and is already shown to be two perfectly normal the spike presume your data correction misleads the auto select and the most useful thing here is illustrating that here's our original who bay cases and deaths curves which were the first to use the fixed determined by peak method climbing so not really a peak chart and cases look like two distinct outbreaks nothing much to say here than this Indonesia Japan a bit messy excessive cases maybe testing death sloppy and sideways on my down but 315 extra deaths not going to lose sleep over that either Korea the one that was over before everyone else was begun the reason we should never have gone into lockdown they didn't textbook Malaysia interrupted drop on cases but completed drop on deaths testing extra des 31 alert the media or maybe not New Zealand how tidy and minimalist and 13 extra deaths shocker UK media didn't pick that pick up on this double shocker Philippines again a spike misleads the auto peaking cases looks like a second outbreak no not second wave just an outbreak 489 extra deaths we should be so lucky Singapore if that was the UK we'd be calling foul but with no deaths to speak off for extra uh-huh Pass Thailand did nobody notice the fire used at or in the Western media apparently not that really is a quickie all over so sorry thank you bye Vietnam tidy and minuscule cases zero deaths they cancelled the one they had seriously India late the engagement still climbing but growth decay normal in both cases so fine Iran first outbreak done a second outbreak complicated things it is allowed to happen good decay and not a concern Iraq another one with a completed outbreak and then experienced another one in fact close examination most curve shows multiple mini outbreaks which is rational not an issue here Israel to tidy curves humps with proper decay extra deaths eight yup we'd call that textbook Pakistan still climbing but with normal decay for growth so fine normal UAE so sporadic it rather confuses our growth decay charts you have to have five nonzero in a row to get one data point two data points to sharpen chart twenty one extra deaths yeah not an issue that's it I hope the main thing you've got from this is just how normal the charts were if they weren't climbing as yet unpicked normal generally fitted well as is perfectly reasonable since every model and info graphic including Ferguson's Imperial College report nine shows a normal like chart formally there might be logistic and improved epidemic model but it's the same thing with slimmer ankles tails no it's just a shame that epidemiologists were lazy with their language and then they gave the agenda propagandists such an easy win we won't need to do this style of presentation very often if at all we've embedded the key normal's and the extra calculations in the standard charts we may do an occasional tour or reviewer near no sound particularly a world tour so all 214 countries get a look-in that's it for now I'm Andrew Mather a Brit mathematician financier technologies husband bike a pilot healer whatever feel free to get in touch Andrew at peerless reeds or Andrew a mather either should get to me


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