
23 Sept 2020

#9 Native American Abuse and Reform, Late 1880s Early 1890s Narrated ...



Flippen Classes

Transcript by the late 1880s with the Native Americans on their reservations it was becoming pretty obvious that the life for indians was was difficult and was unfair and reform movement began to grow in this section of the lecture we'll look at how the Indians were being abused and efforts at reform in the 1880s a growing number of people were starting to complain about how the Indians were being mistreated the Women's National Indian Association composed primarily of white middle-class women provided the demanded better treatment soon eastern churches and liberals were forming Indian rights associations most notably in 1881 helen hunt jackson published a bestseller book entitled a century of dishonor which highlighted the long history of broken treaties and unfair treatment by the whites against the indians this helped launch a reform movement that no longer saw native americans as savages best removed through manifest destiny but as victims whose mistreatment needed to be addressed this reform movement spawned legislation proposed by Massachusetts senator henry dolls the dolls severally Act of 1887 was intended to help Native Americans it recognized that America's long history of excluding Indians had been unfair and decided somewhat ethnocentric Lee that the best remedy route was now to include them into our society if they were included if they were made one of us they could enjoy the same benefits everyone else the law therefore quote severed the Indians from their reservations the u.s. no longer recognized indeed individual Indian nations or reservations in breaking up the reservations and ending all tribe tribal recognitions the dolls 70 act intended to include the Indians and thus help them stop our long policy of exclusion it provided that the reservations be divided up among the Indians each head of an Indian family would give that get either 160 acres for forming our 360 acres for grazing others could get smaller allotments with all the Indian land disposed that way there'd still be some additional indian reservation land available and this would be sold to whites and the proceeds in these sales would go to help the Indians purchase farm tools and to get an education to build Indian schools to prevent unscrupulous whites from getting control of the lands granted into the Jew Indians the government would told the property of each Indian in trust for 25 years at which point they would become citizens the problem was the grand scheme did not work because the land surveys took a long time few allotments were made to Indians until the 1890s and by that point the best lands at courtykins sold to the whites enforcement of the laws provisions was difficult and while many you know simply many many people simply ignored the rules designed to help Indians despite the 25-year prohibition White's duped Indians in to rip off sales of their land money that should have gone to Indian schools often did not in many Native Americans therefore were not properly assimilated they simply could not often you speak English or understand banking money railroads are supply and demand all the things you really needed to know to operate in a modern economy many Indians of course had come from a nematic background and didn't even understand the concept of land ownership in short the dolls several they act many left many Native Americans in poverty by the 1930s it was becoming obvious how bad this all severly act been and by this point Native Americans had lost almost two-thirds of the land they control before the law had passed in what some called the Indian New Deal Franklin Roosevelt God Congress to pass the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 this law repealed the doll severally act and rear ekans and nations as the doll separately actin folded the last major incident in western Native American history took place in Wounded Knee South Dakota in 1890 the Sioux who had mentioned earlier in the battle Little Bighorn they'd been suffering in their assigned reservation as the Bureau of Indian Affairs often cut their meat rations and saddled them with more and more regulations you know a product of the ill-advised implementation of the Dawes Act frustrated the Sioux turned to the Indian Prophet wovoka a poet Indian who had practiced the Ghost Dance well voca claimed to have a prophetic vision during a solar eclipse on january first 1889 the vision included the resurrection of the Indian debt and the removal of the whites well vocho taught that in in order to bring about this vision to pass to pass the Native Americans must live righteously and perform traditional round dance known as the Ghost Dance in a series of five day gatherings if they did so with oka said the vision would come to pass in the spring of 1891 the frustrated su soon began to perform their own ghost dances they believe that the ceremony was shirts worn during the ghost dances gave them special powers and that bullets could not penetrate them alarm the army was sent in to stop the dances but when they tried to arrest Sitting Bull a skirmish broke out and bull was shot in the head when tempers flared a number of Indians left the reservation and were rounded up by the army on December 29th 1890 soldiers tried to disarm some of these Indians that had been rounded up at Wounded Knee creek at least some of the Indians didn't fully cooperate and the result was that the soldiers opened fire the first shots might have been an accident as a soldier in Indian wrestle for control of a gun which soon sparked a volley of fire the the Indian efforts to fight simply couldn't match the soldiers Gatling guns to solve a a very early foam machine gun and thus it really really became a massacre or not a battle some of the Indians were shot in the back of that as they tried to flee and the end 25 soldiers died but six times a number of Indians died and many of the dead were women and children the Sioux claimed that one Indian who didn't surrender his weapon was death and simply didn't understand the order in the year since Wounded Knee is become two Native Americans the most important symbol all the injustice wife's had done to them over the years in fact one of the more famous Indian histories of the West was a book entitled bury my heart at wounded knee by the author Dee Brown when Native American activists in the early 1970s wanted to call attention to the ongoing plight of Indians they took over the small South Dakota talented Wounded Knee Wounded Knee had assumed by that point real importance as a symbol this concludes the section on the plight of the Indians and the unfortunate attempt to help them


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