#Indians #Americans #Eumelanin #5CivilizedTribes Who is Senator Henry Dawes? What was the true purpose of the Dawes Act? Who was William Medill? What does the conversion have to do with #HBCU The Freedmans Bureau is like the Bureau of Indian Affairs, is this true? Total assimilation into the foreign ways of lives had to happen in order for the squatters to survive..They make you believe ThanksGiving was a time of Peace and Blessing...there was never that time unless it was forced based coercion and loss of breath. Ezekiel37:1-10 ...Our people are afflicted with the death of Xstianity
Transcript what's up fam well keep it movin so when you looking at ourselves as Indians indigenous Americans in this it's a lot of that we gotta look at because you got a real lives and you already know there was a major converging the major conversion was to get us or to get those covering themselves in hence to assimilate 100% into American culture so-called American culture which is really which is really foreign culture is foreign culture yes name was also foreign culture was also foreign to us the indigenous ones their version Christianity now will you say foreign or when I say Florin lieutenant with four different types more but the main culprits for different types of your pain right first though first we must understand that the assimilation that conversions happen under the Spanish right and they started Negro description and as I said in my previous videos everybody who was in Spanish to them was a Negro didn't really have descriptions for us as indigenous over here in America second you just say this say the white man no matter where he is in Europe so you got the British you got the Irish you got the Russians you got the Germans you got the white man no matter wherever he's from he a foreigner and our lands okay so you got the fridge you got the British alright the thing about dealing with us as endings you got to understand under the Freedmen's Bureau because this gets confusing because you got to understand before the census Indians wasn't counting on the census that wasn't counted at all at all Negroes were counted but they wasn't counted at all they didn't start getting counted into after the Bureau of Indian Affairs was created and I must say I'm gonna say really after the Civil War so I'm going to say after 1865 boom and you got the Freedmen's Bureau this is when Indians started getting County but remember the Negro was always telling me okay so they telling Negroes in my account Indians where an Indian go where do we go I'll show this already by way of doing a video on the census and how the census was broke down to show you that the Negro was the only County that means everybody who was non-european classified non citizen of the US all right here's the whole problem which brings us to the Indian Wars you got to go check this out okay you got to go check this out yourself you know because there's a couple of out there doing YouTube videos and they come up with their personal opinion to try to prove that we not Africans or it's not the parent Africanism and things of that nature and they come with some confusing information I was saying they come with information that's not necessarily you're not coming with American history what happened in America in claiming indigenous Indian in America you gotta understand it first you got the East Coast Indians you got the South Indians you got the Midwest in heat you got the West Coast Indians right and you said you got the North Indians and you got yourself you got to know where you come from in this on this under the United States of America on the lands of America on the lands of Turtle Island so if you from East Coast and your people from East Coast you know nothing like the Middle West Indies if you're from the Midwest like I am you're not going to South Indians this is all different right but the majority of history that we deal with or death they told us was based on this side the south to the east so what I'm saying is from Texas own up the Mississippi to Minnesota not Indians that's not being counted you got Negros over here live ok so what's important is the Bureau of Indian Affairs which kicked off these Indian Wars which kicked off the Indian Wars the Bureau of Indian Affairs is what kicked off the Indian Wars let me get my notes because it was a guy check this dude out right check this dude out William mate'll alright as I said that this dude was one of the commissioners of the Bureau of Indian Affairs right now it's called Department of the Interior that's dealing with Indian Affairs it's called Department of the Interior I this dude right here is the one who said that because now mind you the white man is still settlers they still coming in secondly men are trying to settle in on indigenous lands right but they're not really settlers they really squat and squatting on any indigenous lands or holy lands is a blatant disrespect without giving respect to the true owners of the land and that's what happened there was a blatant disrespect and all kind of atrocities happen in America based on the ignorance of these people they need to conquer the need to leave their homelands in a religious capacity in the rebellious religious capacity come here and create all kinds of crimes against humanity all right so it was William a deal who said that the Indians needed to go on reservations or comedies okay and this is where you get pushes an East Coast South Coast Indians into impasse then Mississippi right okay from that you got these Indian Wars you got these Indian Wars now the Dawes Act they tell you John see how home is the one who organized the department into a system of bureaus okay so from the Indian Affairs of Freedmen's Bureau the u.s. department of the US department of war this falls under the u.s. department of war so when you think about citizenship and nationality in regards to the establishment of the united states this is for another department of war all right then you got to go into okay so but Bureau of Indian Affairs okay the view of Indian Affairs and then also you have there's a couple of acts that go along with the Dawes Act of 1887 which really broke all the Indian tribes up and Dean after that it would be fully assimilated into the American horan customs you had the curtis act of 1898 you had the homesteaders act and the land rush of 1889 the understanding of standing where they were divvying and dividing the indigenous lands to settlers and even reselling the property back to Indians for themselves for a dollar rate or written your own land you understand us and so this the Doris Act is where you get go find if your name is on the dogs right then you can claim that you indigenous American or married to Indian but the Dawes Act is what many really [ __ ] black people Negroes and the Mexican look in American right it's the dark-skinned Coppertone brown skinned Indian that got put into slavery and rushed the hardest inclusive of some applicants that was brought in here from the Caribbean islands from Africa not Africa to North America but anyway these acts them the Burke Act of 1906 okay the wheeler Howard Act FDR Roosevelt passed the Indian Reorganization Act okay all this basically all these acts were basically for indigenous Americans American Indians to basically give up their total identities customs traditions heritage language name tribal affiliation and tribal land after the Dawes Act you gave up all of that right the Freedmen's Bureau basically locked it all in okay with the 14th amendment and the reconstruction acts okay so do guys Negroes in two shuffles okay you got the Indian Bureau Bureau of Indian Affairs that's up with us shuffle those up that brought these acts the dogs acts and things of that nature okay so then prior to the Bureau of Indian Affairs you got the most important the most important Wars in America World War 1 and 2 we got the war 1812 the Indian they called it Indian Wars in 60 years what Eddie's wars are like little skirmishes right little little individual white people getting knocked the off by us for squatting okay you gotta dig this thing when you look at this my people when you look at American history from the aspect that you was here first and your people was here first and then they came it should make you want to think differently and this is where revolution and liberation comes in that because I mean beyond the audacity right you got to ask why did God let this occur to the original people there has to be some type of explanation and we have an explanation a new science right because we down there sleeping with the enemy walking with the enemy talking with the enemy acting like the enemy dressed up like the enemy assimilated into being the enemy we are enemy amongst ourselves there has to be a science that covers the reasons why all that is going on whatever you look at yourself as a champion or America what knocks this out the box right if you about unification then this comes down to one word and like I said before they filled Melanie so what's the real issue what's the real issue assimilation and like I said our science which is a universal science which is a son science which is written as the science of Sciences the Whopper would mean it is told that even even the white man the pale man the last ethereal race of the prime races gotta be in power as well that's what you get that number when you go back to your coup in the Nation of Islam and the nation of guys and herbs where they talk about the two headed scientists yonkou making a race all by knows para ones through genetic alterations to rule because he wanted to be looked at as a god that's where you get this from but some ancients are saying that this 6,000 years is true the only been here for six thousand years biting off indigenous cultures no saying biting off indigenous cultures still in the gods changing their names still in the religion changing the names you understand I'm saying taking some of the language is changing that up to fit de right leg which is basically how you talk you know moving around like I'm from Cali I'm in GA right now but I've been all around so-called black people speak differently they got different slang terms they got different vocabulary you understand what I'm saying and this is how language starts where tongues of language of hair but anyway so the most important aspect you know the oppressor being an in rule and dealing with Americans you got to deal with these Indian Wars okay so when you deal with these American wars they got two brothers two brothers and I hope I get this name right it's got to why the property all right did his brother the Coombs a now when you doing with these white bugs but this right they claiming him to there's a drawing of this and with your pita yeah I haven't seen any other drawings it's just one drawing right he has on military regalia I don't think that looks like him okay because I believed it that the drawing of the lightness of the comb say was in 1804 that drawing you see on Wikipedia is like eighteen sixties or something I'm saying so anyway like I said this name is all my great grandfather's birth certificate this is middle name all right this is middle name and I've already showed that you want I mean so we'd be Midwest these brothers right here kick off everything okay big they kicked off everything they had another man another these are shiny Indians another og shining Indian by the name of black hook right he was kicking it with another og who was a who was the tribal leader under Miami and I forget his name but they wanted to assimilate into the United States you got to think back then that the white people bang it hard on the Indians they don't care like it's not no love at all it's not no love at all it's all hate okay so that one's a simulator over the treaty again I believe you know it's like when and the killing of just want to walk it was like becomes they had enough I heard you tripped out thing right you can't see how to know he went to war and he did pretty good he he unites unified okay because you got the Five Civilized tribes and it's another thing right if you claim in the new claim in the East Coast in the south you gotta contend with it is an African in you or you might go back to just being African brought in here from the Caribbean from Africa you've got to contend with that okay this is this is the the influx of people from the East Coast the Five Civilized tribes Cherokee Chickasaw Choctaw Muscogee and the Seminole right the Seminoles with the war with the United States as well but the majority of these tribes called the civilized tribes because they helped the United States went to war against to come say and he you know fide 12 to 13 tribes and it was banging that's these Indian Wars to sum this all up that's when you lost identity so natural ways culture heritage traditions language name and all of that we just got shuffled through all of this but we don't need all this to understand that we not the foreigner we're not perform with indigenous because it was stockholders in the business of the United States of America that really being that all indigenous Americans to be assimilated into the cultures of the foreigner for capitalism and under capitalism that could continue to kill them kill us because we was so-called free or nationalize or became citizens under the department not by our own natural means so when you start talking about your own natural means that's liberation having your own free natural mind that's ruled revolutionize so you can do things that's beneficial for you and self and kind and that's it the same way the oppressor did that's what we need to do - murdering these people because that's not our personality that's not our ways that was adopted by the foreigner the greed and the lust was adopted by the foreigner the homosexuality and the transgender isms and things of that nature that's going on today 60 years - 100 years 1619 2019 400 years 400 years has come - is coming to an end you understand I'm saying 400 years of physical and mental slavery it's coming to an end they're talking about reparations and right now reparations right does reparations mean repair look it up you don't I'm saying but when you talking about economies and reservations for the foreigner now why why we ain't talking about counties and reservations for the foreigner because of this so military that's what the Spanish came in here with the Bible in one hand and the sward and the musket in the other hand killing the indigenous right alphabet boys Popo all of that fall under the bigs so how do you even guys now they got you connected to the lane don't even have you connected to the land don't match analogy of citizenship and all that has something they do now with fictitious lines of fictitious fictitious halls of business and bureaus of organization and things that are legit fictitious but as long as we believe it that it's real and in belief there's always some type of lie it's not being lied to put that work in get the knowledge for yourself official album with Nabi peace people