An independent fact-finding mission on Venezuela created by the United Nation's Human Rights Council presented its findings, on Wednesday, accusing the government of President Nicolas Maduro of "serious human rights violations and international crimes." This 411-page report claims that violations were committed directly by security forces and intelligence agencies and that President Maduro and the ministers of Interior and of Defence were "aware of these crimes and either ordered or otherwise contributed to them." "These acts were committed pursuant to two state policies, one to quash opposition to the government and another to combat crime, including by eliminating individuals perceived as criminals. We also consider that the documented crimes were committed as part of a widespread and systematic attack against the civilian population and for these reasons, the mission has reasonable grounds to believe that they amount to crimes against humanity," said Marta Valinas, chairperson of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela (FFM), during the group's online 45th session. "The mission has looked in close detail at almost 100 cases of protests and has reasonable grounds to believe that those detained in the context of those protest were subjected to torture, cruel, inhuman degrading treatment," said Paul Seils, member of the FFM, revealing that the torture practises included severe beatings, mock executions, sexual assault, rape and electrocution. The Human Rights Council team was blocked from travelling into Venezuela as the South American country's UN ambassador Jorge Valero dismissed the mission as being part of a US-led campaign and a "hostile initiative."