
25 Nov 2020

Eugenics & the Rockefellers

Eugenics & the Rockefellers


Let’s deal with certain facts. The Rockefeller family has been in the forefront of eugenics-the science of population control, since 1902. In 1952, David Rockefeller’s eldest brother John established the Population Council. In the subsequent decades, the eugenics program developed, tested, and implemented various bio-warfare tools, as a means of controlling population growth. Since then, efforts at creating the necessary infrastructure, research bodies, lab testing and experimentations, have proceeded till the present day. Documentation has proved that biological warfare is a reality, and that the United States is in the forefront of this. Although other nations have the capability, to some degree, none is as advanced as the US is, in this field.

The Rockefeller Family first entered the oil business, in 1865, when it was only 6 years old. No other family knows the oil industry like them; in fact, they know it cold.

Crude oil is processed in a refinery, and some of that is used as a basic feedstock in petro-chemical plants. These petro-chemical plants produce a variety of products, some of which are used as feedstock in chemical plants. These chemical plants, in turn produce a variety of products, and some of them are used as a basic feedstock to produce pharmaceuticals. So, in short, the family controls the global oil industry, as well as the largest chemical and pharma companies. There is nothing wasted in any of these processes. The first insecticide was FLIT, invented in 1923, and mainly intended for killing flies and mosquitoes, was mineral oil based and manufactured by the Standard Oil, now known as Exxon – a Rockefeller company. Since then, many other chemical/oil based products have been made into medicines, and other chemicals that are harmful to human health.

By the end of 1945, the dominant force in America was the 5 Rockefeller brothers. Their mandate was to take control of the entire globe, and to eliminate any rivals on its quest for global dominance.

Even Adolf Hitler’s extermination policies against Jews and other minorities, was funded by the Rockefeller family. Starting in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the first fruits of their research yielded the AIDS virus, which devastated many Third World nations. This was followed by more exotic viruses such as SARS, MERS 2000, Ebola, the Avian flu, etc.

Regarding the Covid 19 virus, the authors are the same. And the targets are all economic and geopolitical rivals of the US. China and Iran we understand. Italy was because of its tie-up with China’s BRI program. The Italians refused to back out of this deal with China, hence it was targeted. In Iran’s case, we find a strange phenomenon, in that senior government and parliamentary officials have been targeted.

In the last 15 years, China was seen as an emerging rival to the US, and its controllers-the Rockefeller family. China underwent several acts of economic and financial warfare from the US. In recent trade negotiations, in order to make China kneel fast, the family launched the Covid 19 virus on China. Then Iran and Italy suffered the same fate.

The UN is a Rockefeller entity. The WHO is a part of the UN apparatus, and we find that WHO was very quick to issue a pandemic alert, when there is zero proof of it. The common flu has claimed more lives in the past two months than the Covid 19 virus. So, we find that these power brokers are playing a dangerous game here. In 2003, media spread fear-mongering about a SARS pandemic proved way overblown, 800 deaths reported after hysteria subsided. In the same year, 42,643 people in the US were killed in 6,328,000 police-reported motor vehicle accidents, 2,889,000 people injured.

In 2009, the WHO falsely predicted a global Swine flu H1N1 pandemic that could affect “as many as two billion people over the next two years.” At the time, evidence suggested that the H1N1 strain was bio engineered in a US laboratory, vaccines produced for it extremely hazardous and potentially lethal. No national or global emergency existed. No pandemic or epidemic occurred. The CDC estimated that from 8,330 to 17,160 deaths resulted from the strain.

Fear-mongering at the time aimed to convince people to take experimental, untested, toxic and extremely dangerous vaccines that can damage the human immune system and cause health problems ranging from annoying to life-threatening. A similar scenario is in play today.

The US had an active biological warfare program since at least the 1940s. In 1941, it implemented a secret program to develop offensive and allegedly defensive bioweapons using controversial testing methods. During WWII, the US Chemical Warfare Services began mustard gas experiments on about 4,000 servicemen.

In 1945, the US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) implemented “Program F.” It was the most extensive US study of the health effects of fluoride – a key chemical component in atomic bomb production. It’s one of the most toxic chemicals known, risking harm to the central nervous system. Yet low concentration amounts are in drinking water and toothpaste, little or nothing reported officially or by establishment media on its toxicity.

Since at least the 1940s, VA patients were guinea pigs for medical experiments.

The Pentagon earlier released biological agents in US cities to learn the effects of germ warfare in populated areas, tests done secretly. In 1953, the CIA initiated Project MKULTRA – a multi-year research program to test drugs and biological agents for mind control and behavior modification, unwitting human subjects used. From the 1960s at least through the 1980s, the US used biological agents against Cuba. During the Vietnam War, the Pentagon’s use of hugely toxic Agent Orange and sarin nerve gas killed, disabled, or caused chronic illnesses for millions, mainly civilians.

In all US wars, radiological, chemical, biological and other banned weapons are used, inflicting a devastating toll on people in targeted areas.

Is the coronavirus a bioweapon? The answer is YES! Most likely, it’ll be contained in the weeks ahead, reported numbers of individuals infected falling, not rising. When all is said and done, ongoing fear-mongering will likely prove to be a bonanza for Big Pharma. As for the coronavirus, it may end up a footnote in medical history — thousands affected in China, not millions, mainly in and around Wuhan, small numbers elsewhere.


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