
27 Nov 2020

The Santa-Satan-Clause

The Santa-Satan-Clause

Shared from Sandra G Aitken


The origins of Christmas are satanic to the core and have nothing to do with the birth of the true messiah but rather a day honouring Tammuz/Nimrod/Lucifer/Saturn. The enemies in bible.
The original ‘Santa Claus’ who was considered SATAN, was a demonic deity called Krampus who would kidnap children. Depictions of this demon look just like the Masonic goat god ‘Baphomet’. In the original sack of Krampus it wasn’t presents inside, instead it was children, and around the time of December this demon would come and steal children.
The Christmas tree is symbolic to a phallus. The tinsel on the tree symbolises male sperm, and the balls symbolise testicles. The light/5 pointed star at the top of the tree is symbolic to Lucifer, the one they say is the ‘beholder of light’. That’s why you see the torch at the top of Baphomet’s head in the depictions of him. They’re both symbolic to Lucifer.
Sitting on Santa Claus lap and asking him for presents is a pedophilia ritual which comes from a Roman celebration known as ‘Saturnalia’ where the rich Roman people would give gifts to the parents, just so they could have sex with their children
The ‘Yule logs’ in a fireplace are symbolic to sacrifice where for 12 days they would literally burn children and sacrifice them by fire. This is why at Christmas they tell you to save a piece of your log and take it to next year.

‘Old Nick’ in the dictionary’s is another word for ‘The Devil’. So when you call Santa Claus ‘Old Nick’ you’re really calling him Satan. When the Catholic Church wanted to bring Krampus celebration over here they couldn’t just introduce it to us in it’s true form, so they have to wrap it up in a cute, pretty box, and remix it. So instead of it being a horned demon aka Lucifer that steals children, it’s now an innocent old man who brings presents to children in the middle of the night while the parents aren’t up.

The word ‘Holiday’ means ‘Holy Day’ which is a day denoted to a god but they don’t specifically say which god. ‘Holiday season’ is a time devoted to the god of freemasonry which is Lucifer.

Santa is known for descending down peoples chimneys which is symbolic for SATAN descending down the pit of Hell. And the original Santa (Krampus) is depicted dragging children off to hell which most believed to be under ground. So now Santa takes children to the North Pole and gives them gifts and this is where ‘Elfs’ come from, who are really abducted children.

Elf’s are the demonic entity’s that children become after they have been dragged into hell by Krampus. The definition of ‘Elf’ is a ‘’Supernatural creature of folklore, typically represented as a small illusive figure in human form with pointy ears, magical powers, and a conspicuous nature’’. The roots of the word Elf go back to Germanic language, meaning ‘Nightmare’. Elf’s are described as ‘mischievous’ and ‘malicious’ in dictionary’s. So Santa aka Satan is surrounded by demonic negative entities. ELF = Extremely low frequencies.

Kapoy Keyohw


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