
14 Feb 2019

The Hutchison effect - a lift and disruption system Q & A and added explanations

The Hutchison effect - a lift and disruption system

George D. Hathaway, P. Eng.
Hathaway Consulting Services
39 Kendal Avenue
TORONTO, Ontario M5R 1L5

The following may shed light on a most unusual phenomenon which we have called the "Hutchison Effect". It is a very strange arrangement of technologies including those of Nikola Tesla and Robert Van de Graaf. This is a topic that is very conducive to wandering because it brings in all of the most amazing kinds of effects that one would love to have in their basement, such as material levitating and floating around, being able to break steel bars without the use of your bare hands, and all sorts of other weird and wonderful things.

Pharos Technologies Ltd. was a company formed by myself and a gentleman by the name of Alex Pezarro, who you may recall made a presentation at the 1983 2nd International Symposium on Non-Conventional Energy Technology in Atlanta. Alex talked about one of his pet projects, which was oil and gas discovery by novel means. In 1980, we formed this small company to try to promote what we then called the Hutchison Effect. We also termed it in our early presentations: LADS or the Lift and Disruption System. The following series of graphs were created in 1984 to present to various parties interested in funding this technology. The first graph indicates the topics covered in these presentations.


The Lift and Disruption System or the Hutchison Effect is divided primarily into two categories of phenomena: propulsive and energetic. The system is capable of inducing lift and translation in bodies of any material. That means it will propel bodies upwards, and it will also move them sideways. There are actually 4 kinds of trajectories which are capable of being produced and I'll explain these shortly. It also has very strange energetic properties including severely disrupting intermolecular bonds in any material resulting in catastrophic and disruptive fracturing, samples of which are described here. It is also capable of causing controlled plastic deformation in metals, creating unusual aurora-like lighting effects in mid-air, causing changes in chemical composition of metals (it varies the distribution of the chemical content), and other long-range effects at distances up to around 80 feet (24 metres) away from the central core of the apparatus - all at low power and at a distance.


The system is a single entity, made up of many discrete components. It has many interrelated parts, unfortunately continually being added to by the inventor. It was discovered fortuitously by Hutchison, who was experimenting with early Tesla systems and static machines such as Van de Graaf generators.

The earliest explanation was given by Mel Winfield of Vancouver, whose name may be familiar from Dr. Nieper's 1988 Congress in Germany. He suggested that the explanation for the phenomena was due to a method of making the electro-magnetic fields spin or swirl in some unknown way.

Pharos Technologies was involved in three phases of development, the first phase of which was in the basement of a house in Vancouver. This is where John Hutchison's original work was done. The collection of apparatus which will boggle the mind can be seen on the video (shown during the lecture and available from the publisher) and replicated in Figures 11 and 12. That was the Phase 0 development. Phase I was when we stepped in with some money and took the equipment from the original location and put it in a more reasonable setting. Phase II was a third location prior to its being dismantled and put into storage by John.

The main thing about this technology, apart from its unusual phenomenology, is that it is highly transitory. The phenomena come and go virtually as they please. One has to sit with this apparatus from between six hours and six days before one actually sees something occurring. This makes it virtually impossible to interest someone who would like to try to develop it, to assist in funding, for instance. You can't assume that someone will sit there who is ready to help develop a technology, and have him wait and wait, and perhaps nothing will happen. It's unusual to ask someone to wait six days for a phenomena that they're interested in developing commercially. So one can imagine that we've had some difficulty in the past in financing this program.

Note in Figure 11 one of the Tesla coils in the foreground. The main coil is 4 1/2 feet (1.4 m) high. It was extremely difficult to get around in the first lab (Phase 0). The first laboratory in Vancouver was so densely packed with equipment that you could not find a place to put your foot down. You had to step around all sorts of objects that were put on the floor.

Disruptive phenomena

In the video a bushing is shown breaking up. It was a steel bushing about 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter by 3 to 4 inches (9 cm) long. John still has that in his lab and I have some to show as well (Figures 1 and 2).

The next part of the video is well known. I will try to explain some of its phenomenology. It starts with John warming up the system. To determine where the optimum place for positioning the test objects, which will either take off or burst, he put coins and bits of Styrofoam where he believes is going to be the active zone. The first thing that happens is a quarter ($.25 coin) starts to flip and vibrate. Now he knows he should concentrate putting specimens in that zone and he does so. We see some water in a coffee cup that appears to be swirling, although it's not. It is merely the surface rippling by some electromagnetic means and the coffee cup is dancing around the top of a yellow milk carton. It's another way for him to determine where the zone is. Then we see a flat file 8 inches (20 cm) long breaking apart. This file broke into four more or less equal-length sections. Normally, if you break a bar magnet, you know that you break it north-south, north-south, north-south, etc.. So the parts tend to stick back together again. In this case the segments were magnetised the wrong way by some phenomena I do not know and they repel each other when they're put together at the breaks. This may be indicative of the development of large-scale mono-polar regions that are of such intensity that they disrupt the material itself. It's as reasonable an explanation as I've been able to come up with, or anyone else.

Lifting phenomena

We then proceed to document some lifting phenomena. The objects that are lifted in the first part of this section are on the order of a few pounds. All of them lift off with a twist. They spiral as they lift off. There has to be a particular geometry with respect to down (gravity) for them to take off. Some objects, if you lie them on their sides, won't take off. If you turn them on their ends, they will take off. The geometrical form of the objects, their composition and their relationship to their environment, the field structure around them that is being created by the device, all play a part in how these things take off.

There are four main modes of trajectory that these objects can follow if they do choose to take off. There's a slow looping arc where the objects will basically take off very slowly in a matter of a couple of seconds and loop and fall back somewhere else It is almost as if the Earth moves underneath them while they are in flight, and they fall back in different locations. The second type of trajectory is a ballistic take-off. In other words, there's an impulse of energy at the beginning of the trajectory with no further power applied to the lifting thereafter, and the object hits the ceiling and comes back down. A third type of trajectory is a powered one where there appears to be continuous application of lifting force. I have some evidence taken from the video. The fourth trajectory is hovering - where objects just rise up and sit there. The objects can be of any material whatsoever: sheet metal, wood, Styrofoam, lead, copper, zinc, amalgams and they all either take off or they burst apart, or they do nothing - that's 99% of the time.

Lighting phenomena

Following that is a strange lighting phenomenon. This only occurred once but fortunately, while John was filming. Incidentally, this early film, with the most spectacular results observed, was taken by John himself. It was taken in 1981 and all of a sudden a sheet of iridescence descended between the camera and some of the apparatuses and one sees that sheet of light. It has a strange pinkish centre to it and hovered there for a while, and then disappeared. John thought he was hallucinating, but when we developed the film it turned out something was definitely there.

In this same video, we observe heavier objects taking off, including a 19-pound (8.6 kg) bronze bushing and water in a cup that's dancing around, the surface of which is vibrating. There are no ultrasonic or sonic devices in this particular series of experiments. There are no magnetic components underneath or over top. There are no field coils underneath over top or anywhere within 6 feet (1.8 m). These images were taken while the apparatus was performing at peak, and shows best results for the earliest experiments.

Sometimes, instead of lifting objects, John will purposely try to destroy them. In one case, a 1/4" round rattail file rests on a plywood base and is held down from taking off by two plywood pieces. Beside it are some quarter and penny coins. The file is glowing white hot and yet there is no scorching of the wooden plywood pieces which are holding it down. Neither are any of the coins affected. This is explainable in terms of RF heating theory because you can have eddy current heating on the surface and it's almost cool to the touch very shortly thereafter. It's still unusual that there is no conductive heat transferred to the wood.

From time to time there are scorch marks on the boards from other experiments. The apparatus makes fire spontaneously in parts of the lab if you're not careful.

The original (Phase 0) lab set-up was primitive, crowded, had poor connections, and had hand-wound coils. However, the films that have most of the best lift episodes were done in this early set-up, drawing a maximum of 1.5 kilowatts continuously from house-mains.

Disruption effects




The disruption part of this Lift and Disruption System has produced confirmatory physical samples that include water, aluminum, iron, steel, molybdenum, wood, copper, bronze, etc., with many shapes, sizes and masses. Certain materials are subject to certain influences depending on shape, composition and other factors.

We have tested various pieces that have broken apart for hardness, ductility, etc.. We have used optical and electron microscopes. We have taken SEM's with EDA's (Energy Dispersive Analysis) to determine the composition at various points.

Two samples of aluminium are shown, one of which is in the centre of Figure 1, which is twisted up in a left-handed spiral, and in Figure 2 on the left which was blown into little fibres. Lying on the ruler in Figure I to the left of centre is a molybdenum rod used in nuclear reactors. These things are supposed to withstand temperatures of about 5,000° F. We watched these things wiggle back and forth, and stopped the apparatus halfway through a wiggle and that's the result. Figure 2 (left) shows the piece of cast aluminium that burst apart.

In general, Figure 1 shows a collection of pieces of metal that have been blasted apart or twisted. The largest piece (in the background) is about 12 to 13 inches long. It's two inches in diameter, of regular mild steel, and a 3/8 of an inch long part was blasted off the end and crumbled like a cookie. Fragments have been analysed to have anomalously high silicon content although the original material was not a silicon steel. The standing piece on the left is 5 - 6 inches tall, 1 and 1/4 inches in diameter. It is a piece of case-hardened steel. The case-hardening has been blown off at the top and about 3/4" of it vaporised during an experiment. Then there are various pieces of aluminium and steel. On the right of Figure 2 is a boring bar. You can still see the old tool bit that John was using through it. It was on a shelf about 10 feet away from the centre of the apparatus and he did not see it happen. It just bent up into a tight U and deposited a quantity of copper at the bend. The copper seemed to somehow magically come out of the solid solution, if it was ever in solution in the first place, and agglomerate as globs at the break. As far as the aluminium is concerned, it's a volume effect, not merely an eddy-current surface effect. The whole thing is blasted right through.

Figures 3 to 6 show some of the scanning electron microscope photos taken by the University of Toronto. Figure 3 shows an aluminium specimen at about 70 times magnification and the whole surface is torn apart, as if it was gouged randomly by some mechanical means. It has not been smoothed and polished and subject to x-ray or dispersion analysis yet. A piece of iron is shown in Figure 4, and was analysed for composition which showed anomalously high amounts of copper.

With a little higher magnification for Figures 7 and 8, we see what happens in a polished aluminium sample under the SEM. Figure 7 shows two main horizontal fracture zones.

This is a polished sample, that is why it looks nice and clean. Notice the unusual globules forming (positions B & C). We examined these particular globules and they're virtually pure elements. One is copper, another is manganese and others are different elements. These globules seem to arrange themselves along planes and these planes are no doubt the ones that split apart and delaminate into fibres.

Figures 9 and 10 show the relative elemental abundances of locations H and D of Figures 7 and 8. Normally, the aluminium comes out looking like Figure 9. The average is mostly aluminium, of course, but with a bit of copper in it. And yet (Figure 10) shows an area around where the fractures occur and we see we have actually located one of the copper blobs, plus some chlorine from our fingers. Usually you see some chlorine and sodium from salt in your hands if you're touching samples. It's certainly telling us that something unusual is happening. I have not seen another apparatus which makes the alloying material in an alloy come out of the solid solution. Usually it's totally dispersed in the melt but in this case we're "undispersing" it somehow.

The Pharos experimental set-up for the Hutchison effect


This plan view shows the first (1983) set-up under Pharos' control.

The field-shaping unit is basically an elevated aluminium sphere about 11 inches in diameter. The essential ingredients of the power supply are two 15 kilo-volt neon transformers. Large steel masses were all over the place. In his first and most effective experiments, John had a 400 kilohertz continuous wave generator instead of the small Tesla coil. It's basically a low frequency radio transmitter that he had switched on for the operation, and it had a 3-foot whip antenna. Later he replaced that, likely because it broke, with the small Tesla coil, which is about three feet off the ground and is about I 1/2 feet high.

This lab was set up to try to attract some more funding and I personally put it together, trying to pick the essential bits of the apparatus out and assemble them myself. That is the lab from which a number of these samples came.

Spark gaps and tank circuits line one wall. There's a 21 kilo-volt transformer in front of the inductor's from a Picker X-ray machine which powers a number of these spark gaps. The gaps fire at 60 cycle rep rate. There is a double-ended "dumbbell" Tesla coil suspended from the ceiling. The large Tesla coil, the field-shaper, Van de Graaf generator, and a Tesla disruptive discharge coil are also shown. This latter is a double-ended, iron-core transformer. The distance is approximately 12 feet between the large Tesla coil and the small Tesla coil. Between them is what is called the active area, and that is basically a platform on which we put objects of whatever material we wish, and hope that they'll leap to the ceiling or burst apart. The main tuning control consists of several high-voltage variable capacitors and various inductor's.

Figure 11 shows the lab that I set up in 1983. I admit it is rather messy. I tried to set it up exactly as John had set it up, and so I did not make nice connections, etc.. I wanted it to be just the same as what he had done, except I tried to use a minimum number of components. The large Tesla coil is 4 1/2 feet tall (secondary), a few thousand winding's of number 27 or 30 enamelled. It has a toroidal coil of about 12 gauge resting near its top. The Van de Graaf is about 250,000 volts DC maximum. It has an approximately 11 to 13 inch diameter ball. Also visible are various tuning capacitors. You can see high voltage transmitting caps of very large capacity and RF coils here and there. Overhead is the double-ended "dumbbell" Tesla coil with its electrodes with the double toroid primary. Down below, out of sight, is a spark gap that snaps every 40 seconds or so, and in the back corner is the small Tesla coil. It's a double 807 triode Tesla coil which has a nice spot frequency of about 760 kilohertz. The large Tesla coil, when powered normally, resonates at somewhere around 330 kilohertz.

Figure 12 shows another photo of a later set-up (Phase 2) in early 1987, where several unusual phenomena were filmed by a television crew and was shown on the national new This was John's lab before he tore it apart. It is shown merely to suggest the size and scale of the devices.

Block - Circuit Diagram
The general block diagram shows the Van de Graaf by itself on the left and it goes through a gap and a capacitor. The gap is never firing to ground! The small Tesla coil is shown underneath. It is a little experimental Tesla coil powered all by itself (dual 807 tubes). All components are powered from a single 15 Amp, 110 volt, 60 Hz supply. The main spark gap shown by itself is about 3/8" wide which is powered by a 15 kilo-volt DC supply across a capacitor. It snaps every 40 seconds or so and causes a great blast. There is no time correspondence between the snapping of that gap and objects taking off or dismembering themselves.

Neither John nor I know the specific function of any of this apparatus in producing these phenomena, and one of the primary reasons for this presentation is to foster collective investigation leading an understanding of what is going on. I do not know the mechanism whereby this assemblage of components causes objects to lift. I can come to some reasonable conclusions and explanations as to why this assemblage of apparatuses causes things to burst apart. What is not understandable is how it causes objects to lift.

Field strength readings

I should mention some of the field strength readings that we have taken. Some of these results are shown in Figures 13 and 14. The magnetic field is taken with a strength field meter using an 8" vertical loop. Electric field measurements were also made. The top two traces of Figure 13 show the 60 cycle bursts, a classical kind of Tesla decaying wave-forms. The bottom four traces are spectral analyses. The middle left shows the small Tesla coil by itself with a little side band, but its main peak is approximately 760 kHz. (CTR is the centre frequency used in spectrum analysis terminology). In this case, centre frequency: 760 kilohertz; dispersion: 10 KHz, and the vertical scale is relative strength. The large Tesla coil shown bottom left, (centre frequency: around 350 kilohertz), is a very messy, noisy spectrum because the large Tesla coil is not powered in the normal way. It is powered merely inductively. There is also a peak around 610 kilohertz (middle right) which is probably a side band. Bottom right has a centre frequency of 300, probably from the fluorescent lights. We tried to scan from low frequency right up to several megahertz.

Figure 14 shows field strength measurements at approximately 350 kilohertz. We took a relative field strength reading from which I have imputed a strength in micro-volts per metre, the vertical scale going up to about 7,000. The solid line indicates the measurements that we made with approximate error bounds, and the horizontal scale is in feet from the centre of the apparatus. The dotted line is an inverse square line just for reference. There is nothing very unusual here.

Tom Valone (Buffalo, New York): Are you actually telling us that you only have 2,000 micro-volts per metre as the peak? Its amazing, I expected at least kilo-volts per metre.

George Hathaway: The maximum, if we extrapolate that curve is about 100K micro-volts per metre right in the centre of the active area. I should caution: this measurement was taken when the apparatus was not working to full potential. Whether, when major events happen, the field strength goes way up, I'm not sure. This was a normal run where some slight movement was happening to make sure the apparatus was functioning, but nothing major was occurring.

Tom Valone: When you say the field strength may go way up, how far do you mean?

George Hathaway: 1 have no idea. We were not able to have the field strength meter at the time as the best lifting was taking place or disruption was taking place. Therefore, I cannot tell you what the electrical field strength would be when the major phenomenon was occurring. I could only imagine based on engineering principles that it would be much higher than 0.1 volts/metre. Don't forget this is only the AC portion of the field.

Something I have a little more control over is an analysis of the lifting capability. Figure 15 shows a strip of the 8 mm film of that 19-pound bronze bushing taking off in slow motion. This is what I consider the powered take-off and its confirmed by the measurements. I measured the distance between the bottom end in its resting position and the bottom end when it actually leaves the frame and plotted that.

Marcel Vogel (San Jose, California): Look at the right-hand side at the series of patterns that you are seeing there. (Figure 15)

George Hathaway: That's the pattern of the milk carton on which this sample is sitting.

Marcel Vogel: Is it a milk carton or is it a reflection from that surface?

George Hathaway: That's a milk carton. If you wish me to run the video again with this particular segment, I will and you can confirm that.

Marcel Vogel: If it was a beat wave you would have a very valuable bit of information.

George Hathaway: That's true. We also have another valuable bit of information in the length of the breaks of the file. That gives us an indication of the wavelength of impinging fields, but nowhere near the kinds of frequency that I would expect to be required to do any of this. But that's a good point. One should always analyse the spatial distribution of how things break for the clues as to the range of operating frequencies.

Now if we plot this take-off and derive an acceleration versus time graph we get Figure 16. I do not have my error analysis so I can't give you a standard deviation on some of these points, but the result is that there is a linearly-rising acceleration curve. There is increasing power being provided to the object as it lifts! It's a 19 pound bushing!

Increasing propulsive power is being applied to this as witnessed by this increasing acceleration curve. These are the actual measurements to about 0.16 seconds and beyond is an extrapolation. The -9.1 in the acceleration equation is merely an artefact of my measuring problem, analysing that film strip. Keep in mind, this means that when it hits the ceiling, this 19 lb. bushing is travelling at 20 m/sec. (45 mph, 72 kmh) and increasing!

I am at sea in trying to determine how the device can provide a lift. In this "Theoretical background" listing, I mention a few names that might have something to do with an explanation of it.


- G. LeBON


Finally here is a listing of a few potential applications of this effect if it can be produced in such a format that it is repeatable and controllable: rocket payload assist, materials handling and warehousing, floating things into position, materials handling of hot objects, objects that are highly radioactive or dangerous, forging and casting, extruding of metals, alloying, power production, conversion, etc., and defence applications.

In conclusion, this is an extremely difficult technology to wrap one's mind around. I have had a great deal of difficulty in convincing scientists to think about this possibility, let alone try to provide some mechanisms for understanding its operation.


I hope I'll be able to engender some interest so that people will think about it. Perhaps some will, if they have some equipment, do some experiments as well.

I must caution anyone who is pursuing this that it is an extremely dangerous apparatus. It has never knocked any of my fillings out, but it certainly has a potential for doing so. It has smashed mirrors, in one of its incarnations, 80 feet away. It has overturned a large metal object about 50 or 60 pounds about 100 feet away. And its effects can't be pinpointed unless we're lucky. We try to find the active area and then we hope that something will happen but perhaps something very far away will happen. The apparatus is capable of starting fires anywhere. It will start fires in concrete, little bursts of flame here and there and it will cause your main circuits to have problems. We've blown fuses out as well as circuit-breakers and large lights.

It also tends to destroy itself and a classic case of that is when we had some important potential investors looking to help develop it. In the morning of its being shown, it blew one of its own transformers apart, and so, needless to say, we could not do a successful demonstration.

Marcel Vogel: Congratulations. I find it exceedingly exciting and interesting. I too have experienced the generation of power like this with a crystal. Just a single, natural quartz crystal cut in a special form. I generated fields which have knocked out electrical equipment and generated power which has destroyed matter. My suggestion to you is to do specific gravity measurements on the pieces of metal on the beginning and end of the specimen. What I think is happening is that there is intervibrational activity going on; namely, you're stimulating the lattice motion, and when it gets to a critical space, the lattice collapse and then you get that stratification that is characteristic. I saw it in a series of metal samples. They look like they was leafing in the aluminium and metal. That should be critically studied as it is a very important thing that can help you to understand.

George Hathaway: You're suggesting specific gravity measurements?

Marcel Vogel: Absolutely.

Jacques Gagnon (Montreal, Quebec): Were there any of these effects when John was not there?

George Hathaway: None of the large effects have occurred when John was not there. We had some minor occurrences when I was personally adjusting the set-up, but I can't suggest that these were the same kinds of things that you saw because they could easily be blamed on merely electrostatics. And anyone can do lots of funny things with electrostatics. They were rather unusual, but I cannot claim to have seen anyone else, including myself, make the apparatus work. Basically that translates into: have the patience to sit with it and adjust it without John being there himself for hours and hours.

Jacques Gagnon: Roughly what is his background? Did he study how he thinks he is doing this?

George Hathaway: That's a good point. John has a high school education, and he does not have any formal electrical or university training. He has been experimenting with Tesla coils. In fact, the way he stumbled upon this was to try to duplicate Tesla's transmission of electrical power without wires. At an experiment, he inserted the Van de Graaf generator which he was repairing for a friend.

He cannot explain these things in terms that people who've had training in these fields would like to use. He talks about energy fields, he talks about energy moving around and being transported from one place to another. He talks about interaction between energy and gravity. That is the extent to which he can explain what his understanding is. He has an incredible intuitive capacity to follow the flow of energy that he is trying to manipulate. Something far beyond me. I have no concept of the kind of understanding that he has. He's been at it since he was about 6 or 7 years old, continuously. He has a government pension for a medical problem so he has lots of time. Time is necessary to develop that kind of technology, if you are not concerned about particular results in getting somewhere. Unfortunately, most of the rest of us don't have that kind of time and we want to produce something that is tangible, something usable, something that we can develop into useful products. That is of very little interest to John per se. He's interested certainly in getting the technology moving, but not at our pace. And that has been one of the causes of having this thing sitting in storage and taking a long time to develop. So he has a good intuitive feel of what is going on. He cannot explain it in words that you and I could understand, and he's been at it for so long that it doesn't really matter. He has no need to converse with us in those kinds of terms, and I doubt that he could.

Dr. Harold Aspden (University of Southampton, England): I've been greatly impressed by this, of course. It's incredible. I would not have believed this from a distance, but it's great to see the demonstration and I have the confidence now that this is a real effect. My first reaction is that I would want to look at the breaking of the specimens with an eye to what is called the exploding phenomena. This is where you pass very rapidly, very big currents through the various wires and they break up into very tiny mm sections, as if they had been chopped up, with no evidence of melting. This is a phenomena being studied by Peter Graneau particularly and that should be considered in regard to rupturing process. I cannot escape from the fact that there must be some evidence, there must be some action of the ether in this activity.

I think the relevance of the tornado to this is of very great interest because there is evidence of patterns in fields, circular patterns in special groups and that has something to do with the magnetic fields that are created. That, to me, is evidence that you can get some kind of vortex or spin in the ether itself and I would look at this phenomenon perhaps arising from the induction of filamentary vortices in spins which tend to pull up these specimens. Having said that, and suspecting that there's another way, I would never go over a cup of coffee that's vibrating with a camera just above it, because my poor head would get in the way of these things and I'd be very scared to go anywhere near that type of activity. So I am a bit concerned that you can have all these things happening, and then moving with a camera to take those pictures! How close did you dare go to the real centre of activity?

George Hathaway: We were within 6 to 8 feet of it. John respects his apparatus when it's going, and he will not enter into it. He knows the limits of it and he tells us what the limits are, and we stay outside those limits. I suffered a severe migraine headache after my first two encounters with it, but I cannot ascribe them directly to the apparatus. I was so excited after seeing this thing work for the first time, and the second time, that my mind was going at 1200 miles per hour, and that is what I attribute my headaches to. John, on the other hand, has complained of microwave clicks deep inside his head. The microwave clicks are a phenomenon that has occurred in radar technicians, where for some time they hear clicking sounds deep inside their heads. John has complained about that but he has not complained about any major effects. We perhaps have just been lucky, or perhaps somehow, he has been protecting us. I don't like to bring up the PK (psychokinetic) end of all this but it certainly may be relevant.

Regarding Peter Graneau's work, I have discussed this with him and he is aware of what is going on. He is very interested in following it up, and as regards tornadoes, it's something as well that might be relevant. There is film evidence of the fact that tornadoes have very interesting electromagnetic phenomena going on inside them. Bodies levitating, going up and down very slowly in the eye of a tornado, and emitting showers of sparks.

Marcel Vogel: I want to add one more thing as a word of caution. Just taking water and spinning it around a crystal in the wrong direction I did but once in my life in 1984 and I was flung 10 ft. away from the experiment against the wall and the next day my face was burnt as if exposed to intense radiation. My eyes were closed. It was witnessed by five persons. That was only letting 100 cc of water spin around a crystal that was charged. So you must proceed cautiously these forces. I speak with experience.

Bernard Grad (Institut Armand Frappier, Montreal, Quebec): Just one comment. First of all, let me explain that I'm no physicist. I've had conventional university training in physics but I'm essentially a biologist and I'm especially interested in the energy fields of living things. The immediate thing that struck me about your talk is that the phenomena is very reminiscent of poltergeist activity. I don't want you to begin to think mystically as soon as I say this: I myself see a lot of poltergeist activity as a direct result of intense and disturbed energy fields in people living under specific circumstances. The fact that you noticed that this phenomena is seen only in the presence of this man and has been working in this from a very early age implies to me that his organism has a specific need in this regard.

I can tell you one little experiment. I've done work in relation to the energy. A healer was onstage, and to his side (the audience was facing him) was his wife sitting at a table, such as you are, with a microphone. The healer was there, and his wife was sitting in front of the microphone there. Over on the side of the stage was a generator. This was an unusual situation in the sense that the generator was there. While he was healing, to the surprise and astonishment of everyone, a waveform appeared directly towards the motor to such an extent that it frightened and astonished everybody, but the thing was able to be dampened as soon as he stopped healing and as soon as she turned the microphone away. I just want to put some focus on this direction. I think these are very interesting phenomena, by no means mystical phenomena, I want to emphasise, but phenomena that can be investigated scientifically. Another total surprise: he's a person who never had a formal education, but he constantly speaks of energy field which is, by the way, the way many healers speak.

George Hathaway: We had considered that kind of approach (the PK psychokinetic approach) as a possible explanation as well. We tended to downplay that for a number of reasons including the fact that John was very excited about two particular demonstrations we were going to give for rather high-powered investors. On both occasions the apparatus failed. One could say that there was some kind of negative influence, and John's one unconscious side was fooling his other unconscious side into saying that he was not going to proceed with this. But he certainly was excited and he wanted to get going again.

Anonymous: My wife and I are in touch with John Hutchison regularly and we have a large archive of his information and he has stated that he does not wish this technology to be used for any destructive or military means and that he has kept certain information, so that it will not be able to be used by other people. And this may be one of the reasons why no one else has been able to replicate exactly what he has done, because he has not told anyone everything that he is doing, so that's one point I wanted to make and that may be why no one else has been able to replicate this.

Bernard Grad: Have you tried to selectively isolate components in the electrical experiment so as to pinpoint whatever may be the cause of this?

George Hathaway: We were going to embark on a program of doing just that in our phase of work in 1982, but unfortunately things fell apart contradictory with John and we were not able to continue that research. John has an interest in putting more things into the apparatus, not less. Unfortunately we were not able to continue.

Figure 1. Examples of disruptive phenomena, including a broken bushing.

Figure 2. Two samples of disruptive phenomena: contortion and segmentalisation

Figure 3. Aluminium specimen from one of John Hutchison's experiments October 1984 (70x magnification)

Figure 4. Fractured iron rod/bar which includes regions which were mapped by x-ray: see also figures 9 and 10

Figure 5. Scanning electron microscope photo taken at the University of Toronto of an aluminium sample subjected to the Hutchison effect

Figure 6. Scanning electron microscope photo taken of an iron sample subjected to the Hutchison effect

Figure 7, Figure 8. Higher magnification of polished aluminium sample with pure element globules emerging after Hutchison effect

Figure 9, Figure 10. Spectral plots of typical aluminium sample compared with an area where fractures developed under Hutchinson effect occurred

Figure 13. Field strength readings during experiments. Trace: 60 Hz bursts with classical Tesla coil decays.

Figure 13. Field strength readings during experiments. Trace: 60 Hz bursts with classical Tesla coil decays.

Figure 13. Field strength readings during experiments. Small coil peaking at 760 KHz;

Figure 13. Field strength readings during experiments. 610 KHz side-band.

Figure 13. Field strength readings during experiments. Large coil at 610 KHz.

Figure 13. Field strength readings during experiments. A 300 KHz emission source

Figure 14. Field strength measurements during Hutchison effect experiments at about 350 KHz, showing strength versus distance from source

Figure 15. Strip of 8 mm film of a 19 pound bronze bushing in powered take-off, in slow motion.

Figure 16. Plot of linearly-rising powered take-off of a 19 pound bushing calculated on an acceleration / time graph.

thoughts and questions John, if you will humour me, firstly you say "it varies the distribution of the chemical content" so does that mean there were materials not effected by the anti vortex above the central rotating core of the machines rotating EM vortex?, assuming my assumption is correct and that that is indeed the cause of the directional force, the "impurities" it could be that matter not effected acts like a repelling force on the effected matter contained within a single object and wants to escape, but it either escapes giving a directional force or it cant and it begins to undergo jellification or CDF as the energy has to go somewhere and out is the natural way, lol, that could be why it takes time for effects to occur, are you using set frequencies and noting effects? just for a gauge on intensity I'm sure you must are there any fully static levitation effects?, i would have to just to check variables myself, id hit it with every form and frequency available, but i got lots of time on my hands, also it would help to know then you could manufacturer a system not comprised of elements effected, possibly for more effects or you could go the other way and make it entirely not of those materials as a shield, it would be interesting to see results surely there should be an element that it unaffected by CATASTROPHIC DISRUPTIVE FRACTURING, everything has its opposite form in nature, also i have a some what novel explanation of what caused the phenomena as explained Dr. Nieper's 1988 Congress in Germany. He suggested that the explanation for the phenomena was due to a method of making the electro-magnetic (magnetic-electro), fields spin or swirl in some unknown way, and i think its exactly the same as we see in water like whirlpools, big ones effect the air column above it with anti vortex or even using a Ferro Fluid and magnetic viewing films rotate the fluid your going to get a rotating field and with every when its energy reaches the o state vortex such as point 1-0 on image 1 that's where the poles will flip and then there's another vortex inverted above that and they keep on going until they end up looping around in a giant circle like a birkland current which would explain the north-south, north-south, properties, and it acts like what you would see in the Z-pinch, also known as zeta pinch, a type of plasma confinement system that uses an electrical current in the plasma to generate a magnetic field that compresses it speeding up the rotation (puff puff give lol) The study of vortex dynamics in type-II superconductors shows vortex motion can also serve as a model of condensed matter flow., The current understanding of vortex dynamics is largely based on model assumptions and their indirect confirmation through experimental methods. These methods usually measure either on very few vortices, or on a very large number of vortices averaging over their individual contributions, personally i like the number 15' degree increments 360 divided by Sumerian fingers and toes 24, base 12 *2 = 15' or an infinite number could be used but that would only work if space were truly finite and its not just our reality has defined boundaries like time but even then its not really the end, but regardless of that, i like to use 36 one every 15 degrees averaging over their individual contributions, ferromagnetic films often display complex magnetisation patterns with a rich variety of features.1 This complexity can be reduced by decomposing the magnetic patterns into a few elementary magnetisation structures, such as domains, domain walls, or vortices. The dynamic properties of such fundamental structures have been investigated thoroughly over the last years by isolating them in patterned elements. In particular, the magnetic vortex has attracted much interest.3–9 An equally fundamental, yet much less studied, magnetic structure is the antivortex, the topological counterpart of the vortex. In the complex structures occurring in extended soft-magnetic films, antivortices can be found almost as frequently as ordinary vortices: they occur in cross-tie domain walls, where they are enclosed by two adjacent vortex structures. While the in-plane magnetisation distribution of an antivortex is very different from that of a vortex it contains, similar to the vortex, a tiny core at its centre in which the magnetisation points perpendicular to the plane. Moreover, the two structures are related by underlying topological properties: In both cases, the local magnetisation rotates by 360° on a closed loop around the
core .its the same as you extend further out alternating, i had a idea of how to use this effect to generate energy, with a little mental demonstration if you take a magnetic compass and put i next to another and another in a long line or even a loop, what effects one will effect them all, therefore you would only need to expend minimal energy to move one for the rest to move, which could be harnessed i conceptualised a twisted core like a rope but of individual Magnetic compass type arrays with coils around them in a circle but alternate the next stacked layer slightly all feeding into a central capacitor, it basically means there's one of these 👇👇👇 image 1 with another inverted above and they go on like that alternating as they go round in a giant loop 360' see the normally returning forces would only be what was in the object initially and we're speeding it up by putting more energy in giving it a boost, and when it comes all the way back around the normal forces annihilate each other but then there's the extra energy put into it by the z pinch and that's what gives the lift, given that you say "all of them lift off with a twist. They spiral as they lift off. There has to be a particular geometry with respect to down (gravity) for them to take off", it would suggest this to be the case, the first and second type of trajectory could be attained by electrostatic forces but as you say the "third type of trajectory is a powered one where there appears to be continuous application of lifting force. I have some evidence taken from the video. The fourth trajectory is hovering - where objects just rise up and sit there" they show promise, we would defo like to see good shots of that and if you get time to add the rest of the images and video from this presentation, i would very much appreciate it, if you can or have them available as it helps me visualise it all, i don't like the actual technical side that much the formulaic equations bore me tbh, im more of an intuitive type, so visual aids are good for me, and without them there is only so much i can see, such as the "alloying material in an alloy come out of the solid solution", which although i have no image i picture one would assume it to be white but i kinda think of it as a honey looking sticky substance in globules, it could be a secondary effect of the jellification or CDF breaking the bonds down and then the resonance is moving them the alloying material as any other matter on a Chladni Plate, with regards to when you say "It also tends to destroy itself and a classic case of that is when we had some important potential investors looking to help develop it. In the morning of its being shown, it blew one of its own transformers apart, and so, needless to say, we could not do a successful demonstration" that's just sod's law if it can go wrong it will and at the worst possible moment, I've found that reality is very ironic like that it's almost as if someone is having a good laugh at us, Uni she's a joker no doubt lol, im very interested in the pk aspects too and wondered what was meant by "John's one unconscious side was fooling his other unconscious side" surely you can only have one unconscious side? as opposed to conscious side, any answers and images will be appreciated, and after all that writing i think i earned myself a cheeky smoke lol 
Image result for fibonacci spiral  time and unity


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