
25 Jan 2020

Photonic fuckery

Photonic fuckery

call me crazy but they say an object with zero energy and zero mass is nothing at all. Therefore, if an object with no mass is to physically exist, it can never be at rest. ... they say Light is such an object, a massless quanta, and the universal speed limit c is named the speed of light in its honor.

but i say they're defo wrong, the fact that light can be trapped inside the structure of such meta materials like vantablack coatings and stops it in its path, then that makes it at rest, and that would lead one to logically assume that light is both a wave and physical solid particle with Mass, as its losing kinetic energy from each interaction and refraction on the inside surface of the material, otherwise it would just keep on going and going until it reappeared somewhere else on it, and then pops out and on into space, so the fact it loses kinetic energy proves it has mass. and recently they've even managed to stop a path of a photon to an absolute stop and once at rest it anihilated itself also proving my theory,  and Light carries momentum that can push on an object, but it can also move an object through thermal forces. ... Light can also exert force through the photophoretic effect, where preferential absorption of light on one side of an object leads to a temperature difference that causes the object to move,

they say

E2 = p2c2 + m2c4

In the above equation, E is the total energy of the particle, p is the momentum of the particle (which is related to its motion), c is the speed of light, and m is the mass of the particle. This equation can be derived from the relativistic definitions of the energy and momentum of a particle. The above equation tells us that the total energy of a particle is a combination of its mass energy and its momentum energy (which is not necessarily related to its mass). When a particle is at rest (p = 0), this general equation reduces down to the familiar E = mc2. In contrast, for a particle with no mass (m = 0), the general equation reduces down to E = pc. Since photons (particles of light) have no mass, they must obey E = pc and therefore get all of their energy from their momentum.

but the momentum is set up at the initial frame of reference and its parameters of the appearance of the photon, which they say cannot be at rest so must be moving at the point it appears at light speed C, Now there is an interesting additional effect contained in the general equation. If a particle has no mass (m = 0) and is at rest (p = 0), then the total energy is zero (E = 0). But an object with zero energy and zero mass is nothing at all. Therefore, if an object with no mass is to physically exist, it can never truly be at rest. Such is the case with light (allegedly). Furthermore, if the object travels at some speed v that is less than the universal speed limit c, we can always choose a reference frame traveling along with the object so that the object will be at rest in this reference frame. Therefore, an object that can never be at rest must always travel at the universal speed limit c, because this speed has the interesting property that once an object goes a speed c in one reference frame, it goes the speed c in all (subsequent) reference frames. In summary, all objects with no mass can never be at rest and must travel at speed c in all reference frames. because they say light waves have no mass but still can carry momentum. In addition to being a particle, light is also a wave and therefore can carry energy, without having mass.

but that doesn't explain anything at all not even where the initial energy for the wave comes from?, unless they are trying to say the wave function is product of itself, which is untrue as energy can neither be created or destroyed, it can only transition and transform between states, so it definitely did have an interaction with something and therefore a starting point where it was at rest, #Fact

Newton's Third law says that for a force exerted by object 1 on object 2, object 2 exerts a force on object 1 that is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force object 1 exerts. Or, more succinctly, F[1->2] = -F[2->1]. Now the total change in momentum for any interaction is the integral of F[1->2] over time plus the integral of F[2->1] over time, which equals the integral of F[1->2] minus the integral of F[1->2], which equals zero - always!


Newton's 2nd Law tells us that force = mass x acceleration ( F = ma ). Since acceleration is just how velocity changes over time, we can write this as

F = m * v/t

which would still give 0 as the mass would be 0  * C (speed  of light) = 0

but if we assume it has a mass of 1 unit of mass,  that would be M1*C(299792458) = F 299792458,

(F = M * a)

M (1N) * A 299792458 m/s = F  = 299792000N

so there has to be a force of - 299792000N acting upon the photon at the start for it to have a constant light speed of (C) when entering frame of reference.

Newton's third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object.

and knowing how simplistic the universe is i would have to wager heavily that its repelling of its own antiparticle in negative charge universe #Genius 😉😁😁😁😎🙁☮️


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