Peeps did you hear this fucking Nazi?, she said and i quote "they didn't infect enough of the population" what the actual fucking fuckery is going on, why are we not arresting these vermin who are killing us all as quickly as they can?, what a fucking bitch, lets make her famous so everyone knows her fucking face.
to all health care workers and front line defenders and public servants and service personnel and the free and good peoples of the planet Earth, from all around the world and across the oceans wherever you are, this is not a drill, do not i repeat "DO NOT" take the test's, they will infect and your families and kill you with a new type of "C0r0na V1ru5" "mutated" pathogen , its a covert deployment of targeted vector of a man made pathogen directly to your airways so it can spread quicker to the lungs for maximum effect, I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A JOKE "DO NOT FUCKING TAKE THE TESTS" your lives depend upon you not doing so, refuse and let them sack you if you must, and sue them after for unfair dismissal, its your body your choice is it not? regardless of what they claim to be "legal" the virus is a work of fiction, no one has a higher claim over your life and that of your families than you. so please don;t let them kill you, it doesn't have to be like this we can win i assure you. i implore you for your own safety listen to my warning, this is not a test or joke or drill, this is very serious so please heed my warning and mark my words, i sincerely hope I AM wrong i really do, i would sooner that be the case and look foolish for a moment than to say nothing and watch you all to die knowing i could have prevented it, i know a lot of you don't believe in a huger power or some benevolent being just watching over you keeping you safe, but i do and i pray for you often all of you i even shed a tear, because i know its all foolishness and lies in the end and it can all be avoided so easily if only you would listen,