Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project
After some difficulty, Bob Greenyer managed to do a hash of a presentation of about half of the remaining material.
Slides will be made available after a livestream on Sunday 4th where the full material will be shared.
i probably don't need the microphone okay so welcome to the interesting part of my presentation thank you for being here coherent mata traveling waves and their possible role in making strange radiation so my plan again is to discuss methods of coherent matter production behavior balls of fire on and in the metals behavior of observed traces versus witness marks and a product from a dead coherent uh mata travelling wave beam and hopefully the special treat at the end on the surfaces so um this is from matsumoto's 1993 paper and he says this mesh here is a class a structure that's made from positrons electrons and neutrinos and that that is what captures the material and inside the nuclear reactions occur it's synthesized i believe when when the condensate it condenses down when it coheres it's like putting energy in a tire that has to go somewhere it's not my idea and and matsumoto is alive to debate it so um but that's what he he says i'm he's a nuclear scientist i'm not so um so yeah we observe the same kind of structures at the same scales from the cavitation um in the amazon vibrator plate for the first question i would say this hexagonal structure which is just a crystal yes and as i showed you earlier um the bogdanovic team the moscow nuclear physics institute they showed that the plasmoids cluster into crystal structures and that they believe that that is the structure of ball lightning and the crystal structure that he observed that we replicated matsumoto believes was the structure that does uh um the low energy nuclear reactions and it is the structure that he believes he calls it the nato model or itonic cluster and that's the itonic cluster that that does the cold nuclear transportation okay so i'm just going to show you uh some key points here i'd like to kill that light though but anyway okay so there's a couple of points here um that you should go and learn about um this uh kind of field and luciano has done a wonderful summary and edward lewis was uh he he was the first guy to tell matsumato to maybe consider that the things were actually equivalent to ball lightning and then i've done a review of the tracks that were recorded in materials like boron nitride and silicon dioxide um in matson in alexander parkermon's work i'll take you actually to a couple of those so you can just get an overview of what i'm kind of condensed plasmoids look like it's a very long paper this there's a lot of history um and he goes into the energy and stuff and i think he's got a reasonable good idea of what the structure is and you'll see that when you see them um doing their live business so i'm going to get to some things so this is strike marks but we'll go down to actual tracks so this is um uh palladium co-deposition at spawa so these are the kind of strike marks and these have been observed since at the 1930s with vacuum arc discharge this is a classic evo bore passing through a thick aluminium foil and it kind of like fluidizes the material as it goes through here it is again come back please okay just to explain you see this on one side and the exit on the other side for this six micrometers okay like as like i say you can you can spend as much time as you like with these papers in the future so this is how it's boring through and and how it bores through and there's some close-ups here and a close-up of an exit point okay so so you get a lot of parallel tracks and in this instance you've got the rotation going one way and the other track has got the rotation going the other way um and you get these double tracks and you get them splitting and you can also get them with periodic but when they split you get the same periods in the split components and i haven't got it in the sequence of videos today but i we have recorded that where you have like a zigzag it hits the ground and it splits into two zigzags that the same but going in different directions but i have got one that was done during the all russia uh physics institute where they uh showed the same same effect this is an example of it the ball lightning splitting in nature and and and shoulders found that if you pass it through two dielectrics the the the ball lightning or the evos in his phenomenal uh his way of calling it um would split into many smaller channels in order to pass through the the the pla the the gap and then it would re um converge just like normal ball lightning does so this is a a classic type of mark these are kind of matsumoto mark so this is almost identical to the mark that i showed you with the monopole earlier in the presentation and they regularly form hexagons and you might have noticed that this is extremely similar structure to the hot spot that was being referred to by bill collis this is a different researcher claude davao who did some excellent work and this in my view is very similar to the one that i showed you on the 10 yen coin we will be able to show you a a video of a track that did this um and jean francoise je neste talked about a potential way that this could be explained in mathematics i won't go into it but i have given the link to that and it's been extended i think by an italian i think even a polish mathematician about how these things can occur they can form tubes like this there's another one and that was in the the um sole in patent and they form these kind of strings these are the beads which we've replicated we've replicated this structure and here's a pair going together now you're going to see a lot of pairs but in much higher fidelity this was taken um gold i think this is in the 1980s so he had to make his own cameras in order to be able to film this and this is another famous punch through and this is about the his development of uh propulsion anyway there there are typical tracks like this that look like zigzags or they i call them the imi tracks and this is the plasmoid and stuff that i showed you from before and from the work of the reutschier and here's some classic tracks now i do concede and have been able to replicate some of the tracks by three body interactions so you get a hard body a soft body and a bit of grit in between and you can create a crystal that's growing going on the surface um at the end of the i can show you a very large number of scale tracks but they're typically um 10 microns across um they they can be one micron they quantize 1 5 20 50 100 um 400 400 uh 816 i've seen them as large as 1.6 millimeters but they are a self-similar uh structure so that there will be a taurus and the tourist makes no 1.6 millimeters yes yeah so there's 100 micron there so you can see 30 micron there so this one's a 10 micron track this this 10 micron so you will see this kind of spiraling structure so we've like i say we've got a challenge out there anyone that can find a strange radiation track that we haven't already got a video of um but uh um the the plasmoid that i showed you that did the um fluorine alpha conjugate nuclear in the fluorine and the titanium alpha conjugate nuclei reactions in the titanium that was a 10 micron diameter so similar kind of size to this um and he explains it with this and when you actually see the end product i don't think he's too far off and we actually have videos and and it is it's quite special to be he did it through trying to explain the tracks and now we have the videos of them in action in my opinion so these are the classic tracks and so he's saying how the the the the plasmoid can organize itself with with slightly different phases on on the the overall ring um twisted ring and it explains these structures okay so yeah now i think i'll stop here because this is um i i believe uh from the solen patent or an extremely similar one okay and you can have these cylindrical ones with the with with the mmms m ms as a cool like towns and avalanche electrons excitation quake field things yeah yeah yeah they're looking to um increase the energy of colliders by using weight filters it does do that and it's well described by shoulders that kind of interaction with surfaces okay so the health risks we're very very keen to and this is one of my most important parts about trying to get this presentation done because people are dying and i don't want anyone to be researching leonard without understanding the risks and and the best practices for shielding for them because you can kill yourself in an hour if you have a excess heat working properly so if you're never going to be successful making xse you're perfectly safe okay so here's some more tracks and they've done studies um on mice and they've done studies on plants over the last nine years i think in russia and so they've found out that like many materials don't make any difference and it's kind of sometimes counterintuitive and this is ball lightning boring through a large concrete wall and this is actually one of dr eagley's photos and uh this is one of this ed lewis's uh um own ex his first uh photo of one of these structures anyway so it these you should read these papers anyway i'm going to go back to the presentation and we'll we'll plow on that's just to give you an overview of the kind of thing that you might see so we talked about hho and uh i because of the 10 yen coin in 2019 when i went to iccf 22 and i sat downstairs and i was presented this by slobodan of it she said what's going on here and i said you know what that is that's amazing because i had kind of worked out i didn't know that he had that this part was almost only showing as an o-h radical at that point but i had kind of worked out that the only thing that could be in the um the amazon thing that could easily maze and was known to on an astrological basis would be that and so i hypothesized that that was the reason it was cutting through like a laser um and and and here we see this twisted beam it's not so clear here but in the next shot you'll see something very similar so this is a graphite crucible and he's used the hho torch to burn a capillary tube through it and ken shoulders found that he could um massively increase the energy of the exotic vacuum objects by passing them through a capillary tube capillary tube let you get the the evo and you pass it through a capillary and somehow it gets much more energetic okay and so i think that is very unlikely that you would be able to pass a high pressure jet not a high pressure jet but a jet that's got some fluid dynamics through a capillary without some toroidal and this is graphite and this is hho gas this is basically a mix well i i think it's it's special if you do it right if you've got lots of cavitation and so forth but amazing is much more special i believe i don't know if i would dare to switch on the frame on such a gas you know well i i can i tell you that amazon lost an employee just a few months ago the device blew up and and he spent her time in hospital it's it's incredibly you need to be careful and but he he didn't put on a a a flashback suppressor at that time so some reason the protocol wasn't followed anyway it's very sad and so this is another thing when we're warning about safety so this was presented actually at iccf 22 and there was questions asked by klimov who stood over there and he seemed extremely curious as to why as to this effect and you'll see he then presented in one of these weekly sessions he was forced to because of what slobodan had shown and this is my point this is a a plasma tron and there's many images of this uh and different this was done at the joint uh moscow joint russia plasma physics institute and what they've got is they've got a microwave ionization chamber in here and then they do a spark so it's kind of like a pap engine you've got a plasmic transition and then it goes through a capillary tube of a hydrocarbon here and you get three components one that cannot be shifted at all by a mach two wind flow it just goes straight in its own direction and then you get like a something that looks like it's going in the opposite direction from the wind flow and then you get these particles and this is what i'm talking about you've got a twisted thing coming in and you've got two twisted things coming out and they don't respond in a pro one way that you would expect i have a video that you can go and look at where i go through all of these videos and you can see these non-expected non-kinetic areas and they actually use a negatively charged mesh and this seems to stop them dead but not always okay so i'm going to play this here so um vega stands for various experiments in glowing action and uh the team is uh hank in holland dave in canada and myself and we use use a ganged microwave transformers to produce 700 volt dc for discharge or actually just a potential and then a simple vacuum chambers like scrap cylinders um not high vacuum just a simple roughing pump uh residual layers with uh with gases such as argon and hydrogen so in this example you there is a spinning [Music] double layer structure that's formed on the outside but by zooming in in a second you will see that you can see the structure so you can see the field around here and then inside you can see it's spinning and then inside that you can see that there's some substructure to it so it's got different layers it's spinning very very fast and in fact actual ball lightning has been shown to because of the red and blue shift to be spinning at between 000 and 100 000 cycles a second um so uh there should have been something there but i don't know why it isn't okay so uh we we went further than the sapphire and and trying to get really novel and quick and fast experiments to understand what the the um self-organizing plasma likes to do and uh so we've got tungsten filaments here because they seem to fission quite readily and do interesting things this is just a an m10 nut and it's got some wire around it but you can see the self-organization of the plasma likes to take take itself into the center of faces this is very important when you start looking at what it does on in the micron scale when it's building these coherent structures so here's that same video and you can see how instantly it is active and ken shoulders describes this as electronic electronic structures built at electronic speeds this is the anode we know yes that i like your thinking because when it comes to the rest of it and you start seeing strange radiation it doesn't even care about the field yes so it can happen that you have a kind of jets fast electron jabs emitted very strong magnetic field [Music] yes you will see in in the videos that i'm going to share with you where one of these or several of these particles are interacting and they're starting to move around a position that's way in front of where the the one that it's passing around is moving it's like it's projecting out an intense magnetic beam highly focused in front of it so um we lots of different anodes um but this was the first one by hank in in holland that i noticed this little squiggle and there was another little squiggle over here and this got me quite excited because it started to look like strange radiation um and and so within a day or two and dave had replicated it and actually uh went a lot further with it and ultimately we ended up with this kind of thing and and i will walk through this particular video here because there's a lot going on i understand but that the same thing is occurring outside of the plasmatron the same thing occurs with ball lightning in free air in nature okay and i don't think the magnetic field of the earth is strong enough to do that so yes i am aware of these these kind of things um so um here's one of the first tracks that we have and i probably have to wind that back so uh as it said in the solent pattern when that when the coherent matter breaks up and you'll see this over and over again you'll see it build up and then it collapses and the the beam starts coming out and uh there we go and it's coming out and it's coming out and it's coming out okay and uh this is the same type as was observed uh cutting through the aluminium foil by shoulders and in fact shoulders didn't even notice this particular track but it can be already the traveling wave papers go go into these kind of aspects okay so i'm going to um these things travel tens of tens of meters so so here's here's the self-organization and when you're playing this you can see as there's a slight change you get them building up in different areas and this this is noted in the field that the the the um the plasmoids they always remember where they were they this it does something to the metal underneath so they always instantaneously appear and we will show this this is a spin field around a different this is an m10 nut and it's wrapped with tungsten wire okay so you can see the spinning going on there so this is a nice sphere and you can show the self-organization i want you to hold this in mind when i show you what happens on the micron level because this is very important to understand how the ball linings build themselves up but i'll just show you what happens when we change this this is about 12 millimeters across so it's a very macro structure so as we're changing the voltage he's changing the potential so it goes extremely stable plasmoids like that and as it ups the power they start to wet together and this has been known for a couple of decades about how this wets together and if you get when you can work with the parameter space with with more finesse you can control it very very precisely okay so um so this is what i call evo blaster and what we did in this um was this is a tungsten and i asked him to put potassium hydroxide on there because if the tungsten can get over a thousand degrees then it can synthesize cold neutrinos and that can stimulate the beta inverse b to decay of the potassium and it was so striking the difference when when that was added in in this reactor but what i want you to look at is what's going back in going on in the far field in the background okay so what do you notice about when when the little flashes are occurring in the background there okay i'll i'll play a little bit more oh no no i don't want to do that i don't know we've got an advert now okay so basically you've got the kind of thermal feel of what you're seeing when they hit so the idea is that this is the anode this is the cathode but they are neutral evos that are synthesized and they are flying away from the anode against the potential and when they hit the cathode they get disrupted and excited and they explode now in formation when the electrons have condensed they have given up their thermal energy and when they collide with the hot base they are essentially at the absolute zero and they as they disrupt and come back from being at one condensate they they get they become individual electrons again as shoulders would describe it but they have to get their thermal energy back so this is going and we've seen this in different a different experiment in the lion reactor it's going down to minus 273 degrees c when we did it in the line reactor in an instant yes then electron gas will transfer that into the atoms so yes you have different temperature for electron gas and the atom the so-called electron phonon coupling that is needed to explain why the temperature is moved to the to the atoms okay so therefore i i would say others just you have this different range it's just i actually don't know but it's it's it's as much as a cheap roughing pump can do so i i can get those details but in the lion reactor um so i i have a series that i'm going to do what goes that must come down but in the line reactor which i showed you earlier which produced all of the solid effects uh there was the copper wire wrapped around the outside you didn't see it but there was probably the best ever strange radiation track like individual pieces chunked out we called it the lion's paw prince and absolutely spectacularly we even got in 3d and so we and because of all of the other monopole structures and i showed some of them in the first part of the presentation we know it was absolutely chock-full of them the interesting thing was that was electrically isolated with the quartz around it he touched after shutting down the experiment he touched a 20 watt light bulb halogen light bulb to it with a drain and it lit for 30 minutes but at the point he touched it it went right and when you look at it all that cupric oxide c-u-o uh has turned to a glass there's no crystals in there yeah and i was taught by piantelli to achieve that because he had a quick a piece of equipment in his lab that cost a million dollars to do this for preparing his nickel uh you have to you have to call it a splat call at around about a thousand degrees per second and when i started talking about the fact that when i'm looking at this material i had no data and i was looking at the material and i said this looks like it's been splat-cooled and this is a thing called cold electricity and this is a thing that tesla knew a lot about and and this is what i was describing in my first part of the presentation where they were able to create something that traveled along an 8 micron wire and then lit 25 kilowatts of light bulbs okay so it's it's an electron condensate uh and both the reutzke paper that i showed you and the matsumoto in i think 1993 or 94. he said a new type of electrical current they're all describing the same thing cold electricity and in fact if you have a spark gap and you get it right with the tesla coil you'll get ice forming on the anode if you get the gap right and this is the same thing where the the electrons that have condensed and they've gone into one macro quantum object they have to when they come back into the single electron world they have to get all the thermal energy back to become in equilibrium and so this for me is one of my most favorite videos i've ever seen um because it and and also i asked him there's another video where i said right so as the electrons are coming back they um they become real electrons and they can't be in the condensate so they form this explosion which produces an electromagnetic pulse and that's a scalar wave as well as high rf and so you can pick it up by using an old am radio and putting it between stations and you you hear we've got a video where you see that you see the flash and you hear the pop on the radio okay so um so this is a piece of tungsten wire i don't know where i am in the video let's put it back this is a piece of tungsten wire isn't going to give me okay and so it comes round and it settles at one point then you start seeing a pulsing directly opposite on the coil it'll happen i don't know is it going to happen yes and what you saw there was when it got energized enough it instantaneously cut on the and it swings the whole piece of um uh tungsten around so that the magnetic pole of one of the plasmoids points to the other one on the way down and it it's literally connected to the whole piece of tungsten and throws the tungsten around and then it continues to go and eat the rest of the wire and like i say when you get it right nothing can stop it those channels that you see like um if you have alumina or zirconia or whatever they are ionic and when they go over a thousand degrees they start to become conductive and so it's very easy to consume them okay so um some other behaviors here you can see uh this is on a nickel in fact this arrangement of anode and you can see them arranging themselves very very quickly and nicely nice spacing um that's that one this will help you when you when we come to see house so this is this is one where most most plasmas that have ever been observed are these hemispherical structures they always go in half that's what i showed you on the copper this is a sphere and i don't know if you can notice about where this bit of the uh nickel foil sticks out it only sticks out as far as the outer boundary of the the um of the double layer so i've got it here this is from a fusion plasma and fusion research paper from uh hesku and los nano from 2001 and this is their drawing of you know how it appears on the surface but we've created a full sphere here so they they're saying that the positive ions are in the inside and essentially the bit that's sticking out is in in the range of the double layer so here's another i think this is stainless steel electrode and what i'm demonstrating here is how fast things can wet together when when there's sufficient energy in play the the the current available they it will they'll stay where they are until you get by the threshold then they'll they'll reorganize until there's no more space that they can reorganize and then they wet together uh it's in the the amps um and the the voltage is between 200 and 800 volts depending on the configuration but we're looking for not for phenomenology at the moment um to try and explain observations so here you can see the double layers quite clearly so this is the now my hypothesis is uh and it turns out after i had it it's already been thought about of course um is that uh essentially you've got this positive pressure pushing out it can't get any smaller and then you you've got the negative pressure coming in so the inside of the double there this threshold is a low degree of freedom place and so if you've got more and more more stuff coming in it it can't move around so everything has to organize themselves uh so that they're equidistant until everything's at exactly the same temperature and then you can have coherence uh it's not a lot of power but it's a lot of power if you focus it i mean is it a chamber it depends some of the chambers are bigger so um here you can see how quick in one thirtieth of a second from turn on uh you get a a smooth and and self-organ organized structure uh forming okay this will all help explain the um the uh the way it works on the on the micro scale so here's a gif animation of that particular track and this is the track that wasn't seen by uh shoulders in his own work of the same type now this is a a trap oh god what happened there this is a track um that we observed in a different experiment but this is dave um and uh this is a composite of the individual frames and you can see here you get the the growing then the explosion and the collapse this is exactly as solid as describing it so he must have seen something similar i think in his reactors and then the the traveling wave beam comes out and this here is uh by um [Music] in russia and he puts a gold-plated pure silicon disc with some bismuth salts between a high voltage capacitor plates exposes it for a period of time and then this long after it was exposed this track appeared with this damage done and i believe it's of the same type as as this type so this is there's no magnetic field and it's occurred a long time after the experiment uh these are two tracks and we started employing two cameras so we could get a better idea of the trajectories to see if they were the kinetic or trajectories that otherwise and so i said that i would come back to this uh track that was done in france i think and and it was presented at the uh uh by jean-franc francoise jeunesse at the ads colloquium and it was him that first proposed um these mathematical models for describing the coherent traveling waves that would explain the observed tracks but you can see i i got the track we've got above uh in comparison in this case i've just squashed it along its length to get a similar look so that's the the modification i made there so we're going to look at this this particular sequence here but uh it's got this one lovely track here and and shoulders identified that you can have like a positive species and a negative species and they can travel together and i believe that's what's going on here and you you have a wake field in front of one of the species so one might imagine that the one that's illuminated is actually the positive and so the electrons are going towards it and this one is the negative and it has a wake field in front of it so you only see it when it's coming towards the camera okay uh and and this is what charges they they cut charge separation and i think it's related to like things like birkeland currents and stuff um so that's just a close-up on that oh yeah and this is the paper and uh the paper here is down here for uh lobochevsky geometry and modern non-linear problems android pop-off and topologically embedded pseudospherical cylinders these two together you can understand because what you do is you have a soliton and then the actual path is around the solar ton so you're going to see in some of the videos almost this exact shape of the traveling wave and you're going to see this exact shape of the traveling wave so we like to say all of the ones that they have in their papers we've been able to produce well without any effort we've got so many right okay so i'll go back to the presentation so that gives you a grounding in what to expect so um oh my god yeah what have i got oh yeah that's that's quite nice isn't it let's have a look at that so hopefully i can go through this with my mouse and we can see it in a little bit more detail so you're going to see probably a whole bunch of tracks here um is it going to work it's going to work i don't know what's going on there i'm going to turn the bluetooth okay i'm going to try and go through this with my hand um so here you you've got the uh glow building up and then it collapses and not that one um that's going to be how hard in my hand oh okay so we missed one there oh see the the um twisted pair down the bottom on the left and that's a typical one like the one i showed you in shoulders thing but a different frequency there's some tighter ones there there's the one merging there and i just skipped the frame somewhere there's a nice big fat one here and uh it's jumping frames i don't know why okay i have this video it's it's going to the keyframes and it's only giving me the keyframes so i need to see if i can just drop this video so i can actually show you in more detail so let me just find that for you um talk amongst yourselves or ask me a question put my eyes on uh where is that video did i put it in here this one yes so it's just it's just better if i use this and and i'm gonna put this on and why is that not working because it's on the wrong computer okay all right so in this software i can actually just step through with the uh this one so and it won't skip a frame so you can see the very non kinetic tracks uh and they they act like springs sometimes um okay so okay so you see this one down the bottom center uh twisted uh another one there this one's quite fun it does some really random stuff okay so this one here is this twisted one very much like shoulders observed and we're going to get a 4k 60 frame camera and and 120 frame 4k camera look at this one so this one here is a classic m m track okay that i showed you earlier in some of the papers uh we've got this one here which you can see is twisting off no but they don't get stopped so well some they have a very huge variation in velocity and it almost doesn't look any different on their period so you can you can have some that got a very tight period and a very long period but they're moving at the same speed and then you can have some that are moving very very different speeds so um but i i guess the initiation is is the energy that's put in see this this is of the type that that um jean je neste talked about uh okay the very large one comes out there look at the size of that twisting round and there's another one here you can see and now some of them are quite dark so you can still have something that looks physically big but is in very much darker is it here's this one very nice so oh so that might be the dark one over here it hit the cathode again and get re-energized and you're going to see this it gets hits the cathode gets re-energized and starts coming back in the other direction so i'm stepping through oh so there's a nice one that comes out so again it's it builds up builds up and then there's a cl it starts to collapse and it releases all right this one here this is another m m type track um it's in low pressure air i think there's some nitrogen in here but it seems to be getting every color in the spectrum different times if you actually look at a video like with all a couple of frames at the bottom it's like got so many different colors so what you'll see actually sometimes is they're highly out of phase and then they start becoming in phase and you're going to see something that's just literally mind-boggling which i'm coming to not in this section but different video that's what nice nice one up there so there okay so you've seen enough you understand so basically we we can see every type of strange radiation track that's uh been observed so i've just highlighted a few nice ones here i like the path here that this one takes it's really rather interesting here's the m m track that i showed you earlier some twisty tracks but they're typically in pairs but we i'm going to show you one where you've got them merging together so we're going to we're going to work through this one and hopefully i can actually do this one here without having to come out of the software because i've encoded it differently oh no it's he's jumping between keyframes that's annoying uh [Music] okay so that's the big one okay so i might be able to do this no it's jumping keyframes okay let me see if i got it in mm-hmm this is uh probably the most important video um if i can find it i know it's not in there uh i've got it up here okay okay i'm gonna have to zoom into the image sorry um but uh you have a track that comes up here and it's coming around here this is actually a break in the frame here uh and so this is this is the movement in one frame and this is the movement in the other frame and this one then comes around here and you can see that this one comes up this is the break in the frame and then it comes up here and it's moving around and then it moves around in the other direction as this twist rounds and goes around in the other the other direction now this is the point that i'm talking about this in at this point in the frame that's the the last part of the graphic that is recorded in that frame and this track has already gone up here it's gone around its future path and come over here so there is a magnetic beam i believe or a spin field coming out directly in front of this which is incredibly intense and note that these things do not care about the the electric field they'll go up down left and right they don't care about it they don't care about the the sound waves that are going on with the explosions that they seem to be completely impervious to that but look at this one it comes up here and then turns around goes around in a complete corner again this one's straight it comes around the corner and does a wiggle and this is almost exactly like the sole in picture in 1992 that he observed in his uh the explosions uh formed from the explosions in his quantum coherent nuclear reactor sorry uh well i like it no and i did con i did consider that of course i considered that um but i think what you'll see in in the coming videos is something that i would like to see how you can explain it to me but i don't know how can a solid particle like a fragment of metal put a magnetic beam out so far in front then another one that's traveling at high velocity will alter its path completely it doesn't make any sense to me yeah especially when there's a the kinetic field the the field in it so this is an m m track by a very large meter or multiple meter size ball lightning in hestalan formed in the air and flying across the trees they're looking down on it from a hillside and it hits the treetop here and changes its period okay and you see this uh with interactions um here's the yeah anyway there's basically everything this is from the solomon pattern so so um this i have to show you properly so it's got to work um uh so what you're seeing here on the right hand side is a photograph of a ball lightning descending from the sky down to the ground and this is the track that you see with these knots periodic knots and you're seeing the same periodic knots in these part piles coming out here okay now the track that i'm referring you to is this one this one it comes out it bounces it bounces again it comes back 180 degrees on itself bounces and then comes around in the spin field and the the other two tracks come out from the the plasmoid come out and join it so i'm gonna see if i can show you that now i'm gonna be fighting the uh this is a recording of me describing this before but i didn't have the original video so i'm gonna see if i can work on it so okay so you can see the the main plasmoid is growing and where i've got the mouse pointer in the original video which is yeah oh no that's going to move that as well oh dear okay okay yeah okay so okay can i just show you this one because this one and then i'll give you the last shot um and yeah so what what it's doing is it comes out it goes that way left goes to the left i'm following it with my mouse it hits the ground it comes back in the opposite direction it hits the ground again gets more energized and it starts to come around the the possibly the field of the discharge right now as i go forward hopefully there's another one that comes out now watch what happens it comes out directly and it starts to interact and in the next frame it's it's already orbiting around the one that's just come around so it's there and it orbits it comes in and it orbits around and then in the next frame it starts to cohere into the same phase if i if i if i'm not fighting me going backwards at the same time okay so and this frame they've nearly cohered although there are ones of a different energy so it's slightly longer but the phase is is the coming together in the phase and another one has come out you can see it just to the left of it and it comes out and it almost immediately starts to wrap around it and that happens again when i can go forward a bit oh this is tough okay so now um that third one coming in starts to decohere the previous two that when happily starting to get jiggy with each other uh and as i step forward um they start coming out of phase with each other and another one comes in from the bottom left somewhere if i can get there if i go to the end um okay right so there's one it's one of the original ones and there's a little squiggle which is is it going to move is it going to oh it's going to move okay i don't know how to do this that little squiggle you see and there's the bright one which is the the main track that's still running the little squiggle to the left of it that comes up to it and you see and it it it starts going one direction and then in one frame it goes 180 degrees orbit around it at a fixed distance you see and that's a similar behavior to what we saw with the ball lightning reorienting itself as it was cut off from the tungsten rod so we've seen that with a with a ball that's like us five five millimeters across and here you're seeing it with a much smaller structure and then in the next frame if i can get to it it actually goes and starts orbiting the other way around um the track but it's actually behind it it says lower energy so it can't keep up with it i'm talking about that little little reversed c you can see it there yes they are charged and the interesting thing is like the original one that i showed you coming out that has the thing on the shoulders it looks like it's losing its charge but it's not losing its form on its period and this is what shoulder says that as they cohere they they they can go from 100 billion charges to to one and in fact they can basically travel through things and you're observing all of this on video in these videos um so i just want to show you something at the end and it's just a shame i can't go through it all we have many many examples but this this very quickly this is on the amazon vibrato plate i showed you yesterday this is i believe of the same type you can see a period here the regular period you can only see this on the steel plate using polarized light i think that's important over here you see the structure that we saw at the beginning and over here this is nearly pure carbon and you've got the vortex of one of the one of the structures this is your bullet this is the decode material that's in a coherent condensate in the meta wave beam here can you see it this this over here and that is what i want you to not want going into your bodies and that's why i felt it important that you saw this presentation if you care about yourselves yeah i i i can what i wanted to show you is because i have the sems i wanted to show you how it how it all builds essentially you you get a um you get a structure um that makes little ball lightning just like you saw in macro and it eats the material around it and then it collapses most into enriched carbon from whatever the material it's in and i have it in sems with in the grain boundaries and then it on it then has a geodesic structure and on the faces of the geode it starts forming the little ball lightning and you can see that it's eaten that g that that faces hemisphere like you saw in the big electrode is eating it out and that builds up again and collapses down and you end up with as it gets bigger and bigger you get more carbon forming the ratio and they're normally about one to two micron thickness and uh um and not zata lepin uh the other guy that runs the russian uh meetings climb off he says i don't know why i got all these hollow balls in my reactor this is why you can we can show it and um i will show you one thing and then we call it a day i'm sorry i can't walk you through how they build but this is in hho gas uh and you can this is this is oxyhydrogen gas hha this is hho but as i said it forms the ball lightning on the fly by synthesizing the the anyway so you can see here these layers and it's this diamond structure and this is where another ball lightning has come in and consumed some of it so they're multi-layer structure so it builds in layers okay and uh just just as an aside i i think i'm writing saying but there's definitely something similar this is another one this is another one and this is a structure this is a structure from the chalebinsk meteorite exactly the same as you can produce with hho yes so you want to say that the object is this is what i'm saying what you get out of lena is carbon mostly and it but when it's traveling if it goes into a material it's a co it doesn't matter what the material is so if i can show you some sems i can show you the growing process and so eating copper and then all that gets left is a shell that's one micron thick uh one to two microns thick which is geodesic but it's it the pure copper has now become a lot of carbon or more carbon than nothing i mean there's so many people that have independently observed this thing you're brown in the 1970s and 80s well i think i i gave the phrases of the people that after 30 years of research that was their summary and it's very cheap and you can do it yeah okay because like this of course well this is the thing um but like i said yesterday the the uh military guys they had no idea and they they fought it for years where was the carbon coming from they they couldn't explain it and um what what what i showed you yesterday was uh alpha conjugate nuclei uh um from fluorine in the fluorine and on the titanium i showed you alpha conjugate nuclei from the titanium and it's pure titanium and it's pure well it was pure uh um uh polytetrafluoroethylene which is just carbon so i believe it's captured the carbon and it lays down alpha particle conjugate nuclei until it's run out of the payload of the original nuclei that it captured and then it starts laying down carbon and that's exactly what you see you see a cone and then you can see a rod exactly what solin showed in 1992. we observe exactly the same phenomena and because it's coherent and because it's neutral it can go into other materials and create a broad range of alpha conjugate nuclei in there and he can also fish in the material because if it's active it's excited it can capture the material in yes and i i recommend you review shoulders work um it's a good 33 years worth of work um and the patterns are impeccable uh the book we have we managed to kind of get it out of the black world and and get released and so a couple of years ago it became public access well what they're saying is that the binding energy is much higher than any other nuclei and because of that it's able to do this action now in i can show you a micrograph where where the the electric electrical fluid condensate has come uh it produces bands exactly of the type that are in this the solen patent where you have these alternate bands and it's polarized the material it's polarized it one way and then the other way and then the other very way pictures of course but the point is if you want to explain it you know imagine this law so what you can use or you can produce is electric uh electronics or electronic excitation plasma or something like this okay there's i agree with that it's just enough energy to do it and then you of course the interaction with meta is so strong because of electron volume coupling or something very similar but you can remove even a large part of the matter from the heated center there is energy now for that there is a kind of collected is the same kind of collective effect okay so this is something very nice very impressive and i think there's not so easy to explain no i mean that's why i wanted to get as many eyes on it as possible because no no one knew what these things were i will be in holland in a couple of weeks the pictures are very impressive of course and to see some objects flying moving and they are macroscopic already okay so just something and they are exactly equivalent to natural ball lightning seen on the tens of meters of scale the same wave structures which is also important you have some natural structure you know dna this and why do you think that is do you think it might be because of this do you think dna might be that shape because of this because one researcher has argued precisely that and that's leclaire the guy that nearly killed himself with cavitation the guy that produced so much strange radiation from from his cavitator which he called water crystals because they're extremely hard he found them embedded into the tree outside his lab and and in materials around his lab and as i told you very briefly earlier um david hudson in the 1980s he was trying to find out what his monatomic gold was and he had a thumb-sized uh tungsten electrode and he went down and instantaneously the entire tungsten electrode disappeared and the glass around his lab outside of this steel chamber which the the arc furnace was in the glass was made brittle and the wiring sheath was affected he did it again he thought well that's not very good i paid a lot of money to use this equipment and it failed on the first shot so he tried it again and it happened again and he thought because of what was going on in the lab he didn't want to do it again and the same thing has happened to the sapphire group they had a lanyard probe i think it cost eleven thousand dollars and you can see it on the camera you can see it it instantaneously disappears like in between it's a high-speed camera and it's like there and then it is not and what it does is it goes into the center of a double layer exactly what you're the observing first steps and then you have next steps that will be stronger and stronger well the argument is that the monopole will just uh cause the collapse of matter right another thing told us they ran such a small experiment and outside the glass box very good they put just uh yes it is wide distance outside when when vysotsky was working with adamenko in proton 21 labs they used a metal dielectric semiconductor with an oil film on the front and they had it along the side outside the reactor and they were getting the tracks in there so it was going through the reactor you know and so i i i was so keen for you to listen because if you're going to get excess heat you're going to put yourself at of risk this kind of effects can explain foreign well for me the transmutation is the nuclear products i'm not looking for things that this doesn't do so with leclair and cavitation you can get much more complicated very simple products neutrons protons well in the case in the case of cr39 this full sea offered if you have very complicated objects you cannot say anything shoulders were saying that the the spawa group that they've got their thing published in whatever it is that they um are seeing triple tracks on cr-39 and he tried to tell them for decades that it's useless because when you have is muhammad come to the mountain or the mountain come to muhammad if you have a carbon condensate going into cr39 you're going to see triple traps by the bucket load but it's not a neutron it's disappointing and this is what's so disappointing that paper got peer reviewed and published and you know what they didn't use indium and they didn't use gold well they should use indium for neutron activation you should present explanatory results but that's very easy i i can tell you how to do it right and you'll say that so you do cavitation and have at it but it's gonna so one hour using a cavitator leclair produced tr all the transuranics and they fish in and you produce all the normal stuff you get from fishing you're gonna see neutrons if you push this too far this this will probably push because there's so many light nuclei it won't you get neutrons in this reaction from one principle reaction and this is what piantelli invited us in 2015 to his lab it's the one that he believes caused the neutrons and it was this when you get protons coming out at a fast speed and they interact with vanadium 50 in steel if you choose a steel that has vanadium in it it produces a neutron but i'm talking about the neutron get get yourself some vanadium 50 pure and knock yourself out because that was exactly what we were told not to do necessary to show statistics to show the energy of the neutrons emitted and then we can say something about mechanics about origin of the objective well so he says i think it's 6.7 mega electron volts on the proton that comes out and then that interacts with the vanadium 50 and it produces to the chromium 50 isotope i think and uh is it chromium 6.7 mev because it traveled eight point something centimeters in the cloud chamber yeah well it's all published it's much more important well i know but i've i've read all of that work so for me it's like in in my past this is something no one's ever published so this is why i'm interested in showing new stuff i mean i can tell you that those kind of you should cases to the elementary effects simple things first well i i i think the the titanium the high purity titanium sheet with the the um ptfe which is just carbon which is the fuel for this stuff it loves carbon that's what's in the plasma flow discharge that's what's in the energy hhj we have no branching ratios and some because there's something what we need to if you want to explain something okay otherwise you have all possible effects and no explanation well i mean i shoulders i think that he put it that that um it's so efficient at transmutation that as something's passing through something else it'll be transmuting it to other elements and back again so transportation is not uh i think unapproved so this uh completely different situation because there are so many let's say are you trying to go sorry that's right thank you for be at least listening of such things you know that's all that's enough for tonight uh the other point is that transportation is much more complicated but or fewer for the moment perfusion is enough headache before entering the field of transmutation yeah the d reaction is very simple but then you're expecting to see neutrons and you're not going to see them because you're looking for something that he doesn't do because they will be the type of neutrons that come from an extended reaction number 100 and for instance [Music] but this is very important information if you want to explain it you know what is the branching ratio at high energies kb and edges it is measured very precise and we know that we should think about some mechanisms that we should explain changing the ranging ratio at very low ranges okay you can think about different mechanisms which can do it yeah but it's just information you need this very simple information and then if you can explain it no problem okay now don't forget he's talking about constitution i know but it's crazy what you know the binding energy of the nickel or iron isotopes is the largest and you know what it just eats it for breakfast it doesn't care about those things it doesn't i've seen so many systems now it's i i know it's difficult to come to terms with and it was for me [Music] so if if you have protons or hydrogen with the metals then under mechanical stress you can produce high voltage because electrostatics and that's what shoulder says produces evos when when they if you crack you have protons of several mega electron volts you can produce some some directions so in in 2001 uh in 2001 um matsumoto a linear accelerator conference proposed producing itons on a linux by accelerating and bunching protons and bunching electrons into them and he said that would just produce them and so you you you're trying to um i mean the the difficulty even was for matsumoto it took him 12 years of his life and almost all of the remaining research time to accept this wasn't the two body effect because he was seeing vast quantities of nuclei transmuting simultaneously it's not new it happens in nature we've been seeing it for thousands of years physics but they can't explain it but it happens we have to go step by step yeah yeah i know so and another mechanism that can produce neutrons is just due to stripping reactions [Music] but the probability for this kind of tracks is not so high and therefore for what effect what the probabilities of to observe this kind of fact with this cross sections you know it's not enough to say that something is possible but as i said before you should compare the numbers may i come back in a few minutes yeah because the easiest way to do would be to put the presentations after the presentation yes just not the movie yeah yeah yeah yeah but just the slides of today yes yes yes i can't do it on this one and i need to get an adapter but i have under them i i i need the fine one no so thank you thank you yeah thank you it's a pleasure very nice meeting you and we're not too far away you know uh it's a lot of things to wrap your head around yeah i know it's 11 years of 10 years of a lot more than a full-time job so i am back him yeah the point is you have yours you want me to sit on it thank you thank you thank you have a safe journey back