if vaccines are harmless why does this even exist Hmmmmm?
Vaccine Damage PaymentSkip to contents of guide
If you’re severely disabled as a result of a vaccination against certain diseases, you could get a one-off tax-free payment of £120,000. This is called a Vaccine Damage Payment.
You can also apply for this payment on behalf of someone who has died after becoming severely disabled because of certain vaccinations. You need to be managing their estate to apply.
Effect on benefits you receive
A Vaccine Damage Payment can affect benefits and entitlements like:
Income Support
Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
Working Tax Credit
Child Tax Credit
Universal Credit
Pension Credit
Housing Benefit
Employment and Support Allowance
The effect the payment will have depends on a number of things. This includes the payment being put into a trust and the payments being made from it.
If you get a Vaccine Damage Payment, tell the office that deals with your benefit or tax credit claim. You can get contact details from letters they have sent you.